Is the end really coming?

by themonster123 41 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • DanTheMan
    Dan The Man, I never figured you to believe in that anymore, that kinda surprised me when you said that.

    Oh really? hmm...I've been hooked on the apocalypse ever since 1984 when a friend and I bought tickets to "Oh God You Devil" but went into the theater where "The Terminator" was playing. That movie rocked my whole adolescent world, LOL.

  • jwfacts

    It is embarrassing to be human and know how easily people can believe such nonsence, particularly in light of the WTS history of saying the exact same things for over 130 years. People dismiss all evidence, suppress any semblance of logic in order to believe what they want to believe. Russells bible students believed they would be taken to heaven in 1878.

    Jehovah’s Witnesses - Proclaimers of God’s Kingdom p. 632 “… the spring of 1878 as the time when he would assume his power as heavenly King. They also thought they would be given their heavenly reward at that time.”

    Like fools some stood in white robes on a bridge in Pittsburgh waiting to be raptured to heaven.

    FAITH ON THE MARCH by A.H. Macmillan pp.26-27
    “On one occasion while talking with Russell about the events of 1878, I told him that Pittsburgh papers had reported he was on the Sixth Street bridge dressed in a white robe on the night of the Memorial of Christ's death, expecting to be taken to heaven together with many others. I asked him, "Is that correct?"
    Russell laughed heartily and said: "I was in bed that night between 10:30 and 11:00 P.M. However, some of the more radical ones might have been there, but I was not. Neither did I expect to be taken to heaven at that time, for I felt there was much work to be done preaching the Kingdom message to the peoples of the earth before the church would be taken away."

    An excellent quote from Carl Sagan in Broca's Brain pp.332-333 uses followers of the WTS as an example of just how irrational people can be, and condemns the WTS (though not personally naming them) for their shameless dishonesty.

    "One prominent American religion confidently predicted that the world would end in 1914. Well, 1914 has come and gone, and -- while the events of that year were certainly of some importance -- the world does not, at least so far as I can see, seem to have ended. There are at least three responses that an organized religion can make in the face of such a failed and fundamental prophecy. They could have said, "Oh, did we say '1914'? So sorry, we meant '2014.' A slight error in calculation. Hope you weren't inconvenienced in any way." But they did not. They could have said, "Well, the world would have ended, except we prayed very hard and interceded with God so He spared the Earth." But they did not. Instead, they did something much more ingenious.

    They announced that the world had in fact ended in 1914, and if the rest of us hadn't noticed, that was our lookout. It is astonishing in the face of such transparent evasions that this religion has any adherents at all. But religions are tough. Either they make no contentions which are subject to disproof or they quickly redesign doctrine after disproof. The fact that religions can be so shamelessly dishonest, so contemptuous of the intelligence of their adherents, and still flourish does not speak very well for the tough-mindedness of the believers. But it does indicate, if a demonstration were needed, that near the core of the religious experience is something remarkably resistant to rational inquiry."

  • Handsome Dan
    Handsome Dan

    The development of a psychosis of fear is instrument of power and control, it's all blatant ignorance, the flock brings riches and strengthens the ever apparent kingdom.

  • 5go

    Well, as anyone on this board knows I"m a newbie....and Witnesses kind of are scaring me with their "end is coming" business. Basically, cuz of three things:

    1) The last convention was called "Jehovah's Day At Hand!" (or whatever the tract we put out about that was called-where we invited everyone to the assembly

    2) the very last tract we put out "False Religion's End is Near!"

    3) Studying the Revelation book now in bookstudy (Not me personally, i don't go anymore-but that's what they're studying in bookstudy now)

    SO!..... It seems like everything is getting so concentrated, like the Society is... getting ready? Also, the way EVERYONE and all my friends and stuff were/are talking, like, "You can just feel we're SO close to the end. I mean, the SOciety is totally getting ready." And in all the recent talks, they keep saying stuff like, "We're not in the time of the end, we're in the last SECOND of the time of the end." Why is all their tlaking about the time of the end getting so concentrated? For those who have been in or left the org. for many many years, can you clue me in-has
    "the end" always been so talked about like it is now? or is it just in their heads?

    Yes they are giving hints to that but I think they won't dare say or write it down again ! Or would they ?


    ..Is the end coming?..Of course..It will be here by June 26th..Unless the WBT$ cancells it again..They cancelled it in 1975..Threatened to put God out of a job if he did`nt comply..God did as he was told.At least he still has a job..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • proplog2

    As much as the haters and ridiculers on this board scoff at the JW preoccupation with Apocalypse it is an important part of the beliefs of the Early Christians.

    Jesus, Paul, John all made references to the nearness of the end. Anticipation of the end was a central teaching. JW's are correct in carrying on that tradition. In fact it is the only Unique Selling Point the JW's have. Not that there aren't other religions that believe the "rapture" is near. But JW's see themselves as saving lives by bringing this issue to peoples homes.

    JW's are wrong in many ways. But it remains to be seen if they are wrong for the right reasons.

    If the world experiences a tribulation as the Bible describes then being members of a world-wide brotherhood could have great survival value.

    I am not too proud to say that if something occurs that could definitely be described as "the disgusting thing standing in a holy place" I would join those who have been prepared by Bible prophecy to flee to a place of safety. To save my ass? Can't fault anyone for doing that can you?

  • 5go

  • heathen

    I am not too proud to say that if something occurs that could definitely be described as "the disgusting thing standing in a holy place" I would join those who have been prepared by Bible prophecy to flee to a place of safety. To save my ass? Can't fault anyone for doing that can you?

    sounds like the WTBTS has something to offer you after all . Disgusting thing = league of nations and later known as UN . Promises peace and security in place of the kingdom of the heavens of which allegedly had been ruling invisibly since 1918 when jeus chose the bible students over all other religions as the FDS.

  • proplog2


    I don't believe the Watchtower prophetic interpretations. Although, I can see why it may be necessary that they are wrong.

  • zagor
    Is the end really coming?

    Yep, did you miss the memo?

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