Five Reasons Why Some Deny 911 Was An Inside Job

by badwillie 29 Replies latest social current

  • badwillie

    Five Reasons To Deny 911 Was An Inside Job

    1. Comfort.

    Comfortable people do not dissent. They rarely question authority, unless overwhelmed by fleeting pangs of conscience or momentary madness. Why would any self-satisfied comfortable person want to discomfort themselves? The whole purpose of a comfortable person is to acquire more comfort or to ensure a perpetual state of comfort. Why would comfortable people, contented with their place in the world--a comfortable home, a well-paid job, respect within their community--want to upset that equilibrium? Why would any comfortable person question his government about circumstances he cannot control? Why risk discomfort, disapproval, suspension from work and community scorn simply to question something like 911 that cannot be changed? To a comfortable person, that makes no sense at all.

    2. Complacency.

    Complacent people rarely make waves, create dissension, cause an uproar. They prefer not to talk about politics and religion, nor to do any independent thinking. Because a complacent mind is a safe mind. Complacent people prefer "to get along to go along," to swim with the tide, to run with the herd, to blow with the wind. They like to mind their own business which, on the face of it, seems like common sense and the safe thing to do. Because to get passionately involved in any cause or belief (aside from sports) would require a lapse of complacency. Complacency, unlike comfort, requires a more practiced inertia. To accept the state or the status quo, with mild complaint--but only the mildest, acceptable complaint--and plod along like herd animals. To dare question the state, or debate popular consensus, is not only foolish and insane but borderline treasonable to the complacent citizen.

    3. Cowardice

    Cowardice is the most understandable of denials of 911. It is convenient to deny 911 out of fear, because to do otherwise, to look at the evidence presented by the most powerful empire in the world, requires a heretical leap of independent thought. A mental insurrection worthy of revolutionaries, pioneers, patriots and outraged citizens. But cowards cannot sift the evidence and arrive at an independent conclusion. They have been beaten and cowed and, at most, can only cringe and howl in derision from the rear. At every original thought or contrary opinion (contrary to the state and the corporate media that is), they howl and scurry away, anonymously. At best, their children may lead them, by example, into a braver realm of thought.

    4. Conviction

    Conviction--to be convinced of one's rightness---and the courage to assert it, is admirable even if one is proven wrong eventually. A great many believers (in the official story) are as convinced of the Kean Commission version of 911, as we skeptics are of their error. These believers claim, with many, many intelligent professionals to back up their claims, that steel does weaken and melt from fuel fires and big buildings do indeed collapse, that falling concrete does indeed pulverize into micro-sized dust particles, that incompetence does not necessary indicate evil. We truthers, in turn, claim the mass of incriminating evidence overwhelms the experts and trumps their testimony. So who is more right? Time will tell. But the only way we will ever convince these true believers (our co-workers, friends and family) of the falsity in the official, government version of 911 is to show them what a lying, poisonous, murderous, mercenary, fear-mongering, war-mongering, fascistic group they have put their faith in. And every day more and more disgruntled citizens are becoming convinced we may have a point.

    5. Collusion

    A secret activity undertaken by two or more people for the purpose of FRAUD. The definition of collusion. The US media colludes every day. They collude with the White House or Pentagon or State Department to perpetrate some fraud or other. And many of us collude right along with them. The smallest group of 911 deniers, numbering several million, which I call the Colluders, includes many who have worked for the US government, still work for the US government, receive huge chunks of money from that government to fund their work, depend on contracts from the US government and, more often than not, support the official US government line. Many of them, working high in the US government--NSA, FBI, CIA, Pentagon officials---know exactly what happened on 911 but keep quiet. Colluding all the way to the bank. Privately they may not agree with many aspects of the official version but, publicly, they will NOT utter a single statement, will NOT go on record, publicly, with a single dissenting word. Not while there is money to be made. And so, of all the 911 deniers, they are most complicit with the crime.

    Comfort. Complacency. Cowardice. Conviction. Collusion. And sometimes a combination of all of them.


    One reason to charge you with plagerism.

  • Who are you?
    Who are you?
    Five Reasons Why Some Deny 911 Was An Inside Job

    The ability to see

    The ability to hear

    The ability to think

    The ability to reason

    The ability to come to a logical conclussion based on all of the above

  • badwillie

    Ah, Dude.... check facts FIRST. I am the author.

  • badwillie

    The New Torture Bill
    House bill H6166 (yup…) signed by the president, introduces, per the New York Times, “a dangerously broad definition of ‘illegal enemy combatant’…could subject legal residents … to summary arrest and indefinite detention with no hope of appeal.” It essentially broadens the term so that it can be applied to “whomever a military tribunal says so,” to paraphrase

    The PATRIOT Act
    This law expands the government’s surveillance ability involving American citizens, particularly on-line and over voice communications via the use of wiretaps. It also greatly expands the definition of “terrorism” and allows the government to enter and search our homes without them informing us.

    The REAL ID Act
    This bill requires all U.S. citizens to carry a federal I.D. card to, as stated by, “travel on an airplane, open a bank account, collect Social Security payments, or take advantage of nearly any government service.” Americans will hear some variant of “Your papers, please.” Will we accept it as necessary for our protection?

    Kellogg Brown and Root Concentration Camps
    Yes, you read that correctly. Concentration camps…on American soil. “Preposterous!” you say? Regrettably, quite a reality. KBR, a subsidiary of Cheney’s old stomping grounds, Haliburton, is at this moment building facilities to house and detain large numbers of people. Dow Jones Market Watch notes that the contract “which is effective immediately, provides for establishing temporary detention and processing capabilities to expand existing ICE Detention and Removal Operations Program facilities in the event of an emergency influx of immigrants into the U.S., or to support the rapid development of new programs….”

    “The rapid development of new programs…” What on earth could they mean by that?

    Do I have your attention yet?

    Biometric Big Brother
    Doing a quick search on “biometrics”, one quickly finds the Biometric Consortium which “serves as a focal point for research, development, testing, evaluation, and application of biometric-based personal identification/verification technology.” Already in use are rice-sized RFID chips implantable in human flesh, produced by a Florida-based company called Verichip (take a look at their website). It will become necessary to have this type of tag if one is to buy, sell, or otherwise participate in society (even turn on your computer). Note that Britain has already in place big brother type loudspeakers that shout at you when you may be committing a violation or infraction, or even using bad language-wasn’t that in some dystopian Schwarzenegger film? From the Daily Mail, Sept 16, 2006: “Big Brother is not only watching you - now he’s barking orders too. Britain’s first ‘talking’ CCTV cameras have arrived, publicly berating bad behaviour and shaming offenders into acting more responsibly.”

    North American Union
    The Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America website states that it “was launched in March of 2005 as a trilateral effort to increase security and enhance prosperity among the United States, Canada and Mexico through greater cooperation and information sharing.” Reading between the lines of the lullaby rhetoric, the president has signed agreements with Canada and Mexico, without congressional approval, to merge the three countries into a single North American Union. Prepare yourselves for the formal dismantling of the United States as a sovereign entity.

    Prepare for the formal repeal of the Constitution (already a dead letter) and our sacred Bill of Rights (already abused to the point of obscurity). It is happening right under our noses.

    Racial Scapegoating
    Since 9/11/2001, it has become acceptable to bash muslims. At first, a distinction was made between the radical fundamentalists and those of more moderate persuasion, but over the past year, the rhetoric against “islamofascists” has mounted to an ear-splitting cacophony. When the administration adopts this bastard term of dubious meaning right from the mouth of sycophantic talk-radio, there is little hope of cooler heads making great efforts to distinquish between whom we might deem “radical islamofascists” and those who merely practice the religeon.

    Take, as an alternative example, the great chorus of outcry against the mexican illegal immigrant. Now, understand, this massive flow of mexicans over the southern border is not only a problem ignored by the government, but has been coordinated and planned with government help. A major topic of right-wing talk radio, the tension is building for the government to step in and save the day. Mark my words, Americans will cheer as people of demonized ethnicity are herded into the aforementioned KBR camps.

    Again, you as a sensible reader may likely scoff at this idea, but I point out to you that this scenario has already happened more than once on American soil: the herding of Native Americans onto reservations, and the internment of Japanese Americans during WWII.

    Suppression of Dissent
    The government began revoking the tax exempt status of churches whose pastors do not genuflect to the administration. The homes of whistle-blowers are raided by the BATF or similar organizations. Surveillance of peaceful demonstrations and the compilation of political profiles of peaceful demonstrators by police in New York (as reported by the ACLU).

    Another curious point of note: The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, whose mission is to “reduce inequities around the world”, was recently outed as having funded the buy-up of independent newspapers around the country. Now I ask you, dear reader, why would the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation be buying independent newspapers?

    Foreign Troops on American Soil
    On September 8, 2005, the Associated Press reported that unarmed Mexican troops were escorted in to the U.S. to assist with Katrina relief efforts. National radio broadcaster, film maker, and researcher Alex Jones reported that his sources pointed out that this report was specific only to a single convoy, and that other convoys were identified as being armed. Congressman Ron Paul, R-TX, stated unequivocally that “any Mexican troops here period is illegal and unconstitutional.”

    Cashless Society
    Society is moving towards the complete digitization of money. When this happens, all ability to maintain anonymity in transactions will be gone. Every last thing we buy–lest we resort to out-and-out barter (which would collapse the division of labor if it became widespread)–will be traceable by The Powers That Be.

    full text here:

    Ah, Dude.... check facts FIRST. I am the author.

    Umm, yeah, right!

  • under_believer

    God damn it, it looks like this shite is going to be a cyclical thing here on JWD. These 9/11 conspiracy people come on here every few months, meet well-thought-out, reasoned debate, grow shrill, and get banned. It happens over and over again. I am so tired of it.

  • badwillie
    meet well-thought-out, reasoned debate

    From many here, yes. Others, such as yourself Under Achiever..nada.

  • under_believer

    I'm done debating 9/11 with whacked-out conspiracy theorist honey-crusted nutjobs. There's no point--not only is it impossible to deprogram a conspiracy theorist believer (and we get a lot of them on here, the Witnesses are a fertile ground for conspiracy theories) but I also have this little objection to casting pearls before swine.

    I leave that task to others who have a greater capacity for suppressing their gag reflex.

  • What-A-Coincidence
    I'm done debating 9/11 with whacked-out conspiracy theorist honey-crusted nutjobs

    WTF? It's on now for calling me names dingleberry!


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