by Dansk 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dansk

    I write this in the hope that it encourages others. One never is too old to learn anything or overcome a fear!

    For many years I was absolutely terrified of water. I don't know where it came from - but I was!!

    Anyway, when I was 22 years of age I finally managed to swim - but only on my back. I could duck under the water and, once, I swam the width of the child's pool completely underwater - but I could never swim on my front.

    If I could, I would do anything to get out of going to the baths as, even though I could swim on my back, I still hated the water - especially swallowing it, which I had a tendency to do!!

    As you all know, I've been ill these past three years and haven't been able to do much, but last week I received news that I was in remission. My darling wife, Claire, goes to the local sports centre - which is a minute's walk from our house - regularly to use its pool (she only learnt to swim properly herself recently - which made me immensely proud). Occasionally, Claire would be accompanied by my sister, Sandra, or by my younger son, Dominic. I was missing out!

    Well, this morning Claire asked me if I'd like to go for a swim and this time I was determined to get in the water! We went into the smaller of the two pools, which is only about four feet deep from one end to the other. As usual, I started on my back and made my way to where Claire was at the other end of the pool - where she'd arrived after doing the crawl splendidly!

    I turned around, looked at the far end of the pool and told myself "Go for it!"

    I pushed myself off and started to do the breast-stroke - and completed it - twice! Yay!!

    OK, no big deal for most people here, no doubt, but for me a long-lasting fear has been conquered. I finally learnt to swim at the age of 53!!

    I actually think my having been seriously ill gave me an inner strength for I was determined to fully enjoy my life now and not let anything get in my way. YOU can do it, too!



  • Crumpet

    Babes that is awesome! Well done on overcoming that fear!

  • Gill


    That's it! I'm off to the pool on Monday to see if I can do better! You have me seriously envious!

  • sammielee24


    Two friends of mine - at different times in their lives and both over 50 - were not swimmers. One of them always dreamed of snorkelling and was determined to engage in the sport while on a long planned trip to the Caribbean. The other was taking a 2 week trip on a sail boat in the middle of the ocean and that was her motivator. Both of them joined the YMCA pool and took a few lessons, more so just to get over their fear of the water than anything. After that they kept going and going, revelling in both the fun and the achievment!

    Good for you..another adventure!


  • fullofdoubtnow

    Well done Ian!!

    I like swimming, not that I have been that much in the last couple of years. Trev however shares your fear of water - he doesn't even like walking over it on a bridge! The last time he voluntarily went into water, apart from having a bath was at his baptism as a jw.

    Maybe there is hope for even him yet...

  • Dansk


    So wonderful to hear from you!

    Tell Trev he can do it! It's just a matter of being more determined than ever!! Now, I'm going to go swimming every week

    Thanks, guys, for all your supportive messages! I really felt I missed out on a lot when I was younger for not being able to swim - but not anymore!!


  • fullofdoubtnow


    So wonderful to hear from you!

    Thanks Ian, it's wonderful to be here. I'm having a lovely weekend so far, we are going to some friends for tea soon, but I thought I'd pop in.

    I showed Trev your post, and he sends his congratulations, but didn't seem keen when I mentioned him giving swimming a try. It's the only thing he is scared of, as far as I know.

  • juni

    I am soooooo proud of you Ian!!!!!

    Doing the doggy paddle and flipping to my back and getting around w/strokes gets me where I want to go. I just flip back and forth when I feel like it. The crawl for me, since I am so uncoordinated, doesn't work.

    So I have no fear that I would drown. I'll go in canoes too which are quite tipsy.

    The only water I won't go into is that creepy green yucky duck weed infested water where I imagine turtles nipping my toes. No doubt it's just fish!! That freaks me out!

    Isn't is refreshing to swim?


    Love, Juni

    Hi Linda!!! So happy to see you up and about! My new avatar is a picture of a dove that I found at a site where he stated his wife is battling cancer. It is a picture to give hope to those suffering. Perhaps I will see you later on the board or at Gabbly.

    I love you sweetie!!

  • lonelysheep

    Oh, Ian, I'm so happy for you!!! That's great!

    Thanks for the encouragement. For about the last 6 months, I've felt ready to learn. I don't know how to tread water, so I'd bite the dust in anything over 5 feet. I feel really bad that if I ever had to save my kids, I would need saving myself!

    It looks like it's SO much fun. I wanted to join the swim team in high school. Nowadays, I get a little envious when watching meets and Survivor. I think it's time.

  • Merry Magdalene
    Merry Magdalene

    That's very cool!!! and so great to hear



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