Do Watchtower Flashbacks Still Haunt You?

by The wanderer 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Do Vietnam Watchtower Flashbacks Still Haunt You?

    Occasionally, there are times in which I get up from a sound sleep
    tearful because of my Vietnam Watchtower Flashbacks of being
    one of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

    Sad to say, these dreams come back to haunt me in a negative way.

    Do You Ever Dream Of Still Being Stuck In The Organization?

    Are there times in which you find yourself “back” in the Kingdom
    Hall? Do these nightmares eventually leave a person’s subconscious?


    The Wanderer

  • Brother Apostate
  • nvrgnbk

    I will tell you this wanderer, and I'm dead serious. For years prior to my exit/fade, I used to fantasize about being an ex-Witness.

  • onacruse


    Sometimes it seems like I'm surrounded by JW ghosts: my family, people I work with, people who I knew since they were just babies, people I still care about very much, an elder I just talked with this afternoon (who invited me to Memorial), my adopted children whom I've not talked with for 5 years...

    Of course, they're not ghosts!

    However, I could just wish that the cacophony would just go away.

  • thecarpenter

    sometimes, when I plan on doing sometime to piss off the Watchtower. Then I remember why I left and the doubts go away.

  • 5go

    every time I go to the hall.

  • Soledad

    I frequently dream about being back in the KH or at an assembly. Just the other night I dreamt that my mother was driving me and my brother to the KH that we attended many years ago, in an old station wagon that she once owned about 25 years ago. My mother is and always was a very careful and slow driver, in this dream she was driving quite recklessly. Once I got there I saw all the familiar faces and was asking around for some people who I didn't see. Weird. I think the whole JW experience will forever be etched into my memory and psyche.

  • penny2

    I sometimes dream about going from door to door. Huge blocks with long driveways. I'm working with the PO or CO. And the people behind the doors are people in my life now.

    What a nightmare!


  • Casper

    I'v been out for 10 years and I still often dream of the meetings and such. I find myself questioning alot of things I "should" be able to do with out thinking about what would so and so think ...etc. I also still cringe when the door bell rings on Saturday mornings. I can't seem to shake the feelings of guilt if I watch a ---Questionable Movie--- or just enjoy reading a good Novel.......... Does it Never end...?????


  • Handsome Dan
    Handsome Dan

    No not particularly for my self, I'd put it down as more anger at the stupidity of the whole thing, living a life of ignorance and fear brought on by corrupt men is never a pleasing experience .

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