
by cruzanheart 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • forsharry

    I take this. 20mg a day. It was a rough first two weeks...but I've been on so much medication, that the first two weeks of any type of antidepressant is not pleasant...however, and PLEASE believe me on this...it does get better!

    I've been on lexapro for almost two years and most likely will be on antidepressants for the rest of my life. Getting on the meds wasn't easy, but looking back to what I was experiencing before the meds and therapy that there is NOTHING and NO ONE that could make me go back to that.

    Please hang in there cruzan...pm me if you have any further questions...I've been on a lot of psychiatric meds...I'm no expert, but I'd be more than happy to give any insight i have available.

  • purplesofa

    I am curious what mg the doc started you out on?

  • FreeFromWTBS

    I take lexapro with wellbutrin. A little gift from the Jehovah Witnesses. When I started on lexapro, i took half a pill for the first week and then went to a whole pill. I was very sleepy from the pill so my doctor added the Wellbutrin to balance it out. It seems to be a pretty good combination for me. My doctor made it very clear that these meds are not one size fits all and that if I didn't feel right on them that we would try something else. The worst thing to do would be to say these don't work and never return to the doctor. They are will to help but can't if they don't know whats wrong.

  • under_believer

    For me it's all about the C(13)H(18)ClNO (aka Bupropion, aka Wellbutrin.) Of course everyone is different and everyone's depression springs from a different source.

    An excellent side effect of Wellbutrin is that it acts as a sexual enhancer for many people.

    Go to crazymeds.org that Wednesday linked. It's a great reference site for antidepressants and other mood drugs.

  • gumby

    Nina, all you need is to have Chris rub your feet, your back, your neck, do all the housework, pay the bills, handle all money problems, do the shopping, cook, and while he does all that, you go to the gym, shop, and go out to eat with your buddies.......and you won't need any of that crap.......I promise.

    Doctor Gumby

  • MsMcDucket

    I think I need electroshock therapy, so that I can forget everything; or a frontal lobotomy!

  • JamesThomas

    For all who deal with depression, I suggest keeping an eye on TMS Therapy.

    It's not available just yet, but should be very soon.


  • Stephanus

    IMHO Lexapro is THE miracle drug of our era. It has literally revolutionised my life and made life bearable for those who have to put up with me. For me it was the only drug that helped abate the effects of my bipolar disorder, where traditional bipolar treatments, such as lithium, didn't help. But that didn't come without an initial price - the first month had me losing appetite, weight and energy. but the side effects are well worth it - my crazy and depressive episodes are now well under control and we're all better off for it.

    As for your personal reaction, as has been said here, if you react badly, find something else. I used to be on Zoloft - it helped a tiny bit, but not much. But it was benign, with few side effects on me. But when my wife's doctor tried her on it, she took one tablet and came down with the worse case of the screaming meanies I've ever seen. She'd had an allergic reaction to it. So you need to find one that works for you.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    Nina, all you need is to have Chris rub your feet, your back, your neck, do all the housework, pay the bills, handle all money problems, do the shopping, cook, and while he does all that, you go to the gym, shop, and go out to eat with your buddies.......and you won't need any of that crap.......I promise.

    Why didn't I think of that?!

  • Dino

    If I remember right, Lexapro is a derivative of the older Celexa.

    Lexapro helped my wife considerably. There was an adjustment period very much like what you have described. It took about 2 weeks for her to settle in with Lexapro. No one med fits everyone as we all know. But the period of getting used to a new medication can be scary.

    Just a suggestion, you may want to give it a bit of time. However, I dont know fully what you are dealing with on Lexapro of course.

    Bottom line, we wish you the best in this journey.


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