'No such thing as disfellowshipping or disassociating now'

by needproof 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • needproof

    I heard it said recently on this forum that there was no such thing now as disfellowshipping or disassociating. You are either a JW or not... is this correct? And how much should I read into the thing about 'not talking to the inactive' now, as per advice given at the latest assembly?

    I ask this because for the past few times now the JW's have just totally ignored my house, as though it is a DO NOT CALL - but I am not disfellowshipped, just inactive.

  • stillajwexelder

    legal speak - but yes - they just announce xyz is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses

  • Zico

    They no longer announce you as 'disfellowshipped' or 'disassociated' instead, they just announce you as 'no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses' which is code for: 'Let the shunning begin.'

    They still use the terms disfellowshipping and disassociating in magazines now, so they still exist, elders just don't use them in announcements.

  • needproof

    mmm, interesting, thanks.

  • OnTheWayOut

    The "Don't talk to inactive ones" is from one poster hearing it said at the
    Circuit Assembly or Special Day assembly. We don't know of others hearing this.
    SO- it's possible that it's one CO's feelings, or the start of something new.

    I have a feeling, with the tightening up of the overlords, it will become something in time.
    I doubt it will have any force behind it. I can hear it now- "I got disfellowshipped because
    my grandson hasn't preached in over 6 months or attended meetings, I went to see him,
    we went out and had lunch together, and the elders saw us. They asked if I had invited
    him to the hall, I said yes, but he said "No thanks." They told me to get up and leave him
    right then and there, but I didn't. The next week, I was in front of a JC."

  • aniron
    The "Don't talk to inactive ones" is from one poster hearing it said at the
    Circuit Assembly or Special Day assembly. We don't know of others hearing this.
    SO- it's possible that it's one CO's feelings, or the start of something new.

    What crossed my mind over this is that maybe the WT have realised that many "inactive" ones are such so they can keep in touch with family.

    But that many "inactive" ones are really faders/apostates in disguise. There are many such ones on this forum. No longer believing in JW teachings but can't DA because of being shunned by family. Or hoping that they can make others see the truth about the WT.

    By "suggesting" a "don't talk to inactive ones" policy, The WT hope that JW's will stay away from such ones and might not be influence by them.

  • Jeffro

    A few years back, they stopped explicitly announcing 'disfellowshipped™' or 'disassociated™', replaced with the vague 'no longer one of JWs'. The likely reason was the large proportion of leavers who disassociated™ over doctrinal concerns. Other members are less likely to want to find out about such concerns if it is simply implied that the leaver committed some 'sin', and usually the implication is 'fornication'™.

  • greendawn

    The point is that the ex JWs whether called DFed, DAed or just not JWs, will be treated in the same way and shunned nothing will change for them. I think that's how they tricked the Bulgarian government regarding the blood issue, they won't DF members but consider them DAed.

  • nvrgnbk

    Hello Jeffro,

    The likely reason was the large proportion of leavers who disassociated™ over doctrinal concerns. Other members are less likely to want to find out about such concerns if it is simply implied that the leaver committed some 'sin', and usually the implication is 'fornication'™.

    Excellent insight, man.


  • blondie

    As far as "inactive" JWs, ones that no longer turn in a "time slip" or attend meetings, I found this. But I can see it being said not to "socialize" with those who won't respond to invitations to come to the meetings. This is not really new.

    *** w93 7/15 p. 27 Tenderly Shepherding Jehovah’s Precious Sheep ***

    Inactivity in the ministry or in attending Christian meetings does not mean that the sheep is no longer part of the flock. He remains part of "all the flock" for whom the elders must "render an account" to Jehovah.

    *** w01 12/1 p. 10 You Can Avoid a Spiritual Heart Attack ***

    Some in that situation have allowed their spiritual strength to dwindle to such a point that they become inactive, or nonpracticing, Witnesses!

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