I just got fired and I may not have enough money to go to Italy

by tsunami_rid3r 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mary

    tsunami, I've sent you a PM.

    In a nutshell: Don't give up on your education. Check with your advisor, the Faculty of Arts Undergraduate Officer, Student Awards Office and Financial Aid Office to see what your options are. Quite often, there are bursaries available for low income students that many are not aware of. Check to see if there are any part time positions at the university that you can apply for. It doesn't matter if it's cutting the grass or cleaning bathrooms----universities generally pay pretty good and you would almost certainly get a reduced tuition fee.

    Keep us posted.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    [In my best Randy Jackson voice]

    " Hey, dog, check it out. Your options are a little pitchy to me. You need to stay in school, dog. I'll give you props for that."


  • LeslieV

    My daughter just graduated with a degree in Anthropology. While in school she went to both China and Turkey. I don't know where you are in your education, but please stick it out. Maybe right now you need not to travel, keep your money and look for other opportunities. Vanessa recieved some financial help from grants at her college, but right now it is to late for you to apply for it. Think about next year, and have your advisor look for these grants.

    She has majored in cultural anthro, and realizes now that in order for her to do what she would like has to return to graduate school. Keep us posted, and good luck!


  • UnConfused

    I still have my job and can't afford to go to Italy. Just saying. Hang in there T-Storm and for goodness sakes take seriously the good advice in this thread.

  • tsunami_rid3r

    So I may just have to just not go and maybe change my career goal. I'll still be an anthropology major, maybe change to biology. I just don't know if archeology is right for me. I would love to do it, but it seems like a very expensive career to get started. I've heard that its only good as a hobby, same for as being a musician. That means I would need a real job. I want to enjoy my real job too, but I don't know if thats very realistic. Right now, I just want to move out of the states. I like art, history, other cultures, and biology. But I don't want to be a doctor. Can you fill me in on whats out there?

  • new boy
    new boy

    Even it take your last $.......go to Italy.

    They have interviewed Old people in rest homes..........What did the old folks regreted the most? It was not taking more chances in life.

    Turn down a trip to Italy...........are you out of your mind?


  • LeslieV

    The only way you can make a living on a Major in Anthropology or Archeology is teaching. You can teach at a High School level with a Master's, and you would be qualified to teach History. If you want to teach Anthro or Archeology at a college level you ned a Phd. That is what my daugher is going to do is teach at a college level.

    What is your Minor? That also can play into what you could possible do with your education.


  • Mary
    I would love to do it, but it seems like a very expensive career to get started. I've heard that its only good as a hobby, same for as being a musician.

    Unless you plan on going all the way through and getting a PhD in Archaeology so you can teach, you're right....it won't get you as much as other majors.

    I want to enjoy my real job too, but I don't know if thats very realistic. Right now, I just want to move out of the states. I like art, history, other cultures, and biology. But I don't want to be a doctor. Can you fill me in on whats out there?

    My opinion: if you enjoy biology, then I would strongly recommend that you major in that. Actually you could combine your love of Anthropology and Archaeology with biology: the study of ancient species. A degree in Biology will get you A LOT further than a degree in Anthro.......you could do your Major in Biology and a Minor in Anthropology.......

  • LittleToe
    Mary advises:.......you could do your Major in Biology and a Minor in Anthropology.......

    Sound advice this is, young Paduan...

    There's not really a lot of money in archaeology. There's more money in music if you can hit the bit time, but its a real long shot!

  • tsunami_rid3r

    Well looks like I need to take another trip to the adviser. I was really leaning towards biology anyway, but I'm just scared. The introductory course I'm taking is horribly hard. I made a 60 on the second test, but an 80 on the first. Now that we're getting in genetics, I'm seriously interested in it. So I should do alright. If I go for a minor in anthropolgy, then I'm already have way done.

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