Will there be death in paradise?

by Bob Loblaw 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Bob Loblaw
    Bob Loblaw

    So, from what I remember,...after armageddon, those righteous JW's who make it through will have to clean up the utter devestation. Imagine 9/11 on a world-wide scale. They also (from what i remember) will not be miraculously perfect right away. I believe they are supposed to grow towards perfection.

    How long will this process take?

    Cleaning up the aftermath of armageddon with bare hands will be one heck of difficult job. Cuts, scrapes, and bruises will occur, not to mention, the chance of infection setting in. With all the hospitals and pharmaceutical companies destroyed their won't be much in the way of caring for the wounded.

    Therefore,...am I right in saying that wounds, infection, and sickness may still be a factor in the early days of the new system? What if this leads to death? What if there is an accident during the cleanup and a righteous JW falls hard enough to be killed?

    In the JW mindset, would this person die? Say this person fell off the top of the rubble of a fallen skyscraper and that their fall was from 8 stories high. Would they just get back up and say, "oops", or would they die?

    If they die, would Jehovah resurrect them?...and how many resurrections does one person get?

    I mean this whole cleanup up business is going to be some tough work. Think about how many construction workers die in a year.

    If JW's are in their original flesh and blood and they are not quite perfect yet how is it that they wouldn't get hurt or were somehow safe from death?

    Lurkers,...help me with my questions.

  • Paralipomenon

    This is the view as was described to me:

    After armagedon our bodies will become perfect. Not physically perfect but our minds will be unlocked and our immune systems crank into full gear.

    Any imperfections of the flesh will be instantly corrected in our sleep (missing leg, arm, blindness etc.)

    Once we are physically perfect we will start to gradually grow younger. This will be so other will recognize us and become accustomed to the gradual change.

    The bible says that sickness and death would be no more so with perfect immune systems we would not be prone to disease or infection.

    As for the accidents, how would these even be possible?

    A falling rock could be detected by perfect hearing and nimbly jump to the side. Perfect balance would mean you would never fall. In an extreme case of something that our perfect bodies couldn't adapt to no doubt an angel could intervene and save us before death could occur.

    I have absolutely no basis for these answers but that's what was described to me when I asked.

  • Bob Loblaw
    Bob Loblaw

    Ah,...thanks para,

    So it sounds like a rather quick process to perfection. First the mind,...which will reach perfection basically overnight and then the body will follow. Interesting.

    I wonder how fast people will grow their legs back.

  • ninja

    it should start with ..."once upon a time"...and end with "and they lived happily ever after"....yayyyyy!!! woo hoo

  • nvrgnbk

    Only if you fu$% up real bad and piss Jehovah off.

  • Zico

    'How long will this process take?'

    I believe it takes 1000 years.

    I think you're demonstrating the absurdity of the WT's view of life in the Paradise Earth.

  • Bob Loblaw
    Bob Loblaw

    Right Zico,...I think this is something that most JW's have no real concept of. I'm not sure if the society has answers to these questions but I think they've left a lot of room in this area for potential critical thinking.

    If you set up these scenarios and asked 100 different JW's these questions,...I think that we would probably get 100 different answers. Whatever the local congregational legend is at the time would be the answer. "Well Brother long in the tooth said we would reach perfection in 200 yrs."

    It just goes to show that there isn't much in the way of thinking outside the box.

  • Finally-Free
    Will there be death in paradise?

    We can only hope so!

    Imagine cleaning up the huge mess Jehovah makes at armageddon! To add insult to unjury, people will have to stop eating meat, getting drunk, taking drugs, and having sex. You won't even be allowed to curse and swear at people who irritate you, so don't even think about beating the shit out of Brother Dumbass behind the kingdom hall! Elders will get the best pieces of land - lowly publishers™ will be stuck in deserts or swampland. No more television, rock music, or video games. Women will have to wear flowery dresses all the time, and men will have to wear shoes with tassels all the time.

    Yes, there will be death in paradise!!! And it will be mostly due to suicide.


  • SacrificialLoon

    I think "Trust in Jehovah" would be the standard answer for all those questions.

  • nvrgnbk
    Will there be death in paradise?

    We can only hope so!

    Imagine cleaning up the huge mess Jehovah makes at armageddon! To add insult to unjury, people will have to stop eating meat, getting drunk, taking drugs, and having sex. You won't even be allowed to curse and swear at people who irritate you, so don't even think about beating the shit out of Brother Dumbass behind the kingdom hall! Elders will get the best pieces of land - lowly publishers™ will be stuck in deserts or swampland. No more television, rock music, or video games. Women will have to wear flowery dresses all the time, and men will have to wear shoes with tassels all the time.

    Yes, there will be death in paradise!!! And it will be mostly due to suicide.


    ROFLMGDMFAO @ FF! Absolutely beautiful man!


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