Do you think that "JW's" will get rid of the "Paradise earth" doctrine?

by booker-t 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dagney

    Things seem so obvious don't they from the outside looking in.

    But I'm telling you, my JW friends don't THINK about this stuff. They don't want to even talk about 1914, or MY favorite subjects, "can the 'paradise' really work?" Most my friends don't read they magazines, they say "once is enough" at the WT study.

    I find it interesting what was said about the de-emphasizing of the paradise and the focus on trusting the "slave". Ground work for sure for upcoming changes, tweaks, adjustments.

    I don't think they will let go the paradise earth doctrine.

    A few years ago when I was "in," a group of us were sitting around discussing much the same things that are discussed here. An elder joked about going to the door saying, "Good morning, I'm one of Jehovah's Witnesses and we don't know what we believe."

  • carla

    I can't even imagine what my jw would do if they took that carrot away! That sujbect is how I knew for sure he went over the deep end in a huge way! He sent some REALLY whacky letter to me about his plans in the 'new system' for us. Yikes! I felt physically ill and couldn't even finish the letter in one sitting. I have to say it was the wierdest thing I ever heard come out of his brain (or anyone else's for that matter). How he had all these plans which included me (a non jw, never will be) is beyond me! Maybe if he works very hard jah will let me squeak into the 'new system'? Oh yeah, some family members (all non jw's) got to be included in the plans too! Isn't he generous?!

  • LongHairGal

    Well, let's see. It has been 12 years since they pulled the rug out from under everybody with their changed teaching about 1914 with the result being that many halls are half empty. Is this just a coincidence? I don't think so. SO, if they decide to get rid of the Paradise earth carrot any time soon, I can only imagine the majority of the remainder of the people getting up out of their seats and not looking back. After all, this is their claim to fame (along with their door to door work) which sets them apart from other religions.

    On the related topic of mortality: a couple of years ago, I had an elder say something interesting in conversation. We were talking about how so many are sick and dying, etc. He said: well, I guess some are getting to the "new system" underground (meaning, by death). So, I wonder if many there are quietly accepting the fact they will die "in this system". This also makes me wonder if they even still hold to the "Paradise earth" belief - or is it being put on the back burner.

    I could be wrong, but I feel if they get rid of this teaching many more will leave. But, they may not care as long as they exist as a religion in some fashion.


  • yaddayadda

    Never in a million years.

  • greendawn

    I also agree that they won't drop this doctrine because it is a major lure into the org, it is something that their followers can understand because it is so tangible and near their experience. Heaven may also be good but most people can't understand what it is so it won't sell much. The dubs don't mind bending the Bible to suit themselves as with the resurrection of the dead it's for after the millenium and not during it.

  • zack

    The "Live Forever on Paradise Earth", as has been said, is the magnet of the WTS. Can they change it? Sure. They can do anything they want. But will they? I don't think

    so. It's THE LAST hope of those alive in the Org. and the ONLY hope of those close to the grave---- Paradise through the UNDERGROUND route. And it's also a hude source

    for the emotional blackmail they use on members: If you leave the ORg. you won't see you're dead loved ones again!

    The WTS is sick.

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