My mom took my son to KH after I told her not to

by unbeliever 100 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bobbi

    Ryan sounds like one of the good ones. Work with him to raise your child and your lives will be very happy. Now time for my thoughts about your mother. Watch her like a hawk. She may for a time comply with your rules but slowly she will start her tricks again. When your baby is old enough to talk start a routine for talking about what happened at Grandmothers house.(and every other place he may go without you). Once in a while, I would suggest a surprise visit from you if she has him on her meeting nights. Is she home or at the meeting? She doesn't have to know that you check up on her if you don't catch her doing something wrong. Record everything. Write down conversations you have with her with time and dates. Keep it up even if it seems she is following the rules. You never know when that information will come in handy.

    Biggest thing of all, love each other and don't let your mother ruin everything. Put aside your anger and spend time with Ryan and the baby doing fun things. Don't let this take over your life.

    Bobbi ( still silently giving her mother the finger)

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