Sleep Disorder Anyone?

by Sparkplug 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sparkplug

    I am curious today about people that cannot wake up. I have a problem with waking up. I do not hear alarms. I actually can sit up, talk and function and appear to be awake and yet I am not. This causes me a lot of problems because I say mean stuff, or untrue things, such as, " I took the day off, " and people believe me and let me be. Meanwhile I oversleep and mess my job up or piss a friend off because of this.

    I have even slept through the house alarm and was woke up by the police knocking at my door.

    I don't really have a way to describe it except it feels like I have a vaccum seal on my head. Even when I first wake up for a while, sometimes up to an hour, I can't hear correctly. I am very connfused and cannot tell if things in my dream are real or if they really happened. I dream very vividly all the time. It is almost exhausting really. When I do wake up my whole body tingles a lot like when a foot or arm falls asleep and you get that annoying burn and tingle. I also actually feel and hear my head lose that vaccuum feel and my hearing come in.

    I am so frusterated by this because people do not understand. They try to help. They place calls to me and I answer the phone and tell them I am awake. I am not. I run the risk of being late every day, and when stressed it gets worse. It seems to be something that is a really bad thing to have, very annoying to myself and others, and I don't have a clue what to do. I buy more alarms just to sleep through them or get up and turn them all off in 5 minute snooze intervals over and over. Friends call trying to help and when it is not a quick fix like they think it should be, they add to the stress by gripping me out or making fun of me. It really is a cruel and ununderstanding thing to do.

    It really is hurtful because I cant seem to get anyone to understand that this is not something I choose. Do you really think I want to miss out on half my life? OR...risk my job, or get a gripe session from my friends everyday?

    I swear if I stay up late, at times I will just end up staying up all night because I am afraid to fall asleep and not be able to wake up.

    I was not always this way. When I lived in the SW and dry areas I was wide awake. one alarm and no problems. But then I moved to Missouri and it was as if I fell asleep and never woke up. Since then I have been in more moist areas such as Texas. I can't help but wonder if that has anything to do with it. Maybe allergies? Lately I noticed that there is this ringing in my ears and I could not hear anything just this sound like the ocean really loud. A lady at work said it was allergies and to take sinus medicine. It worked. I could just hear the pressure release out of my ears. I wonder if this sleep thing works anything like that?

    Does anyone know where to start to get help? Does anyone have this problem? What have you done to solve it?

  • averyniceguy

    Sparkplug, you can get a very bright flasher to wake you up before the sun goes up. You can get it at I use it since that I am 100 percent deaf. That should help you!

  • SixofNine

    So those horrible things you were telling me this morning, y'know, about people on the forum, are they true?

  • Little Drummer Boy
    Little Drummer Boy

    Hey Sparky,

    You've got a pm coming.


  • averyniceguy

    Sparkplug, you can have the option of ordering the bed vibrator to help you to get up.

  • IsaacJS2

    Most of my own investigations into this kinda thing were more along the lines of Sleep Paralysis and hypnogogia. It seems to run in my mother's side of the family. After hearing about their ghostly encounters all my life, I finally learned about these disorders and came to suspect that they have a sleep disorder since virtually all their weird experiences happend while asleep or trying to sleep.

    I don't know if your situation is related to any of these conditions. But I did find various groups online that help with sleep disorders some time back. Probably a dumb question, but have you looked into finding such a group on the net? Even if they don't mention anything like you're experiencing, you could try emailing the site operators and asking if they know more.


  • chelleadam

    I have sort of the same problem, but I don't have it nearly as severe. I can sleep straight through my alarm clock (it's a really loud one). I also act like I'm awake for a while at times, even if I'm not. Sometimes when I'm dreaming very vividly, I can't tell what's real, and what's part of the dream.

    I do have mild sleep apnea, but my doc said the above symptoms weren't related to it. I don't know how you manage living with a severe form of this. I know it disorients me pretty badly every now and then. I've actually never heard anyone else complain of the same problem. How long have you had it?

  • Sparkplug

    averyniceguy~I never thought about the light thing. I am not so sure it would phase me seeing I can sleep at any time of day straight sun or not. But maybe the extra help would assist. I am willing to try anything by now. I am going to go read on them and see if it looks like it may help. Who knows.

    Sparkplug, you can have the option of ordering the bed vibrator to help you to get up.

    lol. Sounds like that would just keep me in bed longer...kind of like those beds that give you a massage.

    And Sixy! You know I don't sleep when your here in the morning!

  • theinfamousone

    i used to have that issue... now i have a girlfriend!! HA HA

    the infamous one

  • restrangled

    Hey Sparkplug......

    Here is my sleep disorder: I can fall asleep in an instant but wake 4 to 5 times a night, getting up, taking the dogs out, going to the bathroom, getting a drink of water, smoking a cig, etc. Today I woke up for the last time at 3:45, tossing until 4:30 looking forward to my first cup of coffee. By 10:00 am I wanted to go back to bed.

    This has gone on for years. If I stay up past midnight, I can sleep until 8:00 am with short interruptions such as the dogs and or cat getting me up in between.

    So for as long as I can remember I have never had more than 3 or 4 hours straight sleep. YAWWWWN!


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