Ever want to just name, names?

by darth frosty 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Any of you ever get to thinking about old friends (and the possibilty there posting or lurking here) and just want to give them a shout out? Just be like hey I was your star trek buddy we saw all the movies together. Or remember we used to hang out at the comic book store?

    What subtle hints have you sent out into cyberland to try and find lost friends? (I kinda feel like minimus with this post.)

  • Mystla

    I've thought about it, but I always chicken out. I always look at peoples profiles in the hopes that they are someone I knew, or may know some people I knew. Even the ones from the area I'm from don't seem to know anyone I knew. I was in 6 different congragations and knew people from all over.. so you'd think somebody would know someone... oh well.

    If I think someone here might know people I knew, I usually send them a pm, but I rarely get responses (maybe they never get them?)

    I'm not even sure why I'd like to have that connection, there are very few people from that life that I would care to see again, and they are all still in.


  • alotlikemay

    someone said to me once - 'we really loved our brothers and sisters, but they didn't love us...' and that's true in the case of those of us who left or who were d/f'd - their love for us was conditional

    so yeah, I miss the old bond with them and I did love them but I don't get in touch - they only think there's a chance of getting me back in the org

    on a general level, when I left the org I got in touch with some real old friends - a school friend and a uni friend... after a 20 year gap! - and they were really pleased, they were loyal to me even though I'd abandoned them because of the 'truth'

  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    As you can see my name and face are posted here and if any former witness recognizes me and wishes to do so that would be great. As of yet I suppose none have recognized me.

    As far as posting names goes, the only names I'd love to post, are those of the elders who took the liberty to desroy my life with a concerted effort!

  • Quentin

    I've posted names several times...it's a big world out there...

  • J-ex-W

    I have to restrain myself from mentioning my JW ex-husband's name. By all rights, his name should be listed on a public sex offenders registry, but I have no proof. Every bit as true as we breathe...but I have no proof.

    Oh, yes!--I'd like to name names......

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    As much as I would like to name names I realize there are consequences (like the way it would hurt my daughters). For many who still have family in or are trying the slow fade it is a dangerous game

  • jaguarbass

    Well, I got a picture of me playing my guitar of course 30 years older. And its kind of a small picture and hard to make out the details. Still anyone from Cleveland cold put 2 and 2 together. So I guess all of my old friends are still at the meeting and not playing on the computer. I have been pm by a friend of a friend who picked up on the cleveland connection.

  • jayhawk1

    I've thought about posting my story in a similar way to what New Boy did when he named names.

    Stay tuned to see if I post the last names of Bob S., Earl M., Ben K., Frank B., Don R., Cecil G., and others... in my life story.

  • Crumpet

    I have two here already that I knew - LT and Bull01lay - I recognised them from their posts. I would be easily recognisable to anyone who knew me - well I mean obviously I have changed a bit since I was a dub! But I use my real name and my real picture and my real experiences. I often look forward though to finding old acquaintances or friends on here and would say that they should feel free to PM me at any time if they would rather their identity wasn't known.

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