Fundamentalists Say The Darndest Things!

by FireNBandits 10 Replies latest social humour

  • FireNBandits

    "Westboro Baptist Church to Preach at Funerals of Virginia Tech Dead

    WBC will preach at the funerals of the Virginia Tech students killed on campus during a shooting rampage April 16, 2007. You describe this as monumental horror, but you know nothing of horror -- yet.

    WBC to preach to the whole world, via the BBC, and UK Channel 4

    Soon the whole world will have heard of Westboro Baptist Church and the unwavering message of Her little flock of slaughter. We have preached for nearly 16 years now on the mean streets of America, seeking doors of utterance to cross international boundaries so we might preach the doom of idolatrous Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. Now, God Almighty, in His due time, has opened just such a door. You will have no excuse once the BBC and Channel 4 release their pieces on the WBC. No matter what perverted light they display us in, you will receive the message. God Hates Fags. God Hates You. The World is Doomed. This very well may be the last warning this doomed mass of mankind will receive before Christ returns in fire and glory to punish you. Whether you will hear it, or whether you will forbear, it is of no consequence to us. You have been warned."

    Westboro Baptist Church, God Hates America [Comments (15)] [2007-Apr-17]

    (You can't fault this next guys reasoning!)

    "Before I answer this question, I must point out that the theory of evolution as a whole is more likely to die out in a blink of an eye than creation myths. Everybody knows what a tv is, but only a few people know how it works or how to build one. The theory of evolution... science as a whole is like a super structure that can potentially collapse at a moment's notice. All it takes is another collapse of civilization like the ones we have observed in the past.

    Creationism, on the other hand, does not require any kind of learning or thinking."

    Tazmanian Devil, EVC Forum [Comments (20)] [2007-Apr-17]

    "This is going to seem harsh to a lot of people, but I say doctors who give and women who get abortions should be executed."

    Paul, T4C [Comments (61)] [2007-Apr-01]

    "There it is folks, the "RIGHT" *IS*...rape. We didn't claim the right to forced benevolence, we claimed the right of both spouses to "due" benevolence, and that it is to "defraud" the other spouse to refuse, which implies their right exists even when you defraud them of it. So when Owd says the "RIGHT *IS*...rape.", he is saying that the right to "due" benevolence *IS* the right to rape."

    Owd, Usenet : alt.christnet.christianlife [Comments (17)] [2007-Apr-01]

    "Gringo......take a look at the world around you. If the famines, floods, pestilence, etc. don't point you to a judging hand of God, nothing will. The Bible says that some of us are saved from fear, because we are scared of the coming judgment. It also says that some of us are saved because of the compassion of others. If you do not fear the Lake of Fire, I hope that someone shows you enough compassions that it draws you to our loving Heavenly Father.

    As for believing without seeing....well, that is what faith is all about. I have never, ever seen a million dollars, yet I believe that it does exist, because I see the evidence of it. I have never seen God, but I know He exists because of the evidence I see."

    SouthernLouisianaGal, Fighting Fundamentalist Forums [Comments (16)] [2007-Apr-01]

    This is a post for non-Christians. Hell does exist and if you don't shape up and accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, you will end up in hell. As most of you know, I'm not a fruitcake Christian and am definitely not a politically correct individual. I tell it how it is.

    Hell is not a place to party or a place to have "BBQ's" as some mindless and misinformed rats have stated on here. "

    Uribe, The Resistance Manifesto [Comments (29)] [2007-Apr-01]

    "Why liberals are dumbasses

    Im trying to quote the best I can from Michael Savage.

    Liberalism consist of comunism, fascism and a pinch of nazism

    Most liberals confuse the word "liberal" with liberation, freedom, being left alone, not being told that to do. But when you look at it...who are the ones telling people what to do? The liberals. They complain about everything, Tell people they cant smoke, express there religion, say that they want, do what they want, etc etc.

    Think to yourself, whos the reall liberal?"

    Guilty of being MIKE, Myspace [Comments (26)] [2007-Apr-01]

    "Homosexuals and Jews are alot alike. Ever seen a poor fag? Didn't think so... That's why they both hate The Bible, because they're both abomonations. Jews killed Jesus, fags would've just *ucked him to death."

    DarkBlade, [Comments (45)] [2007-Apr-01]

    "Now days you have Government handing out money, building a nation that is dependent on Welfare. Reagan stood against it from day one but we are still fighting it. It is straight from the pages of Communist Manifesto. Why should we as citizens be against this sort of thinking. Shouldn’t we as christian people stop poverty, social injustice, and class wars? In one word, NO."

    CS, God,Guns,Glory! [Comments (22)] [2007-Apr-02]


    JJ, God,Guns,Glory! [Comments (37)] [2007-Apr-02]

  • Arthur
    Everybody knows what a tv is, but only a few people know how it works or how to build one. The theory of evolution... science as a whole is like a super structure that can potentially collapse at a moment's notice. All it takes is another collapse of civilization like the ones we have observed in the past.

    These kind of infantile talking points are amusing. When are they going to learn that they need to come up with something better that television and watch cliches? Listening to people babble on like this (while thinking they are clever) is like watchting a drunk guy tell jokes who believes that he's really funny.

  • FireNBandits

    Hey Arthur, allow me to be the billionth person to tell you that your icon is a hoot! That's gotta be one of the funniest baby pics I've ever seen.

    Agreed. The watch and television comparions are old old old, and your observation about drunks telling jokes is right on. I stay stone cold sober at parties so I can watch intelligent people turn into idiots. -Martin

  • loosie
    have never, ever seen a million dollars, yet I believe that it does exist, because I see the evidence of it.

    That is just silly. Has that person ever seen one dollar? then imagine what a million of them look like. You can't compare faith in God to faith in a million dollars

  • truthsearcher

    The WBC is not a Christian group, they are a cult of hate masquarading as one...sort of like the WTBTS.

    The Christians that I know who hold to the "fundamentals" of their faith are appalled by them, their behaviour and their message. I hope that you get a chance to meet some one day so they can show you the difference.

  • jelcat8224

    hey FireNBandits!! You must have been reading my mind!! I was just about to start a thread about this VERY subject!!

    I was recently on a non-demoninational forum and saw the most disturbing thread about how the man who shot all those poor students at VA Tech must have been a muslim especialy since there was a reported Isreali killed in the massacre! here is the link to the thread:

    I decided to create an account and post a reply! I told the man Walter that he was a sad sad man and that he was a poor excuse for a christain. He has used racial slurs and ethnic stereotypes all over his thread. I expressed utter disgust at his comments and, yes I insulted him, as he was insulting every other person on the board. A few minutes later ... MY POST WAS DELETED!!! So then, I posted again expressing surprise at the double standard on the board. I challenged the site owner/moderater to be a man and allow someone who has a different oppinion to post. I told him he was making himself look bad by allowing the insulting language HE AGREED with to remain while deleting mine. He in turn deleted that post as well!!! This was followed shortly by my expulsion from the forum altogether! Yes folks, that's right! This poor ignorant whiny child (the site owner/moderater) BLOCKED me from his site!!! Just goes to show how closed minded and ignorant some people are. He has insulted Native Americans, African-Amiricans and Latino's, and many others. Basically anyone he doesn't like gets lumped into these groups acording to their nationality, race, sexual orientaion, or religion!

    I just saw that the the first guy Walter has just started an equally ignorant thread. here's the link to that one as well:

    I hope you all get a good laugh at the disgusting and ridiculous comments made here! Just don't post any disagreements or face the WRATH of BIBLEPROBE!!!!! Keep in mind too that this utterly hateful man Walter is allowed to remain while little ol' me was banned!!!

  • FireNBandits

    Yeah yeah truthsearcher, I've heard it already. Any time a Christian blows it bigtime I hear "But he/she isn't/wasn't a REAL Christian!" What a convenient psychological device to keep one's fantasy image of one's religion intact! It's as if Ford Motors were to announce "Ford autos never break down" and then when confronted with Fords that broke down they say "But they aren't REAL Fords because REAL Fords don't break down!" If we followed this inane "logic" to it's conclusion then NO ONE is a "real" Christian because ALL Christians perform misdeeds, both large and small! Truthsearcher, these folks are every bit as "real" Christians as YOU and YOUR sect are! They've simply decided to follow the dark, hateful, murderous parts of the Bible, not the happy happy joy joy stuff. -Martin

  • FireNBandits

    Dang jelcat, U B having some crazy experiences. I love reading the ravings of fundiots. -Martin

  • truthsearcher

    Good morning Martin,

    I'd like to respond to a couple of your points:

    Yeah yeah truthsearcher, I've heard it already. Any time a Christian blows it bigtime I hear "But he/she isn't/wasn't a REAL Christian!"

    Well, I never said that Christians never blow it big time, and this is not what the Bible teaches either, because from time to time we do, being imperfect. However, a repeated pattern of behaviour that is clearly not following the example of Jesus Christ would lead one to the conclusion that they are not really followers of Jesus. Remember that the Bible also says not everyone who claims "Lord, Lord, didn't I do all of this stuff for you?" will be acknowledged as serving Him. They will be told "Get lost, I never knew you." (my paraphrase). This makes it pretty clear that there will be some masquarading as Christians that really aren't.

    What a convenient psychological device to keep one's fantasy image of one's religion intact!

    I am just going my what the Bible says--by their acts you will know who is really a Christian. Love is a key marker, and this group Westboro is clearly not a group of love.

    It's as if Ford Motors were to announce "Ford autos never break down" and then when confronted with Fords that broke down they say "But they aren't REAL Fords because REAL Fords don't break down!"

    I know many who would disagree about Fords

    Martin, we obviously have different perspectives on this, but I stick by my original comments. I do not believe this group is a Christian group. They may claim to be, may quote verses to back themselves up, but they have missed the boat! The New Testament is further revelation from the old, and shows that God loves us, sent His Son as our sacrifice, and not only wants everyone to come to Him, but is patiently waiting for that.

  • FireNBandits

    Well, the problem is, what exactly did Jesus say? He said "Think not that I have come to bring peace on earth, but a sword! I have come to set one family member against another..and a mans enemies shall be they of his own household." There are other dark saying of Jesus, such as in the parable of the vindressers son (?) where he says "But those who would not have me rule over them, bring them here and SLAY them before me." In the parable of the wedding feast we're told "go out into the highways and byways and COMPEL them to come to the feast." These and other NT sayings have inspired holy wars and "conversion" at the point of a swrod and barrel of a gun. Were these people not real Christians because they followed the words of Jesus over and over? Again, its boiling down to YOUR OWN subjective view of how to interpret the NT. The NT is a pastiche of many view points. There's also no objective reason to accept any of it as the actual words of someone who actually lived.

    Follow the Light within, "the Light which enlightens every person" John 1. We all carry the divine reality within. You can discover this for yourself without any "holy books."

    You might wish to investigate the actual, historically verifiable origin of that list of NT books you rely on.

    The article is a brief condensation of Dr. Bruce Metzgers magnum opus on the origins of the NT canon. -Martin

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