What's your pet peeves?

by Hannah 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • restrangled

    People at the checkout in the grocery store who wait to start filling out their check after everything is wrung up and then proceed to fill in the their check register before handing over a check. These same people usually are squabbling about the price of an item, (needing a price check) and also produce 100 coupons half of which are no good.

    Drivers that don't let you on the highway as you enter from an on ramp.

    Bawling, wailing brats that seem to be in every aisle anytime I go shopping.

    Loose dogs in the neighborhood....I can't walk my dogs because there are lot of loose little yappers that think they can take on Dobermans. Just because your dog is small does not mean he can be loose. If my dog is on a leash and your yapper charges my dogs, don't be surprised if the charger winds up dead.

    Junk cars and unsightly items sitting on the sides of houses. I wish people would stop storing crap in plain view. Put it in the garage or throw it out!

    r.....(of the I'm feeling cranky today class!)

  • J-ex-W
    people who use their sleeves as tissues and napkins.


    Sorry, Hannah-- I read this line right as I was coughing into my left elbow...!

  • J-ex-W
    Blamers and pointers. If you're not part of the solution, get out of my way.

    jgnat----I love this!

  • pierogi

    People thinking I'm younger than I actually am.

    This is just an example of what I have to deal with. First, I am 19, almost 20. I look a bit younger than that and I guess I sound younger too according to this experience:

    My dad and I were taking my younger brother to his orthodontist appointment. I called my brother's school to ask if they could send him down to the office, saving us a little time since my dad was running late. The woman on the phone was like, "Well you're going to have to get an adult to sign him out. We can't have children signing him out." or something like that. GRRRR! It makes me so mad!

  • greendawn

    People that talk endlessly on their mobiles in buses or trains give me a headache, people that like using pavements as parking spaces for their vehicles without any regard for pedestrians, those that smoke near you without permission, those that can't be bothered to throw their rubbish in the waste bins and drop it down wherever they happen to be.

  • Abandoned

    Having people judge situations they only know one side of...

  • Jeffro

    Slow drivers (and people who forget how to drive when it rains)
    Poor spelling and grammar
    Junk mail
    Unnecessary delays
    Illogical argumentation

  • parakeet

    Jeffro wrote:

    "Slow drivers (and people who forget how to drive when it rains)
    Poor spelling and grammar
    Junk mail
    Unnecessary delays
    Illogical argumentation"

  • Jeffro


    People thinking I'm younger than I actually am.

    Last year I was asked for I.D. 3 times. I'm turning 30 this year, so I'm happy to take it as a compliment.

  • Jeffro
    Jeffro wrote:

    "Slow drivers (and people who forget how to drive when it rains)
    Poor spelling and grammar
    Junk mail
    Unnecessary delays
    Illogical argumentation"

    You listed "redundancy" twice. I'm peeved!!

    Groan. Apparently I forgot to list:
    People with no sense of humour :)

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