If you are dissasosiated............

by Heather 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Heather

    do the elders have to reinstate you if you start going back to meetings. I was told a while back that you would be treated as a person on reproff with all restrictions but now i'm hearing that If I go back I will have to wait to be reinstated.....this is such bullsh**. I really don't want to go back...But my grandmother just passed away last week and I went to the service(it was at the KH) and was able to see my family that for 4 years now has bearly talked to me...and I go to see my 2 beautiful nieces...whom I would love to have a relationship with.....so I started thinking maybe I could go to a few meetings to be able to have something to do with them.....Well I went today....I was so upset earlier that i went and smoked a bit to calm me down...heeeeeeee .....So anyway....i was soo irritated and bored all the f-ing answers that some of them come up with....i guess I just keep thinking about the other side...They really do think that those of us on the outside are miserable......i was more miserable today then I have been in years just sitting there trying to pretend. I had bought a dress for the funeral service and it was the only dress i had that was apropriate.....although the frumpy sister next to me kept looking at my legs and heels.......maybe I shouldn't have worn RED :) .................okay i'm trailing on here.................i've recieved lots of good advice here before so if you can help with my question....please do

  • Vinny

    Unfortunately it is true, you would have to go back through the six months (minimum) requirement of meetings etc to simply "qualify" for possible reinstatement. I disassociated just over a year ago, and was an elder, so have been there. You atre no different than if you were disfellowshipped. If you had just faded away rather than DA then there would be no problems at all getting back in, since you would have never left, in their eyes. Sorry, but this is how it has always worked. At least since 1980 anyway. vinny

  • free2beme

    It is the same as disfellowshiping in procedure, only you asked for it, rather then being a victim of elder judgement.

  • need i remind you
    need i remind you

    Heather, I unfortunately agree with what Vinny says. If you choose to disassociate, then you are assumed to have gone back into a sinful wordly lifestyle with full force. You are treated as though you were disfellowshipped. If you weren't baptised, fell away and came back, you are looked apon with doubt and expected to work harder to prove yourself. To me, that's BS but that's how it works. I recently shut them down because they tried that "slow" routine on me which ticked me off. See my thread entitled "Too Slow So I Shut Down The Show". I know their doctrines backwards forwards- lock, stock, and two smoking barrels. I agreed with alot of it. I should have gotten a pat on the back for coming back. Instead, some of them, not all, treated me as though I was "up for reinstatements". Yet, I was never baptized! They were dragging their heels with me so I let them know not do dick around with my patience. Take care and email me if you need to talk or something. Thanks. NIRY

  • Heather

    Then what about the whole prodigal son scripture.......He left on his own and came back on his own and was welcomed......does this scripture not apply. Does anyone out there have any other good advice.....this really sucks and I don't know how long i can do this. They want to met with me and gave me the option of meeting here(my house) or there. they didn't say anything to me about not talking to anyone at the hall and I actually had an elder itroduce me to a few sisters......I guess I'm confused....blahhhhh

  • minimus

    The elder should not have introduced you to the sisters. Just like he wouldn't to a disfellowshipped person. Do you miss your family so much that you feel you must get reinstated? That's your decision. I don't think I could be a hypocrite (again).

  • dedpoet

    If you really want to go back, they will possibly allow it, but they will make
    you wait for at least 6 months, and probably longer. They will certainly ask you
    why you chose to disassociate, and you would probably have to study with a
    sister who, in their eyes, is spiritually mature while you were waiting. They
    will expect you to attend meetings at the kingdom hall regularly, and sit at the
    back, during which time you will be shunned by the rest of the congregation.
    If you are eventually reinstated, you will still most likely be restricted for a while,
    and still viewed with suspicion by many of the members for months or even
    years after your reinstatement.

    If you are desperate enough to get back to be able to tolerate that kind of
    treatment, then I wish you well. I disassociated myself, and wouldn't set
    foot in a kh ever again. I'd rather have my teeth pulled without the use of
    anaesthetic than give those charlatans the satisfaction of seeing me there.

  • Hoping4Change

    The prodigal son scrpture is conveniently forgotten during the reinstatement process. I've witnessed it first hand (along with other wt nonsensical atrocities), all in the sake of 'unity' and elders 'judging' a DA person 'not ready' who feels that going back is the right thing to do.this someone has been working on reinstatement (from a disassociation from a few years ago)for over a year, has been vigilant, honest and devoted to the attempt, who was invited back only to be denied. I've cringed and cried as i have watched the pain this person is going through. why is this person doing it some may ask? more than anything else, it is the family thing. The inhumane treatment by other family members, which I have witnessed as well finally took its toll. I have watched from the sidelines as all the 'stuff' i had learned from apostate literature and internet sources became stark reality in front of my eyes. Every evil and accusation claimed on this board (and elsewhere) against this organization I have watched silently unfold as reality.ughhh...i've probably said too much already,,,i need to go cry, just thinking of this nightmare.

  • GoingGoingGone

    When you say you're dissasociated, do you mean that you wrote a letter saying that you didn't want to be a JW anymore, and gave it to the elders? Did they announce from the platform that "Heather is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses"?

    If they did, then it's the same as if you were disfellowshipped. If not, then you might just be considered "inactive", and you can just start going to meetings again and everyone can talk to you.


  • Heather

    Yes I wrote a letter...a few years back disassoisiating myself.....wether they annouced it....i don't know...I wasn't there. I don't want to go back...it makes me sick to my stomache.....i just want to be able to talk to my nieces....i guess i'll have to see what i have to go through....yuk

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