The GB and Field Service Activity

by karnage 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Pahpa

    I think it was generally understood by most JWs that the Governing Board members did not go from "house to house" as other members did. The rationale of the time was that they were too busy producing the literature to be able to spend time in this ministry. But I can remember that I had a difficult time to accept this since we were told that the apostles themselves went "from house to house." Were the leaders at Bethel above the apostles?

    Of course, later we found out that the term "house to house" really meant "in the homes." ( Compare Acts 5:42 with Acts 2:46) In other words, neither Jesus or the apostles went from house to house as do JWs today. Rather, they taught "in the homes" of interested people. When this explanation caused a slow down in the ministry, the Watchtower quickly reverted back to the old explanation.

    One of the early criticisms of Rutherford was from an insider who noted that he sent others forth into the ministry work while he sat back enjoying the luxury of his office.

  • blondie

    I have no doubt that Rutherford probably never went door to door in his later years but counted his time through the public talks he gave to audiences that contained at least one non-baptized person.

    My experience was that some of the GB members did go door to door and on return visits and conducted bible studies. It is much like the elders in any congregation. Some are very visible and others turn in a slip but no one ever saw them go out in "service."

    The GB are not officially exempted from all "field service." But it takes many forms such as giving public talks. All the GB members I knew I saw go door to door and with others, people in the congregations reported going out with them.

    I think Rutherford's reputation tars many of the others.

    Remember that many of the rank and file give the appearance of going door to door and they merely call on a few doors they know will have no one home and then break after 45 minutes to go on an hour coffee klatsch to leave and make return visits on people they know won't be home.


  • greendawn

    Is suppose they lost their incentive regarding their preaching because the end never comes. As much as the GB tells them the end is near they no longer truly believe it after 1995. So they are half hearted.

  • meritixj

    I am sure from next January they will have more time on their hands with the scale down of the Watchtower Magazine. It is amazing I can remember how they use to pride themselves on the number of printed publications was a sign for the end days. Maybe, the light got brighter again and they have decided they can relax now until 2034. Cheers Steven

  • Santisimo

    I would like to have the GB followed by a P.I. to see where they go during their spare time. I find it hard to believe that they only travel back and forth to their local KH. With so many MILLIONS of unaccounted dollars at their disposal...

  • Pahpa


    We had the same situation in our congregation. The coffee shops were part of the necessary stops. The pioneers seem to be the worst offenders. Another tactic was to take out territory that was rural in nature. The houses were far apart. So the car group would sit in the car and gossip while someone (or two) would go to the door. It was more of a social hour than a ministry. I'm sure that similar things happened in every congregation. Undoubtedly, the "hours" in service that were reported included these diversions.

  • Dismembered
    What excuse could the GB give to justify their not going from door-to-door on a daily basis?

    excessive drooling, naps and diaper changes. But not necessarily in that order.


  • sf
    Can you imagine Teddy Jaracz ringing your door bell?

    Yes. Yes I can.

    do not think many would deny that the Bethelites work hard. I would not like their schedules.

    Surely yes. Must be absolutely exhausting willingly printing up poison in due season, that ultimately ends up killing it's 'gluttons'. Where DO they find the time and energy to keep the KILLING MACHINE lubed and running?

    Must be jehovahs spirit!


  • onacruse


    Their "jobs" at Bethel come before the meetings and even field service.

    Yes, and even more.

    When I was at Brooklyn, I missed several otherwise obligatory "new boy" meetings, because I worked the night shift. No problem: DO YOUR WORK!

    When I was at Mountain Farm, I went to one meeting, and one time in field service, over a span of three months. No problem: DO YOUR WORK!

    When I came back to Brooklyn, I missed the vast majority of my meetings and field service, because I was back on night shift. Whenever I did show up, the brothers and sisters (upper north Bronx) were just so glad to see me...and the PO, he (an ex-Bethelite) told me, after I expressed my discomfort about the whole thing, told me: "Craig, that's just the way it is for a Bethelite...we understand." DO YOUR WORK!

    Dan Smoley (one of the anointed, and the Brooklyn TM overseer) left Bethel, to become a Special Pioneer, for the same reasons.

  • NewYork44M

    I have given this experience on this board before, but because of the topic I will repeat.

    I lived in Brooklyh Heights for several years. Every once in a while I would see Schroeder and his wife in front of the Towers building doing street witnessing. Schroeder was confined to a wheelchair and semi comatose. He had two mags pinned to his jacket with two young bethelites standing as bodyguards next to him.

    He clearly had no idea what was going on and was quite a sight. But he got his 15 minutes in for field service.

    His wife appears to be a very sweet old lady. I gave her a big hug the last time I saw her and she offer me the mags.

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