Why dont our friends from across the pond "get" football? (soccer)

by ninja 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • jaguarbass

    'Cos they're not the best at it. They only play sports that none, or few non-American countries play, this is why they have the 'World series' with no Non-American teams

    If there was enough interst and dollars to be made. Someone in New York like George Stienbreener would buy the best players in the world and we would have the best team. At least for a season or as long as the pissing contest lasted. If it was important to have the best team.

    I guess America says we need to let Europe lead and be good at something.

    Teams in America are not made up of locals anyway. I wish they were but there not. You know they say wish in one hand crap in the other and see which one fills up first.

  • ColdRedRain

    Here's why. We already have a sport than features athletes diving on purpose. It's called "Professional Wrestling".

  • bigmouth

    Good reply CRR!

    We have this discussion from time to time on JWD with everyone putting their humourous barbs in. But I read an interesting thing some time ago with an intriguing theory. It was asserted that the JFK government was of the opinion that soccer was a sport preferred by commies, commie sympathisers or anti-American regimes therefore it was deemed un-American to play it. It would also be embracing a South American culture and may be attractive to border jumpers.

    However, the US have turned out a number of fine players around the world and have a formidable national side.

  • Tuesday
    Here's why. We already have a sport than features athletes diving on purpose. It's called "Professional Wrestling".

    hey I resent that remark LOL

    Besides when we fall it looks way more realistic

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