Carload of jw's shunned us today...and it was priceless!!!

by winnie 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • MidwichCuckoo

    In the words of Alan Partridge....'Back of the NET!'

  • Odrade

    Funny how a JW can spend months cultivating interest and a "friendly relationship" with an RV, and in less than 2 minutes an xjw can explain why it's all a funhouse mirror. Good job!

  • AlmostAtheist

    Well-played! I also would love to hear the next conversation with the shopkeep and the JW. Will she apply Theocratic Strategy lie about the practice? Or fess up, but explain how it's really in your best interests? Or go a step further and try to explain that this is how Jesus wants it?

    Ought to be fun...

    Good job!


  • daniel-p
    In it was 3 out of the 5 local elders, and 1 of their wives

    LOL! This is how elders love to preach - with a pioneer sister with lots of "magazine route" calls. There's no better way for 4 elders to spend the morning preaching than all in the same car!

  • BFD
    synchronised shunning,

    I never thought I would ever laugh when the subject is shunning! Holy crap that's funny!!!



  • MadTiger

    LMAO at synchronized shunning.

    "Oh, my God! Look at that! A perfect Aposta-dis!"

  • Sunspot

    I LOVE hearing stories like this! Your timing was super to show up the "friendliness" of JWs!

    Last Wednesday evening there was a scheduled (every six months) Auction up the road that several JWs always attend and I always feel awkward and uncomfortable when they come in. They always sit in the last few rows so I am in front of them....and it creeps me out. I feel that everything I say or do or bidding on---is being scrutinized and snickered about. Hubby wanted to go.....and I spent three days silently rehearsing something I would say if I heard anything said or whispered about me.

    I had also decided to speak and say hello if one of them crossed my path in the restroom or at the snack counter....and if they pulled the usual "look at me as if I was something on the bottom of their shoe".......I would say to any surrounding ears....that THIS is how the smiing and polite JWs ACT when you decide you don't want to BE one any more....oor don't share their beliefs any longer, etc....I had a few sayings up my sleeve...

    but Hubby decided not to go that afternoon when we saw the type of goods they were auctioning off later that night....nothing that would interest I'll have to wait....and re-psyche myself all over again for the next time around, LOL!

    Basically, I need to show the unsuspecting potential "householders" that those warm, friendly and chatty JW folks trying to push magazines at them----have a whole other SIDE to those who "took the bait" but wanted off the hook now.....and how quickly the fangs come out.

  • winnie
    the owner of the newsstand will most likely still take the mag's just to keep the customer

    She did say that the only reason she gets the mags is that she happenned to find S*** mobile phone!

    I suppose this is their warped idea of a thank you! Endless monthly visits with useless magazines!

  • sf

    BIG thumbs up winnie.

    Way to Activate.


  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?

    Good for you, Winnie, I can never agree with the shunning practices.

    Dedpoet, LOL, good one. Say hi to Linda for me and give her my best!


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