Conversation with a JW

by VanillaMocha73 51 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • carla

    But, why ask them to a person that is studying and then post the unsuspecting persons comments on here for fodder?--- I think it is a wonderful example of a somewhat typical jw. I think this jw was even more polite than most. A good example for all lurkers out there. Good job!

    why ask them to a person that is studying ---- What better time?! Maybe they would have to use their very own brains instead of regurgitating the wt's. Afraid its too late for this one though, she is already gone.

  • undercover

    Yea, it is kind of a waste of time. But, I've had these type of conversations and correspondances as well. But, maybe something said will stick in their brain and later, maybe months or years later, something happens that triggers the remembrance of what was said and causes them to think, doubt or question things...maybe.

    I had one JW who responded to something that I posted to on a news site. I had said in the course of my post that JWs believe in an imminent Armageddon where all wicked will be destroyed and only JWs will survive. We went back and forth a few times, debating certain points...I was trying to be the non-agressor and trying to let him know that I didn't "hate" JWs and that I felt they had the right to believe as they wish, but I was just trying to point out that they have some strange end times beliefs that need to be researched before anyone gets too involved with them. This guy ended up accusing me of slander and libel because of my statements over the Armageddon thing. I lost my patience with him at that point and quoted several Watchtowers and other publications that came right out and said that only JWs would survive Armageddon and I asked him to explain how I was slanderous when all I did was repeat what the Society themselves claim. He never replied after that.

    So, as already stated, JWs will argue and debate until a nerve gets hit and they can't rationalize their position. It's kind of like Captain Kirk using logic ( I guess he learned it from Spock) to confuse a dangerous over-analytical, logical probe bent on destroying all imperfection. Kirk overloaded its circuits with its own logic and it ended up shutting down and self-destructing. JWs do the same thing...they just shut down when overloaded. They just don't go around saying "" before self destructing though.


    I'm a JW and I'm a free thinker. I choose to think most of you would rather believe that every JW should know everything about every subject. The reality is, we don't. Of course, how couldn't we if "We are enlightened by Jehovah!" (insert melodious tone here). I could just see your type back in Jesus day.

    You: "Hey Martha, I just heard Jesus talking about eating His flesh and drinking His blood! What did Jesus mean?

    Martha: "Ummm...I don't know. He said that?"

    You: "Ah Ha! Martha you're being duped and you just don't know it! I mean, if we were to eat Jesus body and drink His blood we would have to kill him first and he was just telling us 'thou shalt not kill' and if we eat him alive we wouldn't be 'doing unto others as we'd want them to do unto us' so which way is it? That Jesus dude has no idea what he's talking about. He confuses himself! Now, the Pharisees, they make everything so simple and easy. Moreover, you don't have to follow no man! 'Give up my belongings and go following Him? Bah! The Talmud is all we need!

    I'll leave you "high minded ones" to have your honor in full.

  • kifoy

    Beroean said: "I choose to think most of you would rather believe that every JW should know everything about every subject. The reality is, we don't."


    There's a huge difference between: "I'm sorry, but I haven't got the answer to that question now. Let me check it out for you" and
    "I will NOT answer your question. You're insulting me and attempting to weaken my faith! You're beein disrespectful!"

    My husband was met with that accusation from two sisters that came to our door one day. He said quietly and respectfully that that his in-laws is JW's, and that he had read the Watchtower (and they of course asked him what he thought about them), but was troubled with all the "quote errors" he had found. They became sooo rude! And they straight away accused him for not beeing respectful!

    I was listening to this from the living room, and was deeply shocked at their behaviour. Even my parents found it a bit strange...


  • BizzyBee
    I'm a JW and I'm a free thinker.

    Impossible. It is a lie, wrapped inside a contradiction, wrapped in a paradox, wrapped inside a fabrication, wrapped in an enigma. With all due respect.



    If i'm not, why am I talking to you? Of course, in your world, people like me can't exist. Because if we did, that would mean an intelligent, rational, free thinking person used his free will and chose to become a JW. Oh my! That can't be! Someone actually looks at JW as a whole, weighs the good vs. bad and finds the positives exceed the negatives to the point of dedication and baptism? Lunacy! You probably have more respect for those belonging to a "mainstream religion" (lutheran, baptist, catholic, ect.). The sheer size of these religions makes them "seem" normal. Sort of how the eastern world views Islam. But, the hysteria comes in when a Muslim American boards a plane in Dallas/Ft. Worth or an American woman walks in downtown Tehran without a head covering.

  • TopHat

    I'm a JW and I'm a free thinker. I choose to think most of you would rather believe that every JW should know everything about every subject. The reality is, we don't. Of course, how couldn't we if "We are enlightened by Jehovah!" (insert melodious tone here). I could just see your type back in Jesus day.

    BO, Only the Governing Body CAN be ENLIGHTENED by Jehovah...didn't you know that?

    JWs as in Rank and File, are DRONES of the Watchtower publications. That is not to say they are bad people...on the contrary they are seeking to find the true God....but they are mislead by a religion that LIES to them.

  • Who are you?
    Who are you?

    I'm a JW and I'm a free thinker. I choose to think most of you would rather believe that every JW should know everything about every subject. The reality is, we don't. Of course, how couldn't we if "We are enlightened by Jehovah!" (insert melodious tone here). I could just see your type back in Jesus day.

    You: "Hey Martha, I just heard Jesus talking about eating His flesh and drinking His blood! What did Jesus mean?

    Martha: "Ummm...I don't know. He said that?"

    You: "Ah Ha! Martha you're being duped and you just don't know it! I mean, if we were to eat Jesus body and drink His blood we would have to kill him first and he was just telling us 'thou shalt not kill' and if we eat him alive we wouldn't be 'doing unto others as we'd want them to do unto us' so which way is it? That Jesus dude has no idea what he's talking about. He confuses himself! Now, the Pharisees, they make everything so simple and easy. Moreover, you don't have to follow no man! 'Give up my belongings and go following Him? Bah! The Talmud is all we need!

    I'll leave you "high minded ones" to have your honor in full. have 15-25 years in the organization...the combined # of years of people on this board = tens of thousands. Sometimes in life we get caught up in the minutia and miss the big picture. The big picture is that your religion claims to be God's channel. If an individual claimed to be God or God's channel he would be committed to a mental health institution. Religions don't get committed to mental health rehabilitation, though they probably should. Saying that you are God's channel is completely delusional. You can point your finger at other religions or make fun of ex-JW's but none of it changes the fact that the WTS are a delusional group of fluffernutters.

    You speak of leaving you "high minded ones", but tell me is there anything more delusional and high minded than claiming to be God's channel? No.... thats the granddaddy of delusion.

  • Amber Rose
    Amber Rose

    Borean said:

    I choose to think most of you would rather believe that every JW should know everything about every subject. The reality is, we don't. Of course, how couldn't we if "We are enlightened by Jehovah!"

    OK, you admit that you don't know everything. Thats fine you don't have to know everything. The problem is the attitude that "everybodyelse is wrong, so that makes us less un-right than anybody else". If you don't know everything maybe somebody has the answers that you don't. For JWs there is only one right answer and only one place to look for information, and that is the Watchtower Library, the only publications not contaminated by Satan.

  • greendawn

    They have completely misunderstood how the early church treated sinners. To begin with disagreeing with everything the leaders taught was not considered a sin let alone a disfellowshipping sin. Then those that did commit transgressions were not totally shunned as the JWs would have us believe but were kept from having intimate contact with the rest of the christians. Finally the list of excommunication transgressions was much shorter than the JW one. Significantly they also use DFing as a means to suppress freedom of speech.

    Their intention is apparently one of hatred and aims to totally crash the DFed person by suddenly and totally cutting them off from their support network of family and friends. Far from being christian this is a very vicious and satanic policy that refers us back to the fanaticism of the middle ages. Christian love it certainly isn't.

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