by FireNBandits 30 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Terry

    Imagine two men standing on a street corner waiting for the light to change. Imagine a child running out into the street in front of an oncoming bus. Imagine that one of the two men rushes out and grabs the child and rescues them from certain death.

    Got all that?

    1.Which of the two men standing on the corner are more important to you as a parent and a citizen and to the child?

    2.Do you care what the heroic man ate for breakfast or if he prefers plaid socks? Do you care if he stutters or flunked his SAT's?

    What is my point?

    The nature of God is a practical matter.

    If we are going to die and only God can rescue us, then; end of story. We survive in terms of this rescue/hero God whether he wears plaid socks or has multiple personality disorder.

    In for a penny; in for a pound.

    What theology seems to do is take the focus away from the child's rescue at the hands of an heroic actor and places the importance on the personality of the actor.

    In my world, I think we are all children running into traffic constantly. If we expect to be rescued we are in big trouble. But, if it does happen...I don't think it should matter very much what the nature of our rescuer is. Just get ready to thank him!

    Religion makes it very complicated! Christianity seems to make it the child's duty to understand the identity of the rescuer and to serve him. Others have the rescuer throwing the child in front of the bus and then rescuing him in order to BE heroic and deserving of praise and such.

    What a silly waste of mental effort!

  • bigdreaux

    mad jw wrote "church fathers were already leaving christ's teachings behind, giving themselves special titles and garb" hmmm, can anyone else think who this sound like?

  • bigdreaux

    terry, that was very well thought out and very well put. lol your like jesus using illustrations to make it easier to understand. haha great job.

  • Terry
    terry, that was very well thought out and very well put. lol your like jesus using illustrations to make it easier to understand. haha great job.

    It's a tough job, but; somebody has to do it! Thanks.

  • bigdreaux

    mad, you yourself said it. why listen to the ramblings of your enemies. soooooooooo what the hell are you on here for. although we are not your enemy, i'm sure you see us as such. can you clarify?

  • FireNBandits

    Hi Needproof. I'm a thoroughgoing Mythicist, and a friend of Acharya S, the author of Suns of God; Krishna, Buddha, and Christ Unveiled, as well as The Christ Copnspiracy. Methinks you missed the point of the post too, I said I'm not a Trinitarian, but that I was merely giving folks a new way to conceive how such a thing could be possible. -Martin

  • FireNBandits

    Yeah Big, he's apparently none too bright. He must be a GB spy or else why would be be hanging with a bunch of apostates?

  • FireNBandits

    Mad Christian...You missed the point othe post. That's kinda...sad. If you recall (if you don't recall, just re-read the first sentence) I said I'm not a Trinitarian. I also said I consider the whole thing to be mythology. My purpose was to help folks open their poorly operating minds...yours comes to mind...and demonstrate how one Being could be manifest as three persons yet really be only one person. Please quote your Bible to someone else, I really don't care. Or, better yet, ignore my posts unless you're going to try to actually UNDERSTAND them rather than scurry along looking for some rerason to quote a bible verse at someone.

  • FireNBandits

    Hi Terry. That's an interesting post, but utterly unrelated to the purpose of my post, which was merely to show that one can indeed imagine how one Being can manifest as three persons yet remain only One. That's all. You're using my post to sprinboard into something else entirely unrelated. I probably agree with you, but that doesn't make your post relevant to my thread. Thanks. -Martin

  • FireNBandits

    Hello all: Each of you has your own pet agenda. This post isn't the place for it. Start your own thread to disucss your pet agenda. Thanks. This post was simply a mental exercise to imagine how one being can be three persons, nothing more than that. Folks, I just post here to have some fun before facing the world again, not to save the world.

    Well, I'm going outisde now to do something utterly pointless. Play some baseball with my nephew.

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