Even Worse - I am really starting to hate this religion

by unique1 38 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Crumpet

    megsmomma - who are they in your picture. It made me gasp - its so beautiful and I am a self confessed baby hater!

  • unique1

    Too cute. He really does favor Coach K. Crazy.

  • moshe

    I hope your parents have someone lined up to take care of their needs when they are in failing health. I just helped my in-laws move into an assisted apt this week. His only son was too busy with tax season at work to help out, right- so it was up to me , and his daughter- my wife- to do all the work.

    Trust me, they will be very sorry for being hardline JW's over this.

  • LovesDubs

    Maybe you and hubby need to be a united front in this? You might reply..."If you dont talk to me, your own daughter, you dont talk to my husband you dont see your granddaughter. You arent going to have your cake and eat it to. And if you want to visit the baby you do so with ME there so you dont spread your vile hatred of your only child to my children behind my back."

  • unique1

    I agree with what you are saying, but I have no children. That is megsmomma's beautiful baby.

  • mellybean

    Hello I am new to the forum! I am not an active JW anymore due to the hypocracry of the religion. To make a long story a little shorter I was raised as a JW and ended up marrying out of the truth right after high school. I ended up pregnant and disfellowshipped. Well I ended up staying with my ex-husband for four gruesome years and had two boys with him. That was about 6 years ago. I had remarried about 6 mos after the divorce to a very new to the truth brother. We did really well and he was a great step father to my two children that my ex never cared for or supported me with. Up until about a year ago. I always allowed the children to visit my ex's mother all the time even though she stabbed me in the back all the time. Now she is a JW, but shouldn't be! She has been allowed to keep going to meetings and associating with everyone while harrassing me and making false accusations against me and my husband and telling the elders that my husband and I abuse and neglect our SON, she only cares about the first son, not the second! Well she called the police and child protection agencys numerous times throughout the year on us and all the times the authorities would dismiss the findings because there was no findings of any abuse or neglect in our home! Because of this I stopped letting her see the two kids because she was trying to seperate our family that we were getting back on track due to some personal and financial problems. Well just recently she took me to court to get visitation rights to see the boys. The elders didn't seem to care that she was doing this to us, probably because we don't go to meetings anymore, but I did not show up at the court, so she ended up getting papers on going about and getting custody of my two sons. For a year now, I have suffered from her games and the congregation won't do anything about it. My parents go to the same congregation up there and the elders made my dad step down because they think that he is part of this and that the ex mother in law should be able to see her grandkids. Yesterday~March 27th, I ended up giving up my parental rights due to depression and thoughts of suicide and not being able to fight her anymore. I just can't believe this can go on in a religion that condones going to court. Why can't she be disfellowshipped? She even has people in the congregation on her side and helping her do this. she's lying to them about us as parents. I am a great parent, my husband and I had a son together and we have never abused or neglected any of our sons, she is so full of shit, her nose is brown!!! :) Can someone help me try to cope with this horrible situation since I do not have really any friends due to leaving this cult!!

  • Mystla

    Welcome Mellybean, it sounds like you have really had it rough. This board can help you cope, but it sounds like you need some professional help, too. If you have been having thoughts of suicide then you should be seeing a therapist. They can really help you sort out your feelings about your family and this messed up cult.

    Spend some time reading peoples stories here, and you will see a lot of examples of harrassment and abuse, you aren't alone. Many here will have better insite on your situation than I do, and will have better advice for you.

    I so sorry you are suffering, I hope we can help you find some peace.


  • ex-nj-jw


    So sorry to hear your troubles.

    Have you sought professional help? Did you have a lawyer to represent you??


  • unique1

    WELCOME MELLYBEAN!!!! I have sent your comment to a friend on here so she can put it up as it's own post. YOu will get more help that way. I hope she isn't out of posts for the day too.

    Hang in there.

  • dawg

    Now you hang in there mellybean; we've all stood on a bridge and thought how much hitting bottom might hurt... I can say from expierence that there will be plenty of days of sunshine that you'll enjoy if you take a deep breath, get some therapy and remember that those two boys need your love very badly. Keep it cool my sister! Huff

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