ANNUAL MEETING ... Silverdome

by biblexaminer 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • LittleToe

    Point discussed:

    1. Islam is now larger than Christendom. According to the mankind search for God book, the inside map shows the amount of people in major religions. The numbers for the Islamic religion is now much larger. So all this time that we were looking at Christendom to be this large factor, it could very well be the Islamic groups instead. They are so large, and with all that has happened in the past three weeks, the religion has aggravated the King of the North and the Wild Beast. They will be looking for a way to rid themselves of a large group.

    2. We were urged to read Ezekiel 38 and 39.

    3. The end is rushing up to meet us. The signs are all there. After a
    disaster, people have all these feelings. When it reaches anger, that is when to watch around us. This is when action is likely to be taken.

    4. No neutrality or pacifism will be allowed by governments. They will
    insist we take a side, and when we don't, they can use this as an excuse to take action against us. We could be termed a 'dangerous sect.' We can look for all property owned by the watchtower society to be seized.
    Branches, land, farms, kingdom halls. They might use the excuse that
    they need the land to fund wars or something of that possessions. Money, property, things, will be meaningless to us. Only our heavenly
    treasures will have value. Some of us may have to find shelter with other witnesses.

    5. We will have no legal rights to speak of. Going to court, the police, etc. Any rights gained by us to date will not exist.

    6. The bible does not tell us how far things will go-only that we will
    wait on God to take action.

    7. The Kings of the North and South prophesies are coming true. They are very important to us, even though we don't know who the king of the north is yet. He also brought out that we don't understand everything yet, and may not have complete understanding before this all occurs. If I did not interpret this comment correctly I apologize. This is how I heard it. It does make sense. All through history, many things were understood afterward. Hindsight, so to speak.

    8. Gog of Magog is also important. He will be spewing his rage, because of the witnesses of Jehovah. He will do anything he can to destroy us. Daniel 11:45.

    9. This will be worse than any war ever fought on earth before.
    Other scriptures mentioned in connection to these points: Eze 38:10, 13, 16, 22; Isaih 30:15; Zachariah 14: 12, 13

    10. No matter what happens to us during this time, we can take comfort
    that God is with us. Romans 8:31. There are more with us than are with
    them. Psalms 56:11, 118:16; 16:8. God will not save each and every one
    of his witnesses from death, but we have too much value to him for him to let us all be exterminated.

    11. Apostates are rampant, (Matthew 24:24)waiting for a time when they
    can publicly denounce God's people. That doesn't mean they are not active now. They are publishing materials and speaking loudly. But it will get worse.
    And as Jesus and Paul pointed out, there will be traitors in the
    congregation. Probably more than we have thought there would be. Because of this we need to be cautious- Never let the right hand know...And as today's watchtower put it, cautious as serpents and gentle as doves.
    There will be no need for some to know everything, especially the government.

    12. Physical signs. Matthew 24:29. These will happen. The celestial
    signs will occur( i.e. sun darkened, moon not there), and in such a manner as to leave people in no doubt as to who is causing them. These will be in conjunction with his vengeance on those persecuting his people.
    Zephaniah 1:17, 18. How can they hurt us if they have no eyes to see us? How can they pull a trigger if they have no arms? As Matthew 24 points out, (verses 30-31)there will also be an angelic presence in the heavens- a visible one. He in the heavens, sword drawn, with the angels behind him.

    13. There will probably be a time when the preaching work will slow
    drastically. Our main focus may be on keeping alive and enduring.

  • LittleToe

    In regard to September 11, 2001:

    1. This is the opportunity to comfort people. The brothers in NY are
    using bibles and brochures, and leaving book bags home. They have been asking people how they feel, and listening to whatever they say. Don't shy away from the vengeance issue. Even God allows for Justice. Just listen to them. As Luke 4, puts it, we are to bind up the broken hearted. The society has provided tools, water and food to workers and volunteers, and housed 50 victims after the tragedy.

    2. If people ask why we don't wear a symbol, we can tell them what we
    have done. If asked why we aren't publicizing this fact, we can tell them that God sees our good works, and thats all the praise and recognition we need.

    3. 1 brother confirmed dead, 14 missing and presumed dead, some elders
    from the Bronx.

    4. Read experience "witnessing at ground zero". If you have not received this, let me know and I will forward it to you.

    5. A brother was working in a NY restaurant. The owners were going to
    have candlit vigil for all patrons on a certain date. On the day, they asked the brother to lead them in prayer. The brother prayed to Jehovah, asking him to provide to comfort to all effected by this tragedy, and endurance to those suffering because of it. Afterwards, the owners thanked him for his wonderful words, and the restaurant patrons did as well.

  • Esmeralda

    hi arachnia and welcome to the board...

    you just totally summed up the way that I remember assemblies at the Dome being. That place is such a pit. Every year someone would start hopeful rumors that "this would be our last year at the Dome" because everyone hated it so much. What WAS with the smell?!!! Enough to make you pass out.

    and this: "...."smilin, stylin' and profilin'" boy did that bring back a ton of awful memories *lol*

    I'll tell you I still can't go in a dome for any reason without feeling claustrophobic. My husband graduated from a University where the graduation ceremony was held in a dome, and I barely made it through without running outside screaming into the streets.

    Great post.

    (another Pontiac Silverdome veteran!)

  • arachnia

    Hi Es :)

    So you were stuck in the Dome too huh? I forgot to mention the stanky bathrooms as one of my "fond" memories. ;p

    I used to live in Auburn Hills not too far from the Dome, and it became easy to recognize which events were going on on any given weekend. Truck pulls, wrestling, motocross....I once had this vision of the Dub conventions using the same advertising techniques as the Dome's other major patrons.

    "This Saturday-saturday-SATURDAY! At the Silver-dome-dome-dome...the convention of Jehovah's Witnesses-esses-esses. Eat lousy hoagies-ies-ies, join an oppresive cult-cult-cult!"


    I've noticed a few Michigan folks here. Any chance I might have known some of you? I grew up in the Rochester congregation 1974-1990, moved to Troy 1990-91, and finally to Royal Oak 1991-1996. Just curious. :) You can email me privately if you don't want to talk about it on the boards.



    Say not, "I have found the truth," but rather, "I have found a truth."
    -Kahlil Gibran

  • Rex B13
    Rex B13


    >and given the blind, zombie-like obedience of their
    depressed Witness thralls, they may have a point.

    metatron (sad, isn't it?)

    Read my post, "braindead sis".

  • Rex B13
    Rex B13

    Hi Blondie,
    A little clariication on the passage in Revelation. This is a good vs evil war. Perhaps more like the peaceful of the earth being delivered from the hands of people like Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Osama bin Laden. It is couched in figurative language but the point is that at sometime in history, God will step in and decisively remove the truly wicked from the oppressed peoples of the earth.
    Anyone who betrays it as a 'butchery of innocents' ignores the fact that God's judgement is tempered with mercy and true justice will result from this event.

  • blondie

    Hey Rex, I was just commenting on the fact that the WTS has said that millions, billions of the wicked would be killed based on that scripture and has said it many times over the years. Of course, the WTS believes that it is a killing of the wicked only, believing that the dedicated, baptized JWs (6,000,000 plus only) will survive.

  • fodeja

    Thanks for the info, LT.

    ...They will insist we take a side, and when we don't, they can use this as an excuse to take action against us. ... They might use the excuse that they need the land to fund wars or something of that possessions.

    When will those clueless dimwits realise that on this planet with about 6*10^9 people sitting on it, they're just yet another utterly insignificant tiny weird fundamentalist sect, and that nobody except maybe their "unbelieving" relatives and some ex-Dubs gives a damn about them?

    Money, property, things, will be meaningless to us.

    I guess that must be the thoughest part for the WTS.


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