Do you believe in God? oR Jesus?

by themonster123 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • What-A-Coincidence

    My question is: If those entities exist, why do they make it so hard on humanity to believe in them?

  • nvrgnbk

    My question is: If those entities exist, why do they make it so hard on humanity to believe in them?

    Amen Brother WAC!

    Praise the possibly-existent Lord!

  • Santisimo

    I wrote a couple of articles on the subject at my blog:

    Feel free to check it out. I welcome all comments on the matter. I do not believe in Jesus as the Messiah. He was a Jew who apparently thought very highly of himself but didn't live up to any of the messianic prophecies. He was probably married with child when he died? How do I know? That's simple. To be a rabbi in those times, you had to be married with children. Even in the JW Bible, some of the Pharisees call Jesus "Rabbi". Even some of his own followers referred to him with that title. You can't use that title unless everyone else in authority at that time recognized you as such.

  • Highlander

    No and No.

  • needproof

    thanks Santisimo I will check out your link,

    Not sure about God. Certainly not the God of the Old Testament; a vicious, vindictive racist with an unhealthy obsessed with blood and slaughter. I like this paragraph from a good book of mine:

    "It was from these distressful conditions that our search for God began. When no answers were forthcoming, man turned inward and developed his own"

    That being said, I can't attempt to disprove God or prove him, it is impossible.

    Unfortunately, where Jesus is concerned, no I do not believe. Too much evidence against, WAY too much. The only thing that Christians turn to when you doubt the existence of Jesus is a small black book written many years ago, which has gone through countless changes and molestation from church and state.

  • DHL

    No. I don't owe obedience to a fairy tale. I am therefore fully responsible for myself. I also have all the strenght inside of me, it is not something external that I have to work for or be thankful for.

  • LittleToe
    Is this the god who sits wherever he sits and watches the crap he watches while not doing anything visibly to fix things?

    Come on guys, play fair! Its our own fault that we invented TV. Things have never been the same, ever since! Can't even get a shelf put up without "just be a minute", and you know how that works with the whole "day is as a thousand years" malarky!!!

  • bubble

    I believe that Jesus existed 2000 years ago. Then he died. That's it.

  • bernadette

    Hi the monster

    I think its important to feel inspired, purposeful and connected but at the same time to feel free to continue exploring - to me Jesus and God represents that in an imaginative way - just as a picture tells a story. The important thing is not to feel confined but to feel a sense of expansion and space.


  • avidbiblereader

    Yes I believe in Both, God as Creator and Christ as my Lord!!!!!!!


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