I did not know this

by TooBad TooSad 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • themonster123

    That's seriously scary! Yikes. Never EVER heard that before. Sure you're telling the truth? sorry...i don't want to offend you-it's just seems so hard to believe! I've been a witness my whole LIFE and never heard that! (21 years)....well, ex-witness now.

  • needproof

    Hi the Monster

  • abbagail

    TBTS: Thanks for the scoop from the "inside." ;-)

    Hey, did you realize your initials are one letter short of WTBTS? ;-) heehee.

    That is unbelievably arrogant what the BS conductor said about the Holocaust was solely Satan's attempt to wipe out the JWs -- rather than the Holocaust being mainly re: the Jews... (UNLESS, of course, it is Judeo-Masons secretly running the WTBTS from behind the scenes. Then, it would mean the same thing... but that's another story altogether.)

    Was that comment part of "spiritual food" from HQ, or was it merely a spontaneous off-the-wall remark by the lone BS'er? Or was it part of the "new light" previously supplied to JWs to be pasted in to their old Revelation books?

    The only reasons I can think he would make such a comment, if none of the above scenarios are correct, is:

    1. As if the small number of JWs in Hitler's Germany were any sort of "real threat." Puh-leeze. By his saying so, it sounds like another way to "puff up the JWs" to make them feel more important (as an org, and as individuals) than they really are in the grand outworking of the "last days."


    2. It could possibly be a "set up" to implant in the minds of the JWs more of a "persecution complex" that the Big Bad Devil hates the JWs more than any other Christians (or Jews, evidently), so the JWs better "watch out" for "what's coming next;" ie, "If the Devil didn't get us in WW2, then be ready because he's coming after us NOW, SOON"-type of brainwashing. (You know how they love to "implant ideas" and watch them "mushroom" in the minds of the JWs... What a grand mind-control experiment the individual JWs provide for their task masters, like play-dough-brains in their leaders' hands).


    What the poor individual JWs do not realize (because the WT leaders are misleading them) is that it is PRECISELY Israel and the Jews who are "God's Timepiece" as to ALL "last days" prophetic events (Fig Tree = Israel, Matt. 24, last generation, etc). Everything to do with prophecy has to do with the Jews and the House of Israel, literally, and NOT the JWs, nor their so-called FDS, and their supposed "anointed class," etc. I still can't help but think the WT is "setting up" the JWs to endure a "house of horrors" during the seven-year tribulation, which would not be necessary if the JWs realized their leader is Jesus Christ ALONE (w/o the Holy Spirit-"Usurping-Org" in between them and Jesus), and that EVERY Christian's hope is a heavenly one (no "two classes" of Christians as WT teaches). -- However, if the WT INSISTS on claiming all prophecies re: Israel FOR THEMSELVES and the JWs, then that includes the BAD ONES, TOO, the "time of Jacob's Trouble," the reign of the antichrist, and the horrors of the tribulation. (And WHY would the WT want such a thing? See my brief comment at the top... WHO is REALLY RUNNING the WT?)


    Lastly, that's crazy what the BS conductor said about the friend of the Bible study... I guess an org's members are not allowed to discuss its founders, from whence its teachings came? I guess I hadn't realized they now included Rutherford as part of the "evil slave." I thought the evil slave were those who supposedly departed from Russell's group because, as the WT told it, they were too "lazy" to continue preaching when it was realized the preaching work was not finished "back in the day." The truth is the WT had to create a whole new "class" of Christians in order to "wash over" the failed prophecy dates, so they had to "extend" their "work" somehow. Voila! Create a whole new group that needs to be "witnessed" to.


    Oh well, it's so convoluted... and dangerous, if you ask me.

    GET OUT while you can... and seek "Freedom in Christ" whose truth is SO SIMPLE. No convoluted WT explanations of scripture needed. That's the Holy Spirit's job, and Jesus promised to send Him to EACH BELIEVER individually to be their teacher/guide/comforter, and NOWHERE does Jesus say he was going to send the HS to an "ORGANIZATION."

    Take care!

  • ButtLight

    Ok, I am so rusty on this stuff, since my only learning time of the beliefs were from the time I was born, till 18.

    The J.W.'s have been trained not to look at their past and if anyone does refer to Russel

    or Rutherford then he must be a part of the 'evil slave

    Isnt one the founder of the witnesses, and the other who took over??? (or do i have that completely wrong?)

  • Pahpa

    It shouldn't surprise us that some JWs have strong unrealistic views of modern history as it applies to the Watchtower Society. The Society itself is troubled by tunnel vision. Just read its publications about its own organization and the fulfillment of scriptures: the "two witnesses" of Revelation 11, the delievered "woman" of Revelation 12 or the "bowls of wrath" in Revelation 16. It may reinforce the importance of the organization in the minds of most JWs. But it was also a troubling aspect of doubt for many of us when we were in the organization. We now look back and realize just how ludicrous the whole concept was/is.

  • Elsewhere
    the real purpose of the Holocaust was not to rid Europe of the Jews but rather Satan was moving Hitler to kill all of the J.W.'s.

    lmao... yeah... and the JFK assassination was actually an attempt on MY life.

  • Shutterbug

    The book study conducter said Tuesday night, during coverage of the Revelation book,

    that the real purpose of the Holocaust was not to rid Europe of the Jews but rather Satan

    was moving Hitler to kill all of the J.W.'s.

    About the time I think I've heard all the nonsense coming out of jw's, something like this comes up and I realize I haven't even scratched the surface.

    However, since the shock of reading the above quote has worn off it's easy to see why someone who is not allowed to research anywhere except in current wts publications would believe Hitler killed six million people just to get rid of jw's.

  • abbagail


    You have it correct.

    Russel was the founder.

    And Rutherford was the scheister (sp?) who swindled the "corporation" away from those handful of men whom Russell had entrusted his "baby" to.


  • free2think

    LMAO. It still amazes some of the rubbish they come out with. The real reason for the Holocaust was that it was satan's ploy to get rid of dubs and not jews, that's a new one.

  • heathen

    I know I've heard their belief that satan likes to use times of war in order to have JWs persecuted or to entice some to follow patriotism. This conductor was obviously pulling one of his own opinions out his backside . They do like to do that from time to time .

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