Why do dubs act as if 1975 wasn't failed prophesy or misleading?

by NotaNess 64 Replies latest jw experiences

  • greendawn

    They look into things other than strictly rational they probably enjoy being part of the JW society they may have a good social life there with people that they perceive to be at least more spiritual than the non JWs so they feel more safe being there, plus they want to keep going the illusion of a soon to be paradise.

  • Devils Avocado
    Devils Avocado

    Simple!Those STUPID enough to put faith in the speculation of one of our writers left! Those (like me) who knew better- just ignored it, trying to help the non-thinkers see it as Speculation, rather than a Divine Revelation.

    No excuse- just fact. Now there are probably others giving excuses- but it was simply the imagination of one of our writers!

    Sorry, that's just not so. You had to be around in 1975 to appreciate the excitement that was a palpable entity amongst active JW's. For the years preceding that year, all JW's were earnestly going from door to door preaching that armageddon was just around the corner. Some would even speculate about how many more times they would actually knock on a householder's door, saying amongst themselves that there would only be 9, 8, 7 etc etc occasions when that person would be called on..

  • OnTheWayOut

    Great first post DA, love the name too. Welcome aboard.

    We always need more intelligent people like you.

  • heathen

    No excuse- just fact. Now there are probably others giving excuses- but it was simply the imagination of one of our writers!

    I disagree as well because I've listened to some of the talks that were given and I think they are on randys site where they were beating the drum just like they did in 1914 getting everybody excited for something big to happen . They did it in 1935 as well with the millions now living will never die . At what point do they finally realize who is responsible for false exspectations? The have a history of false prediction and it's all documented history . It's like Iranians that claim the holocaust never happened , just complete absurdity.

  • DannyHaszard
    You had to be around in 1975 to appreciate the excitement that was a palpable entity amongst active JW's. For the years preceding that year, all JW's were earnestly going from door to door preaching that armageddon was just around the corner. Some would even speculate about how many more times they would actually knock on a householder's door, saying amongst themselves that there would only be 9, 8, 7 etc etc occasions when that person would be called on..

    NEW ARANGEMENT circa 1970 on all bible studies now limited to maximum time of 6 monthsbee baptized in 6 months or bee gone study had to be dropped to move on for those who would need to be saved before 75

    This was a blow to our many pioneers in the Bridgewater Massachusetts Kingdom Hall as many depended on their 'old faithful' longtime studies to get their hours in.Territory maps were had to come by as they were being rationed out on account of some being done every two weeks.

    The vietnam war was raging many brothers were doing time in prison I would be 18 in 1975 and would not have to worry about the draft,wonder if I would finish out High school senior year.Parents expect me to drop out at legal age of 16 to go pioneering myself.

    Ahhhh it will all be over in 5 years!

  • journey-on

    Mad, I think I've got you figured out. You can't possibly be this stupid gullible! You have got to be simply playing the devil's advocate most of the time. If not, and you're for real, then ---duh-- I don't know what to say !!!!

  • Devils Avocado
    Devils Avocado
    NEW ARANGEMENT circa 1970 on all bible studies now limited to maximum time of 6 monthsbee baptized in 6 months or bee gone study had to be dropped to move on for those who would need to be saved before 75

    Yes, that's right. You had 6 months in which to get your Bible Study from being an interested person to publisher. Otherwise, they were read the "riot act", if they didn't buck up their ideas, you told them that you were going to dump them as a Bible Study and that they were on their own from now on.

  • bigmouth

    I think journey on has got you pegged MAD. Now I think you are an otherwise intelligent chappie but your post here makes me think you've got a kangaroo loose in the top paddock!

    I'm not sure if I'm offending you or if you're laughing at us.

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    I mentioned the 1975 fiasco to my brother about five years ago. He replied that the Society just once hinted that 1975 might be the date and that the news media picked up on it and blew it way out of proportion. Those damned newspaper people!

  • OnTheWayOut

    Journey-on said:

    Mad, ..........You have got to be simply playing the devil's advocate most of the time.
    If not, and you're for real, then ---duh-- I don't know what to say !!!!

    That's my take. This guy likes to see the fire in our responses. I only play the game
    because it sharpens me and helps with the bitterness to respond to such nonsense. I don't
    participate as much as others do because I don't believe he's serious. So only when I need to
    vent do I play.

    All are welcome on JWD, and whatever his game is, I would be glad to sit down with him over
    a coffee or beer.

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