Cicuit Overseer and District Overseer came looking for me today............

by RULES & REGULATIONS 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • avidbiblereader

    Tell them that you will be more than glad to discuss anything if they can answer 1 Thess 4:11-12

    11 and to make it YOUR aim to live quietly and to mind YOUR own business and work with YOUR hands, just as we ordered YOU ; 12 so that YOU may be walking decently as regards people outside and not be needing anything.

    Why are they here bothering you? Why did Paul say that we should all work with our own hands to provide for ourselves and family but they are taken care of by the Society off others contributions? Because, according to Paul, they are not walking decently in doing either one.

    If they can answer both without Society literture, they are welcome to discuss anything on their minds.


  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    What good is it to quote a scripture? All they have to say is what you are taking as literal..was not meant literal by the author! And there you go! What you going to say in response to that?

    The only way you can use the Bible to defeat to be recognized as the Author of it..............otherwise they will just continue twist away to fit their adgendas and guesses with no authority present to dispute....

    Waste of time imo.

    My idea of combatting them is to have them fearing and running from me and the few things I can prove on them....Not me running like a scared little bitch from them and their pathetic guesses.

    I want to someday perfect my attack upon their guesses to where I simply have to say a simple sentence to get them beating feet in retreat...

    That would be my defintion of "success" and "happiness".

  • Scully
    Sheesh! Why can't i think up stuff like that.

    You obviously didn't grow up in the same congregation as me. I learned that little trick from the Presiding Overseer. I also learned another trick from one of the "ethnic" Sisters™: Serve curry at a dinner party. Save a little for your intended victim on a separate plate, and douse it with cayenne pepper. Smile sweetly and tell your victim that you made this dish special just for them.

    Mr Scully has learned the hard way that he should NEVER EVER piss me off.

  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    I like your style Scully!

    I have much respect for anyone who can use their minds to come up with imaginative ways to entertain while dealing with opposers!

    You go girl...mak'em laugh and cry at the same time!

  • Scully

    Oh, and another practical joke that was carried out at the Kingdom Hall: an older Sister™ - very proper and no-nonsense - became irritated with one of the Elders™ and decided to teach him a lesson. During the meeting, she excused herself to the ladies room, and very quietly snuck into the coat room instead. She found the Elder's coat and stitched the sleeve openings together, so that when he went to put on his coat he'd have himself all tangled up and unable to go in service after the meeting. Unfortunately, her practical joke didn't go quite as planned, since she'd found the CO's coat and not the Elder's who was the target of her joke. It was still funny though.

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