Bee Population

by onlycurious 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    We have a "bumble bee" on this forum..

  • purplesofa

    Harvesting Royal Jelly

    ROYAL JELLY is secreted from the hypopharyngeal glands located on either side of the head of a bee. Nurse bees, between the ages of five and fifteen days, are the only ones able to secret this substance used to feed larvae and the queen.

    Royal jelly is a thick, creamy substance synthesized in the body of the bee during the digestion of bee pollen. Because it is eventually secreted from glands of the bee, royal jelly contains high levels of hormones and proteins. It also contains lipids, minerals, vitamins (A, C, E, and B), twenty amino acids, fatty acids, sugars, sterols, phosphorus, acetylcholine, nucleic acids (RNA/DNA), gelatin, gamma globulin, decanoic acid (an anti-bacterial and anti-fungal component), and other yet unidentified components.

    It is the royal jelly that make the queen bee. She is made, not born. The eggs laid are all the same. The only difference is that one is singled out to be a queen and is exclusively fed the royal jelly all of its life. The other larvae only receive the substance for the first three days of their existence.

    Stories have emerged out of several European countries where royal jelly was prescribed by opthamologists. Evidentally, fuzzy eyesight was made clearer after consuming it for several weeks.

    Careful testing has revealed that royal jelly that is twenty-four hours old is four times more biologically active than royal jelly forty-eight hours old. The kind fed to the queen is never more than twenty-four hours old; and she lives forty times longer than the worker bees. Since it deteriorates so rapidly, the royal jelly must be freeze-dried as quickly as possible after harvesting. Unless labels state that it has been freeze-dried, it is likely that a substandard product is being purchased. Since it is very expensive, it is wise to get the most for your money.

    The harvesting may explain why royal jelly is expensive. Collection is very involved. The queen bee is removed from the hive. Since the colony cannot live very long without a queen, the colony frantically tries to rear another. The beekeeper will then cut away the walls of the queen larvae cells and collect the jelly. As this method is not very efficient or acceptable, most beekeepers have adopted another method. Large harvests involve mass production of queens. Young worker larvae, eight to twenty-four hours old, are taken out of their brood cells and transferred to queen cells. These are much bigger and easier for the beekeeper to remove. Each of these cells is primed with a bit of royal jelly. Nurse bees begin feeding the larvae with the royal jelly they secrete. By the end of the third day, each queen cell will contain the maximum amount of royal jelly possible. The frames are then removed and the cells cut down. The larvae are removed and discarded, and the royal jelly extracted. To produce one pound of royal jelly, it requires the lives of 1000 bees.

  • Crumpet
    it is becoming evident that we are facing the catastophies the Bible has predicted. Man is in serious trouble.

    The bible predicted a decline in bees - wow I missed that section. And it mentioned climate change too? They must have ripped those bits out of my bible!

    I am with Gill - I think it is a good time to lose 95% of the earths population. I don't understand why so many humans constinue to breed when the long term prognosis for survival of those kids isnt very good.

    Crumpet of the voluntary human extinction society

    Phasing out the human race by voluntarily ceasing to breed will allow Earth's biosphere to return to good health. Crowded conditions and resource shortages will improve as we become less dense.

    I am doing my bits for planet earth by not increasing the population and not driving a car. I think the earth is worth a lot more than spawn of the crumpet.

  • TD
    Any input?

    There are close to 20,000 different distinct bee species. The Western honey bee, composed of about 10 different subspecies, is one of them.

    The Western honey bee is not native to North America, South America, Africa and Asia.

    The Western honey bee is not needed for pollination of indigenous flora in regions that it is not native to.

    The Western honey bee today is for all intents and purposes, a domestic animal

    Sharp, inexplicable declines in North American domesticated bee population are not new. These events date back to the 1800's

    The Western honey bee does pollinate a number of agricultural crops. Many of these can be pollinated by other species of bees.

    Even if these crops could not be pollinated and were to vanish from our tables, this does not mean that other crops would not be grown and we would starve.

    It is doubtful that Einstein ever made the dire, "Bee quotation." The "quote" first appeared nearly 40 years after his death and there is no original source.

  • rebel8

    Ditto everything Crumpet said.

    And population control rocks too.

  • jaguarbass

    Einstein said when the bees disappear man will be gone in 4 years.

    Maybe the end of the world is comming, but I doubt the watertower is Gods spokesman. Why would he give them a bad light bulb?

    Maybe that's just the way he is. He likes to screw with people. To test their love. But if he is God ,he already knows who loves him and who will pass the test.

    Very confusing stuff.

    If I were the Watertower Bookselling corporation I would use the vanishing bees in my next sales person recruitment campaign.

  • BluesBrother
    In 4 years food will be scarce.

    I have seen too many predictions for the future that have failed to come true. When I was a kid, everyone expected science to solve everything, control the weather, give us all accessible space flight etc etc... Not happened. Later on the mood changed and ecology was threatened and food running out.[remember "Famine 1975" ?]. Not happened. The Aids HIV was forecast to decimate the population, not happened.

    So excuse me for a dose of skepticism . I have seen too many cases of "The little boy who cried wolf"

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?

    I have no input, but interesting discussion!

  • jaguarbass

    The world leaders in their subsecret organizations have a plan to reduce the worlds population to 500 million. There are now many tunnels and dwellings dug under Washington so the worlds leaders can survive the comming catastrophe which they are orchestrating. These leaders also gave us the bible and they are pleased that we are all fulfilling or participating in the fulfilment of its prophecy.

    If you want to survive head for the mountains and lay up some provisions. Or if you want to live in the city you could look into joining the skull and bones Occult society that the Bushes and John Kerry belong to. The book Children of the Matrix by David Icke has some insite into the world situations.Most of us probably could not join the skull and bones, as I believe you have to be an alumni of Yale university. Since I was busy going to meetings when I was 18, anticipating 1975, I conveniently forgot to go to college.

    If the Skull and Bones is out, maybe you can crash the gate at bohemian grove and get a pass to survive the coming calamity.

    I don't know what's going on but my curiosity causes me to investigate theories. At this point in life curiosity keeps me alive as I am done breeding. So I am just hanging around sucking up airconditioning to see what is around the next corner.

    Maybe the JW's are right and God is screwing us free thinkeres with his funky light bulb for shits and giggles.

    The Skull and Bones organization that the Bushies and Kerry belong to is very demonic, and our good friiend Sadam Hussein called Bush a Devil. Go figure. He probably new something.

    Back to the Bees I would bet my lunch money that the disappearing bees is the work of the secret world government as well as aids, poison dog food, etc, etc. Our owners want to reduce the worlds population and when there time is right, they will start blowing off atomic bombs in the US and throughout the world fire up their epedemics and plagues retreat to their underground shelter until the coast is clear. Then reprogram the bees, deprogram aids and biologically reenginer their famines and plagues.

    My wife says I need to go back on my antidepressents. Then this would all make me happy.

    On an opptimistic note maybe the dissappearing bees are part of a David Copperfield illusion.

  • rebel8

    I am very concerned about this and all environmental issues, but here are a few thoughts I had.

    Einstein's specialty had nothing to do with insects, farming, etc., so I'm not sure we should even think it is true.

    If you search far and wide about that quote, it is attributed to him but there is no record he actually said it. Some say it is hard to imagine why he would have made the comment because it had nothing to do with his area of expertise.

    Also, (sadly) the bee population has been declining for at least 20 years, so I am not ready to sound the alarm that we will all be starving in 4 years.

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