How do you guys know that standing firm won't work

by dawg 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Junction-Guy

    Dawg, Im with you on this one, as I personally dont have anything to lose. Since you are new here, you may not be aware of some of my campaign tactics I have used. Well let's see I have picketed here about 10 times. I have picketed 2 conventions. I have spoken to a church. I have written newspapers. I have picketed Patterson. I have warned just about everyone I work with about JW's. I have left flyers on bulletin boards, in truck stops, rest areas.

    So if you have any kind of campaign ideas please let me know, maybe I can help you, Im your neighbor to the north in Tennessee.

    Also sometimes you have to overlook differences in XJW's. You are an Atheist I believe, and Im a Christian. The thing is you will have to work with other people who have different religious and political beliefs from you.

    I call myself an equal opportunity Apostate, meaning that I dont care if you are white,black, gay,straight,democrat,republican, atheist,christian, or Jew. As long as you oppose the JW Cult as much as I do, then we can all get along fine.

    If you ever want to come up here for a weekend, you can go picketing with me and I will show you the ropes.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee
    I agree with alot of what LL said, but doing nothing doesn't work... we're all doing nothing and the WT holds to outdated beliefs and destroys families in the process...It's not about revenge LL... its about change, and nothing will ever change if good folks do nothng.

    It almost sounds like you think I have done nothing. I am a very vocal opponent when it comes to the WTS. I have done the following:

    • placed silentlamb info in cars in KH parking lots
    • gone to DCs and left fliers on any surface I found
    • gone to KHs and left info in the washrooms (ok the women's washrooms)
    • written letters to governmental reps
    • spoken in colleges, universities, and high schools
    • spoken on TV and radio as well as newspapers and journals
    • made the 3rd video in a series (Mouthy and Dr Penton did the first and second) about JWs and how the WTS controls its members
    • written a column "Lean on Lee" for the "Cult Survivor" (I'm surprised it is still up)
    • plus whatever work I do here
    • and when the JWs do come to my door I stand and talk until they get my witness to them

    Most movements that have achieved their goals do it by the constant drip of water rather than some huge flood forces them awake.

    Believe me I understand your desire for your family to be free or at least not shun you. But "taking a stand" can be done in so many ways and ultimately each of us does what is right for them

  • jgnat

    We all fight in our own way, dawg. I dislike your suggestion that the quiet ones are somehow letting down the "cause", or that they don't take direct action out of fear. I am very much with Lady Lee on this. IP-SEC, don't presume that you know MLK's mind either. Lady Lee is a hero in my books, showing hundreds, if not thousands, how to recover and move on from the Witnesses.

    I see myself as most effective at prevention, informing potential converts of the danger, and arming partners of JW's with information and tools.

    If some want to leave with a bang, all the power to them. There's stories from Little Toe, Richie, and Gary Buss on how dramatic this can be. But is it more effective?

    I also like the many stories from former elders and leaders in the congregation who left quietly and with dignity. Very often they showed their former "brothers" what integrity really looks like, by not being drawn in to senseless arguments. I don't wonder they've turned dozens around in their sphere of influence.

  • sf
    I'm interested to hear what you have to say!

    Hello dawg,

    I just now have gotten the chance to sit down and 'scan' the forum to catch up on my "reading". Life beckons.

    And I must say, I love seeing THIS thread.

    If you have read any of my posts on this very topic, you will see that I very much think this way as well. My truer feelings and thoughts are how ridiculous 'staying in for....' has become. How many more lives must this lethal organization destroy, by the helping hands of it's "dedicated, baptized MINIONS members"? It is seriously frustrating WAITING on the very ones you and I speak of, to finally throw caution to the wind, grab what's left of YOUR SPIRIT, and DO THE RIGHT THING.

    TIME WAITS FOR NO ONE. Especially the innocent children of the Watchtower, whom MANY IN THIS WORLD and the world of the Watchtower, have absolutely forgotten about.

    I write this without having read this entire thread. I saw no need to do that. I pretty much know the pattern of replies to this topic. I'm not about to put my SELF through that type of ridiculousness. It's too infuriating.

    Have a great weekend dawg.


  • IP_SEC
    Lady Lee is a hero in my books,

    Mine too, but I've not deified her in my mind though and can agree or disagree with her as I see fit.

    I believe that if every xjw took the consequences on the chin of being out in the open for all to see their lives would be happier and the situation within the org would be radically different.

    It is fear of the unknown that makes closet xjws out of many. Fear of the unknown isnt a good reason not to do something in my book.

  • sf
    Fear of the unknown isnt a good reason not to do something in my book.

    I fully concur.






  • gymbob


    You're right, but some folks here are not in the same spot down the road as you are. It's circumstances that differ.

    I remember not long after I got out from the dubs, I wanted to call "60 Minutes", "20/20", etc. because of what I had learned. But, IMHO, I really don't think people out there care that much about JW's....only people like us. We know what JW's are really like, we've had our families torn apart and we want them back! So we need to try and talk to them, even when they won't talk to us. This is very hard to do. For me, it's like emotional suicide every time I try to call my family.

    Thru the internet we can get support from each other, and that's good. However, we're not going to bring down the borg, the structure is just too well set-up. And I honestly belief there will always be some die-hard witness whackos in this world. We chip away at it as best we can, but the weakness in the borg is it's own belief system.

    If we want them to respect our beliefs after we leave the borg, it requires that we show that same respect to them. Let them believe what they want so they don't feel we are challenging them. This takes some time, but they should then see how their belief system has failed them, and we (living a good life away from the witnesses)become the alternative choice. In recent years, look at how many of us have just....left.

    This is the way it was for me. But, in the last few years i've come to realize that no matter what you do or say, some people are never going to change because they have too much of their life invested in the borg, and that is really sad.

    Don't get me wrong Dawg...I love your style!

  • Guest with Questions
    Guest with Questions

    I can understand Dawg's frustration but it's not necessarily the best way for a lot of people. We all have different personalities.

    There are times when I could shout to my 77 year old mother, what are you thinking, how can you believe all this nonsense?, but it would just alienate us from each other. She really couldn't take the trauma.

    My parents were not kind with us when they first became witnesses. I remember when I was about 20 running out of the house, thinking I was going to go crazy because my dad, especially, was so fanatic to me about their truth. I don't want to behave like that. It greatly upset me and I don't want to do that to someone else.

    I also think that the quiet ones might actually be more sucessful in reaching out because they are less intimidating. I don't believe in giving up. Some (they are not witnesses and don't have family members that are witnesses) don't understand and question why I do it. They say just don't answer the door or politely say I'm not interested. I've heard that some on this board did come across a person at the door that made them question the org. It's my hope, that maybe I will reach even one person. I may never find out that I've reached them, but that's okay.

  • dawg

    Wozadummy, The idea is to raise awareness... but I do see your point!

    Fifti40, we should educate and be strong not back down, but never persecute!

    Carla, We all hope your mate comes to see the light, you must love him dearly to stay so devoted, your idea about the literature.. I'm going to contribute to silentlambs and distribute their literature.

    Truthsearcher, your mon is the greatest and an inspiration to all

    and last but certainly not least.... Junction guy, was mostly just thinking about those who are faders, why not just make a stand and tell folks how you really feel... You are much more brave man than I junction Guy... I'm not an athiest although, the only thing that may casue friction between you and I working together is that you probably pull for the Vols and I'm a UGA grad... But I'm sure we can work through all that.

  • Creeper

    I was thinking that we could all calibrate a particular day, where each of us, decides to enter the Kingdom Hall on a particular calendar day, across the nation and recite the exact same words. A formal statement of hope for those in doubt, that we are not demons, apostates, or evil, but rather a way out, and we are truly united in one truth, and that truth is this:

    1. We are free from the bondage and empowerment of other humans, and their organizations in our personal lives. The real evil is not found in free individuals but rather collective powers that feel they are performing the will of God, when in reality they are imperfect humans that cannot possibly do so to perfection. We do not make this false claim. We believe that every person can have a direct relationship with the Father through Jesus the Messiah, and him alone as mediator. (1 Timothy 2:5).

    Something to that effect. We must orchestrate something of this magnitude to have an effect in the sleepy chambers of the sacred halls of lies. It required a stand up for Jesus in the synagogues to proclaim the truth, and to reconstruct his Father's law in the hearts of believers, and it will take nothing short to rouse the spirits of the mentally dead in the Kingdom Halls either. The simple fact of the matter is this, a message will be broadcast, and it will be heard, and they will all hear it at once. And if there is little turnout, we just go back and do it the next week too.

    A suggestion would be to go in acting as a pizza delivery person, with two fresh hot steaming pies in your hand to fill the hall with the aroma of good heathen meals to attract our prey.

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