Do you think I should do this or not?

by reneeisorym 20 Replies latest social humour

  • reneeisorym

    At my wedding -- June 30th-- I will have a few x-jws and even one maybe two real JWs there.

    The wedding is in a church .. . and I was thinking of having "Marriage is God's arrangement" played just for kicks with even a soloist there to sing it. I would just love to see the reaction of the JWs and the x-jws laugh.

    A lot of times I get stuck between having fond memories of my days where my family is still around. I feel like that was a part of who I was. And other times I embrase change and hate what they did to me. Mixed feelings there.

    So what do you think?

  • brunnhilde

    Hmmm, I think for your special day the last thing you would want is to have your memories tainted by that crap. But that's just me! *grin*

  • crazyblondeb

    Will the real JW's come to a church??

  • carla

    This is your day, not a day for jw's to think, 'see, she still agrees' or some such silly nonsense. You are starting a new life with your husband, why muck it up with jw crap? just my 2cents.

  • reneeisorym

    His words were, "i have always felt close to you as well. thats why i feel wrong not attending the wedding or something that important, and i wouldn't mind coming and having lunch or dinner one day and i thank you for the invitation."

    I was very excited about this. I'm trying not to push it though. I figure we'll eat lunch together sometime when he's comfortable. He's about 22 and my younger cousin. A year ago when I was still going to the meetings, this cousin of mine was still going too. Also, he has a brother that never did get baptised. I'm hoping his brother might come too. The brother took to drinking and girls instead but as far as I know, he still thinks he should be going to the meetings.

  • Crumpet

    Rene - real JWs arent allowed to go in a church for a ceremony though I thought??? Or are they just doing it underground as it were?

    You know I am always up for doing things the funny way - but I would say maybe not at the actual ceremony. Gags have their place (in the bedroom) and I don't think weddings or funerals are the right place for either. Also it should be as spiritual as possible - however after the ceremony - if you think it will get a laugh from a few in the no - why not have a few bars played at the reception when any jokey songs go (at least at UK weddings!)

  • anewme

    ReneƩ I think you should do whatever you want to. I have just reviewed song 117 Marriage--God's Arrangement and think it is a truly beautiful tribute to marriage!
    "Marriage is Gods arrangement.
    By him it was designed.
    It forms a bond of union,
    Brings blessings to mankind."

    "Love her as your own body.
    This God requires of them
    She who respects her husband
    Is like a precious gem."

    It does mention "headship" and serving "Jehovah" together, but you could substitute those with "Christlike Love" and "God" or "the Lord".

    I think it will be fine ReneƩ.


  • KW13

    Special day, don't bother. Do some other gag elsewhere like use Kingdom Melodies for toilet paper or somethin'

  • reneeisorym

    Its not so much a gag as it is that the song means something to me. And it is a song that I always thought would be played at my wedding. That said -- I still don't know how I feel about it. Its like I hate what they did to me ... but being a JW was still a big part of my past.

  • KW13

    I see what ya mean, in that case your choice - i wouldn't personally

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