Do Watchtower Flashbacks Still Haunt You?

by The wanderer 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • found-my-way

    I still dream about meetings, but more often conventions,

    even before my fade. I would dream of HUGE conventions, held at night for some reason, I am looking for my seat, and looking for my family, but I cant find them....I would sit alone with strangers around me, and I dont even have my books!

    that is the reccuring theme, not being able to find my family...and now I have really lost them....

  • needproof

    nice question,

    yes they do, even after a few years out now. It will never leave me, I think.

  • DJK

    32 years out and I still have bad dreams about the org.

    One is the sound of my fathers voice waking me up in the morning for field service.

  • megsmomma

    They still "haunt" me too. Usually I am at the Hall...and no one knows I am disfellowshipped. There is ALWAYS drama.....I wish I didn't have those dreams anymore.

  • lisavegas420

    great question!!!!...and something else for me to be thankful for. (I keep a list) NO!!!!!...I do not have flashbacks.

    I'm really sorry for those that do, I hope you find relief.


  • jaguarbass

    No that was 24 years ago. If it werent for jwd, I probably would never think about the jw's.

  • under_believer

    True story.

    Coupla weeks ago I woke up in the middle of the night, and in one of those tricks your brain plays on you when it's first waking up, I was convinced that my wife, myself, our entire bed, were all covered with weird glowing ants moving around very fast.

    I don't even believe in demons, but in my confusion and disorientation I found myself praying aloud to Jehovah for protection from demons.

    I'm embarrassed to admit this. Please be kind.

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