Why dont our friends from across the pond "get" football? (soccer)

by ninja 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • ninja

    do you find it boring? have any of you been to a football match in Britain?...why hasn't it taken off in Amerikay?

  • Zico

    'why hasn't it taken off in Amerikay?'

    'Cos they're not the best at it. They only play sports that none, or few non-American countries play, this is why they have the 'World series' with no Non-American teams. ;)

  • ninja

    uh oh...Zico get the hard hat on and get in the trench...he he

  • Warlock

    I prefer American football where the violence in ON the field.................except at an Oakland Raiders game.

    Seriously, though, I have watched the last 2 World Cups.


  • RunningMan

    We're afraid that it's just a stepping stone to getting us hooked on cricket.

  • SirNose586

    How can we not like futbol? It's simple, really. It takes too much energy to run up and down that field (so we let little kids play). There's not enough points scored. Play depends on finesse and strategy--screw that!

  • SacrificialLoon

    It seems to be slowly catching on. Soccer is a big after school organized sport hence the term "soccer moms". Give it another 10 years or so. Didn't US Women's soccer win a gold in the olympics during the '90s?

  • jaguarbass

    do you find it boring? have any of you been to a football match in Britain?...why hasn't it taken off in Amerikay? When I was raising my son in the 80's he played soccer and I coached his team for 3 years. During that time I would go see Rodney Marsh and the Tampa Bay Rowdies, I enjoyed it. Then my son grew up. Ther Rowdies fell apart. I am a doer not a vicarious watcher, I dont watch anything. Why hasnt it caught on in the States? My guess. We are saturated with American football, baseball, basketball and North American Hockey. Soccer would probably come in 4th in most schools athletic programs and so it trickles down to the majors. Nothing personal. Limited dollars chasing unlimited forms of entertainment.

  • stillajwexelder

    Well I can look from both perspectives. To me soccer is just kicking a ball from one end of the field to the other - I personally find it boring. With American Football there is strategy on each play involved and hence much more interesting.

    But I also enjoy Test Match Cricket and to many that is the epitome of boring. All down to taste I suppose.

    do you find it boring? have any of you been to a football match in Britain?...why hasn't it taken off in Amerikay? When I was raising my son in the 80's he played soccer and I coached his team for 3 years. During that time I would go see Rodney Marsh and the Tampa Bay Rowdies, I enjoyed it. Then my son grew up. Ther Rowdies fell apart. I am a doer not a vicarious watcher, I dont watch anything. Why hasnt it caught on in the States? My guess. We are saturated with American football, baseball, basketball and North American Hockey. Soccer would probably come in 4th in most schools athletic programs and so it trickles down to the majors. Nothing personal. Limited dollars chasing unlimited forms of entertainment.

    I understand the game. I was forced to play it on P.E. classes during Junior High. I think the biggest issue is the tie. Americans want a winner and a loser. Secondly, I don't think that Americans like championships decided by ten coin flips, this would be a shoot-out. It's rather anti-climatic, IMO.

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