Does turning in time control the masses.

by Nulite 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nulite

    Every month the faithful dutifully calculate their blood and sweat, slaving for watchtumor. Does it ever occur to them, that this timeclock mentality has its roots in secularism and not Christianity. There are no scriptural precedents for the calculating and turning in of time for the governing body. The service dept says it helps them monitor growth and figure where the needs are. What it really does is create a "yeah sir boss--anything you say boss" environment. The secretaries and book study overseers come around every month to see if your bales of cotton are heavy enough to satify "Masa (Master)." Why not make everyone tell how much money they contribute every month. Or report on their personal study habits. Turning in time is a control mechanism and a sham.


  • Zico
    Does it ever occur to them, that this timeclock mentality has its roots in secularism and not Christianity.


  • jwfacts

    Very good point. It really highlights that JWs are only interested in what they are told by the WTS, they really have little recognition of Bible precedence. There is no need for reports, for statistical purposes meeting attendance and Watchtowers ordered per congregation is all that is needed for budgetting. Reports are solely used to encourage manipulate people to spend more time promoting the Organization.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Turning in time is crucial because they wouldn't do hardly any free work for the WTS
    if they didn't have to punch the clock. Even dedicated pioneers have trouble getting
    70 hours a month, and would probably enjoy their days with their pioneer buddies and
    only get 30 to 40 hours a month IF THEY DIDN'T HAVE TO TURN IN THE TIME.

    Rank-and-file would start enjoying their weekends IF THEY DIDN'T HAVE TO TURN IN

    Why not make every tell how much money they contribute every month. Or report on their
    personal study habits. Turning in time is a control mechanism and a sham.

    They would like to gauge the donations, but are caught in their roots. They were known
    for NO COLLECTIONS TAKEN and allowing everyone to give what they can, but from
    the heart. Their roots included keeping track of hours given SELLING magazines and
    books. The magazines and books used to be the cash cow. That's where they established
    GIVING as time or money.

    If they have you report personal study habits, then many lazy JW's will quit. Plus many
    active ones will tabulate how much time is spent in this religion, compared to other
    worthwhile things. It will scare some of them.
    Example: "4 hours a week preparing for 5 weekly meetings, add that to my 3 hours a week
    in the ministry. That doesn't sound good enough, better write 20 hours for the month studying
    and 15 hours for the month recruiting. I wonder how much time altogether I spend for Jehovah?
    Let me add it up. Every week I use the following-
    4 hours- personal study
    5 hours- meetings
    5 hours- travel to and from the hall
    3 hours- preaching17 hours total. That's more than 2 work days. I can't pay my bills. Perhaps I should work more.

  • TooBad TooSad
    TooBad TooSad

    If there was "new light" to stop turning in time, there would be a tremendous decrease in time

    spent going from door to door and coffee shop to coffee shop. All that you hear at my Hall is

    I need to get my hours up, or I have not got my time for this month or I need to go out to get a

    couple of more hours. At the present time I put many bogus hours on my time slip to keep the

    elders off of my back.

    What really is sickening is that if a person really did go from door to door for 30 hours and refused

    to turn his time in, he would get in trouble, and here I am who doesn't go out and puts down bogus

    hours would be OK. Go figure.

    not turn his time in, the perso

  • Alligator Wisdom
    Alligator Wisdom

    I suggested to the elders that everyone should turn in their field service report, but without names. I used Matthew 6:2,3 as my scriptural basis.

    The answer I got wasn't based on scripture. One elder said it was to monitor the spiritual health of the individual sheep. I then used Matthew 13:23 as my rebuttal. The elder than replied that it was direction from the FDS. He didn't show any scriptures. He did, however, suggest that I look up the publications. I thought that these men were supposed to be teachers and have the ability to reason. I thought wrong.

    I could understand the idea of turning in a field service report could produce positive results in the ministry from a regional/worldwide viewpoint. However, at the individual level it should not be held against anyone. Thus, the suggestion of the no name reports. Maybe I ought to write Brooklyn about this.

    Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)

    P.S. I always seem to forget turning in my report on time. The secretary always has to take the extra step to find or call me.

  • OnTheWayOut

    At the point in the future where the magazine and book distribution work becomes
    financially impossible, they will stop the cold-call distribution work.

    They will not stop controlling the masses. They will continue the literature student
    work. They will have to find another way to keep the masses busy. Perhaps the
    congregation groups will add another meeting on Saturday morning just to
    encourage each other "so deep in the last days" with experiences of persecution
    and God's blessings. They will come up with something.

    Before that, expect them to try to keep up the distribution work with cheaper
    and cheaper materials. Maybe, instead of abandoning this work, they will become
    purely tract and Bible users. They won't leave anything but the tract or a scriptural
    thought. They have much invested in their newer presses. This won't happen for
    quite a while. They will continue to find a way to make distribution work prosper.

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    I think it certainly keeps the pressue on them.
    Remember, the Watchtower Society is a corporation,
    so the numbers game is very important to them.

    Everytime I see the word masses it reminds me
    of this guy.

    "The receptivity of the great masses is very
    limited, their intelligence is small, but their
    power of forgetting is enormous." - Adolph Hitler

    It happens to be this dragons birthday.
    April 20, 1889

  • 95stormfront
    At the point in the future where the magazine and book distribution work becomes financially impossible, they will stop the cold-call distribution work.

    That will never happen since the financial responsibility of the distribution of the magazines and books is born by the rank and file members and not the organization itself.

  • OnTheWayOut

    95stormfront said

    That will never happen since the financial responsibility of the distribution of the magazines and books is born by the
    rank and file members and not the organization itself.

    I agree that this will not happen easily. It will probably never happen in our lifetime, but it could.
    If the rank-and-file members don't contribute enough or collect enough for the literature "placed"
    then the Borg has to cut costs and make it profitable. If they reach the point where even free
    distributors don't cover the costs and make a profit after every effort to cut costs, they will have to
    discontinue distribution.

    Expect the Awake to disappear. Expect the public WT to disappear. They will say that there's still
    tracts and the scriptures themselves. The rank-and-file will have to have it drilled into them to give
    more to the Borg even though they receive less. That is probably the point they will reach in the
    next 20 to 40 years.

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