Back again, after all these years...

by veronica_mars 40 Replies latest jw experiences

  • TopHat

    Hi, Welcome Back.....Been posting for over a year here.

  • Do Not Call
    Do Not Call

    I'm too new to remember you, but HELLO & WELCOME BACK!!
    Love DNC xxx

  • rosalyn

    Dixie Chicks?!

    Was just spinning that cd and when I listen to Not Ready to Make Nice I think of Grace/Mouthy even though she really loves JWs. I think I could also see Grace driving a pink RV Taking the Long Way Around. I am gone so long now from the organization that it's not often I think about all the hurt, bitterness, anger that I felt because of them. But I won't kiss their back sides either.

    I have just arrived back on this site after a 5 year absence as well and it is so good to talk with people who know the lingo. However....

    When I made my post this morning to get feedback on a particular topic I did think of things that haven't crept into my mind for a long time. Not feeling frustrated for myself but my heart is hurting for those that still have to mend.


  • juni

    Hi Katie and welcome back. That's one of my granddaughter's names. She's almost 4.

    I don't remember you as I joined in '04. You sound like a lovely person and it will be nice to get to know you better.

    You might want to take a peek at a new poster's message - her alias is EmilyBlue. She is having problems w/a JW boyfriend. Since you did marry a JW brother you might be able to add further to the discussion.

    I wish you the very best in your "new" life out of the organization.


    Here is the link to Emily's Topic if you want to reply -

  • Abandoned

    You don't ever have to play nice with the elders. They gave up their right to fair play when they chose to carry out their supposed duties with fear and manipulation.

    Welcome back. You are among friends here.

  • veronica_mars

    Wow, so everyone is as nice and friendly as I remembered it!

    I used to love being in the chat... I spent many nights here telling my story and getting it off my chest.

    Not just til recently, with all this new garbage I am dealing with did I think about how great this place is. I spend alot of time on another forum (related to TiVo... haha) and they all "know" me so well, but none of my friends there can understand what I am going through. The call it "discombobulated" not "disfellowshipped", things like that.

    I am currently living with my parents again, after the last 5 years of being on my own. They are both active members of the congregation, as are all my siblings and their spouses. Nobody can understand how I can't move past this thing that happened to me when I was 16... and somehow it happened again.

    With my husband, he was a JW... born and raised, his dad was not. But, he became abusive (physically and mentally) and after going to the elders NUMBERS of times (where they told me I was the problem- not being submissive and I was being disrespectful to him by SLANDERING him... somehow the fact that he HIT me was never the issue...) we spilt. Then, after being bullied ONCE again by the elders, I went back with him. But it was WORSE. I stopped going to meetings, as most people there looked down on me.

    Then, after finding out he cheated on me with an elder's daughter, I told him it was over. He raped me that night.

    I left him then, and never look back. Now the elders say he is the "victim" and I "abandonded him" blah, blah, blah.

    In a way, I want to "cheat" on him, so they have a reason to DF me and I don't have to look back. It's just hard, with my family and all.... I want to kinda "fade out"... if any of you know what that means....

    Well, that's my story. I am a really open and honest person. Glad to be here where I think I can be understood...



  • Mystla

    I just loved the 'ol "it's you not him" crap that would get thrown at me everytime I griped about my marriage. UGH!! So glad to be out and free!!

    I recently returned to JWD after a long absence and was amazed at how much I still needed to work through. I thought I had put it all behind me, but I guess I had just buried it I feel better already.

    Welcome back!


  • nvrgnbk

    You don't ever have to play nice with the elders. They gave up their right to fair play when they chose to carry out their supposed duties with fear and manipulation.

    Welcome back. You are among friends here.

    Yeah! What my good pal Abandoned said. Screw 'em sister.

    Be happy! You got your whole wonderful life ahead of you.

    Yet another new dude,


  • rosalyn


    I sent you a message. So don't forget to check the box at the top corner of this page. You may already have noticed it. I really am not that computer savvy so I was delighted when I made the thing work......

    Since coming back on this site I have re-connected with a friend I made several years ago making use of that inbox.

    Those stinking elders are so full of themselves. And it boils me to think they are still imparting such "wisdom" My non-witness aunt said she was sure that this organization hates women. She was comparing my treatment after disfellowshipping with that of my male cousin after disfellowshipping.Sometimes I tended to agree with her.

    I visited a disfellowshipped "sister" years ago. She related a story to me about how the elders visited their home because her husband was having trouble with her being submissive. They came, they counselled, they admonished and they suggested that after they left that she should go into the bedroom with her husband and make love. And that would make things better for them. What bull shit eh?

    katie you hang in there girl. We are here to listen. I know I won't be able to get to this site everyday so please feel free to email me.


  • juni

    Good evening Katie.

    I bet every JW sister, IF THEY WOULD COME FORWARD, would have their story to tell about being put down/disbelieved , etc. etc.

    That was my experience. Don't you know we are Jezebels?? All of us are still paying for Eve giving Adam the forbidden fruit. And most JW men are still blaming woman for their travesty.

    I'm happy that you were able to get away from the abuse. It's nice that your parents think outside of the box somewhat. How do they feel about how you were treated by the BOEs?



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