being witnesses

by speffot 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yerusalyim


    God says to attend five meetings a week and that this is the measure of ones spiritual maturity and strength? WHERE? God says everyone is to go door to door? WHERE? Seems to me Paul asked (rhetorically) "Are all apostles, are all prophets, are all teachers..." 1 COR 12:29.

    While I have a Christian Witness, in NO WAY am I a Jehovah's Witness.

    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

  • bboyneko
    dont get me wrong, i dont mean to sound critical or rude, but how can some of you say you are witnesses but not attend meetings and stuff...or go witnessing? its what jehovah says to do, so how can u not do what jehovah says, but yet call yourself a jehovahs witness???

    Correction, JEHOVAH NEVER SAID TO ATTEND MEETINGS... the bible simply says to associate with like-minded'll remember that early christians met in homes and ate a meal together. Nothing like the dry. formal ritual we have now. Ok, so if Jehvoahs never said that, who did? The governing body? IS what they say the same as if God said it? Think about that, and also this quote from an essay I love:

    Why does fundamentalism have such a broad appeal? Besides the appeal to vanity ('join us and you can be one of God's chosen'), and its appeal to fear ('you can't be saved without us'), its broad appeal is because it offers an easy way -- a fundamentalist need not think deeply about doctrine or be highly educated in it; as one Mormon leader once said to an audience of university students, "Don't think for yourself. The thinking has already been done." If you surrender your right to think for yourself and just do as the leader asks, the fundamentalist promises you a sure ticket into heaven. What could be easier?

    Your motivation in being a witness: fear and selfishness and pride.


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