ANNUAL MEETING ... Silverdome

by biblexaminer 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • zev

    well well....from one coast to the other heh?

    so nothing revealing came from this much touted meeting huh?

    ok...i thought maybe we were to see the end this month.

    did they really say 200 more years till the end?

    -August 8th, 2001 - The day the lambs ROARED

  • metatron

    Maybe the simplest explanation is best.

    They don't see any real threat to their control of
    the organization. They aren't worried about lawsuits,
    exposure, lying, false doctrine, declining revenue,
    the exodus of young people, or much else. They are so
    self-assured as to their imaginary place in God's purpose,
    they just don't care - a few hours of boring speeches
    suits them just fine.

    Never forget Henschel's reaction to the malaise after
    1975. Basically, it was "don't worry, have everyone stop
    talking about it and the problem will go away". It took
    a huge effort just to move these elderly deadheads
    to publish that Watchtower about prophetic "tacking into
    the wind". When you hear rumors that they expect any
    molestation controversy to blow over in a couple weeks,
    you can believe you're getting a glimpse into their

    and given the blind, zombie-like obedience of their
    depressed Witness thralls, they may have a point.

    metatron (sad, isn't it?)

  • Lindy
    there's "going to be a lot off killing, billions will die swift fashion"

    What was he talking about when he mentioned this? Was he talking about the big A? If so, why would any of us need to worry abut this if it is 200 years off? And could you explain the 200 year thing better? Was he really saying that the end was 200 years off? Or was he just waffling so that most would not understand that is what he meant? I can't even imagine that if clearly stated that the end was that far off, that it didn't hit the JW brains there like a ton of bricks!! For all our lives and our parents lives, we have heard that the end is "near". We never expected to get into the 21st century! NOW it is 200 years away?! This type of talk would create another mass exit from JWdom like it did in the late 70's over the end supposedly ending in 1975. But maybe the Organization needs another "cleansing" with the wheat being cleaned of the shaft again? If this 200 year thing was said directly maybe that is why so many left early at the Silverdome in Michagan. They couldn't get out fast enough, showing there disgust.
    Looking forward to seeing how this "new light" affects the majority.

    As Always,

  • Makena1

    200 more years?????????????? IF so,

    I am thinking about trickling some funds into companies like this:

    Now everyone, please turn in your bible's to Prov 13:12, "Expectation postponed is making the heart sick".....sad not only for the oldsters, but their great grandchildren.

  • nytelecom1
    What was he talking about when he mentioned this? Was he talking about the big A? If so, why would any of us need to worry abut this if it is 200 years off? And could you explain the 200 year thing better? Was he really saying that the end was 200 years off? Or was he just waffling so that most would not understand that is what he meant? I can't even imagine that if clearly stated that the end was that far off, that it didn't hit the JW brains there like a ton of bricks!! For all our lives and our parents lives, we have heard that the end is "near". We never expected to get into the 21st century! NOW it is 200 years away?! This type of talk would create another mass exit from JWdom like it did in the late 70's over the end supposedly ending in 1975. But maybe the Organization needs another "cleansing" with the wheat being cleaned of the shaft again? If this 200 year thing was said directly maybe that is why so many left early at the Silverdome in Michagan. They couldn't get out fast enough, showing there disgust.

    this is great!! I love when people take other peoples
    statements and stretch them beyond with
    it !!! will always find whatever you are looking for
    no matter what is or isnt said

  • outnfree

    Okay, nytelecom1,

    YOU had a ticket.
    What WAS said?


    Par dessus toutes choses, soyez bons. La bonte est ce qui ressemble le plus a Dieu et ce qui desarme le plus les hommes -- Lacordaire

  • zev

    yup..i'm waiting to hear what you observed too nytelecom1

    -August 8th, 2001 - The day the lambs ROARED

  • Esmeralda

    Okay, I wasn't there like poor bibleexaminer was (can I offer you some pepto bismol, dear?) But my looooooongtime JW grandmother was. I happened to see her at my parents house when she got in from the big event.

    She of course, raved about the GB members who spoke. It was hard to get any info out of her, she said she would "tell some interesting things" to my brother "later". Meaning, when I left I guess.

    But I did get this out of her. It was said that each Kingdom Hall will now be its own corporation. There will be a body to represent the corporation made up of some elders from each cong. that uses each particular Hall.

    She also made some breif, passing comment about how the "other sheep" now have "full responsibility for the corporate matters" of the organization. Then she hurried up to her room without volunteering any more.

    I find it interesting that these things were casually mentioned among a couple hours of mind-numbing "experiences".

    Last night in chat I expressed that I thought that the elders would be responsible legally now individually, but I was corrected. The "corporation" of each KH would bear responsibility.

    To me this is big, but I guess in England it's been like this for a long time? (thanks Nelly for the info)

    I think that it's a big deal that the GB has now removed themselves from the line of fire/responsibility from any inevitable lawsuits that will come with the pedophile cases.

    Maybe I'm seeing something where there's nothing, but to me it seems like something.

    God, I am so glad that my Mom didn't go. If she'd heard the comment about taking the 'low road' to paradise she would probably have swallowed every pill in her house, I am not kidding. She is so depressed already that it hasn't come thus far, the idea of another 200 years would really be too much for her to take :(


  • blondie


    there's "going to be a lot off killing, billions will die swift fashion"

    Not exactly a new thought from the WTS:

    Revelation 19:17-21 ***
    17 I saw also an angel standing in the sun, and he cried out with a loud voice and said to all the birds that fly in midheaven: “Come here, be gathered together to the great evening meal of God, 18 that YOU may eat the fleshy parts of kings and the fleshy parts of military commanders and the fleshy parts of strong men and the fleshy parts of horses and of those seated upon them, and the fleshy parts of all, of freemen as well as of slaves and of small ones and great.”
    19 And I saw the wild beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to wage the war with the one seated on the horse and with his army. 20 And the wild beast was caught, and along with it the false prophet that performed in front of it the signs with which he misled those who received the mark of the wild beast and those who render worship to its image. While still alive, they both were hurled into the fiery lake that burns with sulphur. 21 But the rest were killed off with the long sword of the one seated on the horse, which [sword] proceeded out of his mouth. And all the birds were filled from the fleshy parts of them.

    Revelation Climax p 285 39 The Warrior-King Triumphs at Armageddon ***
    21 The angel is “standing in the sun,” a commanding position for attracting the attention of the birds. He invites them to be ready to gorge themselves on the flesh of those about to be slain by the Warrior-King and his heavenly armies. The fact that the dead are to be left on the surface of the ground indicates that they will die in public shame. Like Jezebel of old, they will not have an honorable burial. (2 Kings 9:36, 37) The list of those whose corpses would be left lying there shows the range of the destruction: kings, military commanders, strong men, freemen, and slaves. No exceptions. Every last trace of the rebellious world in opposition to Jehovah will be eliminated. After this, there will no more be a restless sea of confused humans. (Revelation 21:1) This is “the great evening meal of God,” since it is Jehovah who invites the birds to share therein.

    Worldwide Security p 159 19 The Impending "War of the Great Day of God the Almighty" ***
    14 The mass slaughter on that day of days will be enormous, for the forces lined up on Gog’s side in that battle will be tremendous. (Revelation 19:19-21) That will indeed be a global conflict, for no section of the earth will escape the destruction. Moreover, those slaughtered at Armageddon will not be laid in graves with markers to memorialize them. Birds of every sort and beasts of the field will share in the benefits of God’s triumph and, at the same time, help cleanse the earth of the many carcasses that will lie strewed upon the ground like fertilizer, unlamented, unburied, abhorred by the survivors. (Ezekiel 39:1-5, 17-20; Revelation 19:17, 18) “Those slain by Jehovah” will have earned eternal infamy for themselves.—Jeremiah 25:32, 33; Isaiah 66:23, 24.

    Survival p 31 4 The Kind of Life That Awaits Survivors ***
    3 True, as a result of the great destruction, the earth will be strewed with those slain by Jehovah. But no one knows better than God what needs to be done to safeguard the health of the survivors. He tells us that he will invite the birds of heaven and the beasts of the field to his “great evening meal” and that they will have their fill from the fleshy parts of those slain. (Revelation 19:17, 18; Ezekiel 39:17-20) What they do not consume he can dispose of by other means. God’s purpose for the earth as stated in Eden will then move forward to its fulfillment.

    Salvation p 275-6 15 Disaster for Fighters Against God's New Order ***
    6 However, the everlasting destruction of persons warring against the Kingdom at Har–Magedon was pictured in another way. How? Well, with the dead bodies of these opposers and fighters against Jehovah’s universal sovereignty he purposed to make a gory feast for “all the birds that fly in midheaven.” (Revelation 19:17, 18) The bodies of the slain will not molder in honorable burial places. Unburied, their flesh will be picked away clean to the bone, beyond identifying the bare skeletons. Because of the multitude of the slain, it will be a huge feast for the scavengers. Directing his words to the King of kings, the Lord Jesus Christ who was foreshadowed by ancient King Melchizedek, King David said in Psalm 110:5, 6: “Jehovah himself at your right hand will certainly break kings to pieces on the day of his anger. He will execute judgment among the nations; he will cause a fullness of dead bodies.” Or: “smashing their skulls, he heaps the wide world with corpses.” (Je) Quite evidently there will be many more bodies strewn over the earth as a result of the war at Har–Magedon than there will be scavenger birds enough to dispose of them all in a reasonable time for human health reasons. So it is reasonable to expect that God will dispose of excess bodies by other means.

    Know Jehovah p 366-7 19 Defeat Awaits Attack by Nations under Gog ***
    44 At that point the battlefield of Har–Magedon is reached. The “war of the great day of God the Almighty” is on! (Revelation 16:14, 16; 19:11-16, 20, 21) As weapons of warfare Jehovah wields the forces of creation, flooding cloudbursts of rain, hailstones of undeclared size, downpours of streaking fire and sulphur—all of which will release more destructive energy than all the atomic and nuclear energy that the nations hold in reserve in the oversupply of bombs that they have stockpiled for World War III. All their scientific devices for germ warfare and chemical warfare will be surpassed by the raging pestilence with which he can plague them, a pestilence that could kill off 185,000 in a single night in a given locality. (2 Kings 19:35, 36) The blood of Jehovah’s Christian witnesses they are anxious to spill, but it will be their own blood that they will drink by the violent loss of their own lives.
    45 Panic—world panic outside the ranks of Jehovah’s Christian witnesses! Gog’s hordes will be thrown into confusion. Instead of keeping united to strike down Jehovah’s worshipers as their victims, they will turn their swords against their own ranks, brother warrior against brother warrior, not religionist against religionist, but radical against radical, Communist against Communist, anarchist against anarchist, nihilist against nihilist. Those whom this suicidal warfare among themselves does not kill off, Jehovah will execute as if going into a judicial court against them with all his supernatural means of wiping all opponents of His universal sovereignty out of existence. He must be vindicated at Court.

  • Moxy

    hey, we didnt have anything in ours about corporate adjustments and congregation adjustments. altho the 2 point you related from your grandmother are already the case arent they?

    '200 years' comment was probably just in the context of, 'imagine what it will be like in 200 years in the new system...' - just some arbitrarily high number that would OF COURSE place the narrative WELL into the new system.

    please tell us a bit about long island nyt. who were the speakers there?

    im still writing up a longer summary and will post soon.


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