by nvrgnbk 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Just got done getting all teary eyed over a recent post entitled "Suicide" by a one-time poster named Regrets.

    It's worth reading if you haven't. What a wonderful group of people we have on this board.

    And no, I'm not a wuss. (And neither are you Nvr.)

    Open Mind

  • theinfamousone

    anybody tells me not to cry, ill hit them in the lip.... lol.... yeah i see no problem with tearing it up once in a while... crying even feels good on a rare occassion!

  • DJK

    Yup; been there a few times lately myself.


  • nvrgnbk

    I love all of you and I'm glad we're all still here to have one another. We only have now. We only have us. We must learn to love now and we must learn to love us!


  • J-ex-W
    Would you guys get a grip? Please. Guys get stuff stuck in their eyes and sometimes it hurts and then we get the stuff out of our eyes and it feels better.

    Repeat to each generation.

    UnConfused----- You're funny!! The timing of this post is very interesting to me. I went across the hall last night to talk to my neighbor about a problem I was having with maintenance here, etc. While I was there, he got a phone call from his mother's doctor. She went in for surgery on a broken arm and they found bone cancer--not sure of its origin. When he was done with the call and obviously choked up, I asked if he wanted me to leave. [I've lived here less than two months--we're still virtual strangers.] He said, "Nah...a big boy boy can cry a few tears, too." I really respected his emotional fortitude, honesty, forthrightness, and maturity to be able to face his vulnerable response head on like that. I gave him a hug--he had to bend down way low for it, 'cause he's 6-foot' 4-inches, and I'm 5 feet tall. When the hug was over--it lasted several seconds--and he stood up, he had tears streaming down his face. I felt sad for what he was going through--and glad that he was dealing with it in a way that would allow for faster, more complete healing for himself in the long run. Good for you, guys, who know how to let yourself cry!!! You GO, guy...!!
  • juni

    My post didn't post.

    As I had said ----- Crying is an emotion. It is cathartic. For some men they don't want to cry because they feel it shows a sign of weakness.

    Though some, as some one else had posted, were taught by their parents that boys should not cry, but buck up. I still respect that person if they don't cry. They are handling the situation in the way that they were taught.

    But it's my opinion that crying is healthy and helps one move on.


  • startingover

    Thanks for starting this thread.

    11 months ago I lost both my parents 3 weeks apart, and since that time tears come very easily. Flat out bawling is not unusual. It's proved to be an excellent way to release pent-up emotions.

    I was watching Castaway with Tom Hanks the other night, and I'm not ashamed to admit the ending of that really brought on the tears.

  • Warlock
    11 months ago I lost both my parents 3 weeks apart, and since that time tears come very easily. Flat out bawling is not unusual. It's proved to be an excellent way to release pent-up emotions.


    I'm sorry to hear that. You have my sympathy.


  • juni
    11 months ago I lost both my parents 3 weeks apart, and since that time tears come very easily. Flat out bawling is not unusual. It's proved to be an excellent way to release pent-up emotions.

    I'm sorry to hear about your parents. That would be so overwhelming.

    It's good to see you posting again. Someone was just asking on the " Favorite Avatar" thread where "Clint" went. They liked your avatar.

    Take care and peace be with you,


  • startingover

    Thanks so much. Quite honestly, I really needed that today.

    It's a funny thing about this board, I read here everyday, often at the expense of getting work done, but because I am not much of a talker and don't post much, no one knows I'm here. I'm sure we would be amazed how many out there do just what I do.

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