Jesus in the Passover - The Origins of the Memorial Meal

by AlphaOmega 25 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • AlphaOmega

    I am sorry about posting a large picture here. But I've tried to do post it lots of time with smaller separate pictures and JWD kepps giving me an error!

    Let's hope that this works

    A picture should appear here. Please be patient and don't flame me.

    As in many of the “feasts of Israel”, Jesus was symbolically and prophetically present IN them.
    I believe that it was at this point in the Passover meal that Jesus took the bread (the returned Afikomen) and declared (explained) “This is My body which is given for you, this do in remembrance of Me”. [Luke 22:19 MKJV]

    It wasn’t just any piece of bread that he used, it was the Afikomen (meaning “That which is to come”). He was explaining that section of the Passover meal to them.

    Why are there three Matzot?
    The three matzot represent the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

    Why is the matzah broken?
    To represent Jesus’ death.

    Why is the Afikomen wrapped in a white cloth?
    Because Jesus was wrapped in a white burial shroud.

    Why is the Afikomen hidden?
    Because Jesus was hidden away in the tomb following his crucifixion. The pillow symbolises the boulder use to seal the tomb.

    Why is the Afikomen brought back and shared at the end of the meal?
    Because the Spirit of the risen Jesus is distributed to all who ask.

    Wishful thinking or perfect symbolic prophecy? Discuss

  • AlphaOmega

    A posting at last !

    Hurrah !

  • Anti-Christ

    Interesting. But can be easily argued. All sects that evolved keep some of the customs of it's mother religion.

  • heathen

    interesting but is this something that dates back to before christ? Don't remember reading that ritual in exodus .

  • AlphaOmega

    It is not possible to prove. But the whole Passover Haggadah makes much more sense when viewed in this light

    This is not simply something that Messianic Jews do, it is done by Jews everywhere.

    The Afikomen is a substitute for the Sacrificial Lamb, which since the destruction of the Jewish Temple in 70 AD, has not been performed due to not having a proper place to carry out the sacrifice. Many sources suggest that it evolved from an earlier usage of a broken piece of unleavened bread.

    Even before Jesus' time, it was considered likely that the Messiah would arrive at Passover - hence much of the Passover meal is Messianic.

    Just found this on the web. From an "Ask The Rabbi" section of a site:

    Rabbi's Message

    I was recently asked what was the origin and purpose of the afikomen, the piece of matzah that is the last thing we consume at the Passover Seder meal.

    This a fabulous question because the answer is truly shrouded in centuries of mystery. While we must only speculate as to the true origin of the afikomen...

    Some rabbis and scholars see a connection in afikomen to the Greek word for dessert, epikoros, hence this would support the fact that this is the last thing eaten. However, the linguistic similarity is actually not that strong. Without going to much in detail, it is probably more likely the word is connected to the word afikomos, which in Greek means some type of visitation by an angel or divine being. This would then be connected to the tradition of the first Passover meal in Egypt where the sacrificial blood on the doorpost protected the Jewish people from the angel of death (see Exodus 12:22 or De Mille's Ten Commandments).

    Can't find much more than that at the moment. I guess it's going to be a question of faith.

  • heathen

    Yah , insert opinion here , blah blah yadda yadda ..............

  • AlphaOmega
  • AlphaOmega
    Yah , insert opinion here , blah blah yadda yadda ..............

    That's the point isn't it? That to have undeniable proof of anything would force us to believe. God doesn't want a gabble of drones - he wants us to come to him of our own free will.

    Of course it's only my opinion. Blah Blah Blah.

  • heathen

    If they would just accept jesus as the messiah there would be no need for ridiculous rituals that can't be traced back to it's origins and have no biblical reference.....

  • AlphaOmega

    I'm confused, what is your stand on this ? Was the "insert opinion here" regading me or the Rabbi?

    As far as I can tell, the 144,000 are Jews that accept Jesus. I guess that they will accept him eventually.

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