Will there be death in paradise?

by Bob Loblaw 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • moggy lover
    moggy lover

    Evidently paradise will not be the schmaltzy, smashingly terrific place it is made out to be. Remember, that according to WT theology it will also be a "day of judgment" [This is despite the fact that Rev 20:12 describes the Judgment as coming after the Millennium -see vs7] in which "god's judicial decisions" will be exacted.

    The "You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth" book says, on pg 178 the following: "So after being given the opportunity to change their ways and to learn righteousness, such wicked ones will be destroyed.Some will be put to death even before Judgment Day ends"

    To support this unbiblical assertion, the same pg cites, but does not quote, Isa 65:20. It becomes obvious why they did not actually quote this text. The chapter, evidently millennial in significance, nowhere describes any one as needing to be executed for wrongdoing during this period. It is merely describing the longevity of those living then. A longevity that is restored to mankind as before the flood.

    Yep, if you don't die of boredom, you will probably be stoned, and I dont mean on drugs either.


  • Leolaia

    "Behold, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind. But be glad and rejoice forever in what I will create, for I will create Jerusalem to be a delight and its people a joy. I will rejoice over Jerusalem and take delight in my people; the sound of weeping and of crying will be heard in it no more. Never again will there be in it an infant who lives but a few days, or an old man who does not complete his years; he who dies at a hundred will be thought a mere youth; he who fails to reach a hundred will be considered accursed" (Isaiah 65:17-20).

  • Bob Loblaw
    Bob Loblaw


    Wow,...thanks for that scripture. Very interesting. I've never read that before.

    How is this scripture interpreted in main stream christianity?

    This scripture, I imagine, isn't touched upon in the JW's.

  • zack

    I'm not cleaning up anything! I didn't make the mess, and I am not going to clean it up. Further, (and I have said this to some of my friends) if living forever means

    having to spend eternity with the bunch of smucks I have known in the Org. over the years, then I look forward to sleeping eternity away.

  • found-my-way

    Thank you Leolaia,

    for that scripture. Very enlightening!

    Hmmmmm, I wonder how the we JW's missed that when they were doing the bible reading of Isaiah...

  • Leolaia

    I will discuss the Society's non-explanation of this text later today....I used to have a great thread on this very subject, but it got corrupted so unfortunately I cannot just link it here.

  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    I have never seen that before either.....guess they have not figured out a way to twist it to support all their other guesses.

  • BluesBrother

    Without stealing Leolaia's thunder:

    Isaiah's Prophecy - 2 chap. 26 pp. 384-385 pars. 27-28 "Be Joyful Forever in What I Am Creating" ***


    "In the first fulfillment, what is life to be like for returning Jews under the new heavens? Jehovah says: "No more will there come to be a suckling a few days old from that place, neither an old man that does not fulfill his days; for one will die as a mere boy,although a hundred years of age; and as for the sinner, although a hundred years of age he will have evil called down upon him." (Isaiah 65:20) What a beautiful picture of the security that the returning exiles will enjoy in their restored homeland! Untimely death will not claim a newborn, who is but a few days old. Neither will such a death take an older man who has not yet lived out a full life span. How reassuring Isaiah’s words are to the Jews who will return to Judah! Safe in their land, they need not worry that enemies will carry off their babes or slaughter their men.

    28 What do Jehovah’s words tell us about life in the coming new world? Under God’s Kingdom, every child will have the prospect of a secure future. Never will death claim a God-fearing man in his prime. On the contrary, obedient mankind will be safe, secure, able to enjoy life. What of any who choose to rebel against God? Such ones will lose the privilege of life. Even if the rebellious sinner is "a hundred years of age," he will die. In such a case, he will be "a mere boy" compared to what he could have become—a man with endless life.".......................................................

    As I understood it , Mankind on Earth could potentially always die, immortality is a gift to the 144000 only. Death would though be only as a judgement for serious sin. When Satan is expected to be let loose at the end of the Millennium he would take a lot in the final test. During the time of the great resurrection, those who did not want to live that way would also be "destroyed". but there would be no growing old to die and somehow fatal accidents would just not happen....Don't ask my why????................

  • jgnat

    My husband is hoping to live at least a thousand years more so he can be judged again.

  • brinjen

    It's obvious the society hasn't thought that one through. They're like Ned Flanders on acid with the stuff they come up with. They think they will be merrily shovelling bodies of the wicked, welcoming the resurrected, planting flowers and all while singing praises to Jehovah with kingdom smiles on their pretty little faces.

    I would love to see Matt Stone & Trey Parker to do a JW South Park episode! That would be a collector's item!

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