How would you react if someone at the hall called you by your username here

by JH 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • ButtLight

    They didnt have time to call me by my username at the hall, I only got 1 1/2 meetings in before they dfed me lmao

  • free2think

    Is that you in the costume JH?

  • anewme

    Oh, changing your avatar?

    May we make suggestions????

    But going stealth requires these sacrifices you know.

  • JH
    May we make suggestions????

    sure :)

  • anewme

    Ive been a flower standing out in the field now for about 2 years.

    No one has busted me yet.

    These damn bees are a nuisance though!

  • Abandoned

    Well, first of all, I'd try to figure out what the <expletive> I'm doing in a <expletive> kingdom hall. Then, I'd figure I must be on some kind of reconnaissance mission so hearing my user name here would throw me a bit. But, since it still could be friend or foe, I'd feel the person out to try and determine what lay ahead.

  • under_believer

    I would s__t myself, I seriously would. I can't think of anything more terrifying.

    A few months ago I posted a review on under my real name. It was of a book that most Witnesses would consider inappropriate for "Christians," nothing "apostate" or anything, but still not sanctioned.

    A couple weeks later this elder came up to me and mentioned that he'd read the review I posted on the internet. I was like, "what???" After I realized what he was talking about I went out and obscured the review in such a way that it still had the same name on it, but was obviously not me.

    It was freaky, though, realizing that an elder had gone out and googled me by my real name. I've been inactive for almost a year, what was he hoping to find? Apostate rants under my own RL name?

  • ninja

    wouldnt bother me in the least as I dont care in the least what they think...they have no hold over me ...p.s some people I know even call me ninja I have been using it so long

  • whyamihere

    What would I do???

    Well, from the JW grapevine a few people know that I am on here.....

    If an Elder or MS in my hall, walked up to me and said "whyamihere".....I would say? I have no clue why you are here...and start laughing... I could care less, besides depending on the person, I would have to point out all of their dirty little secrets.


  • avidbiblereader

    I have to sit up out of the casket, that is the only way you would get me back in one.


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