Long Time Current Bethelite's Take On the Young, New Gov. Body Members

by Seeker4 46 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • gumb

    Q: You're welcome! I'm sure there are many more scriptures on bad shepherds.

  • willyloman

    The Year Text, for 2007 and every year thereafter (and most of the years prior, as well):

    "The sickened ones you have not strengthened, and the ailing one you have not healed, and the broken one you have not bandaged, and the dispersed one you have not brought back, and the lost one you have not sought to find, but with harshness you have had them in subjection, even with tyranny." - Ezekiel 34:4 (NWT)

    I agree that change will come when hell freezes over, and that the newbies are even worse than to OF's. I could see that when I decided to pick the lock and slide out the back door. There wasn't going to be any meaningful reform in my lifetime, and this is an organization badly in need of reform. Now I realize there is no real way to reform decay. The problems are systemic.

  • under_believer

    The current crop was appointed by the Jaracz-dominated GB. It's no wonder they're hardline.

  • greendawn

    It's the corporate culture that can not possibly change and we don't even know whether these GB members are really the ultimate authority or if there are unknown powers behind the throne. After the 2000 shake up the GB is confined to dealing with just the moral aspects they have only moral authority.

  • onacruse

    jgnat, my friend, I'd like to pick up on what you said:

    Anyways, a hardline leadership will just hasten the demise.

    I strongly disagree. I posted something recently in response to Randy Watters (another person who I consider a friend),


    Also, Max Weber's Protestantism and the Spirit of Capitalism plays into many of the posts made above.

    All these things that play out between the GB, and the JW r/f, and the day-to-day and year-to-year changes and yet NOT changes...just a rescript of human life, repeated 60 billion times over.

    One fellow once told me that, in all our lives, we have, individually, and just perhaps, if we're lucky, 5 minutes of actual personal awareness. The rest is just performing the play.

    And so the WTS will continue.



  • knock knock
    knock knock
    if we're lucky, 5 minutes of actual personal awareness. The rest is just performing the play.

    How odd. We get only five minutes of personal awareness and yet fifteen minutes of fame.

    maybe it's just my math is off.

  • Fatfreek

    One opinion was that the GB could be likened to corporate management. While there are similarities, Ray Franz' experience illustrated the bottom line with GB members and others at headquarters with "important" positions. Where can they go if they lost the faith? Nowhere!

    Executives and managers (those with "important" positions) of corporations have their résumés. There always seems to be some firm that will pick them up. They may have to move but that is often paid for.

    "Important" positions at WT headquarters means squat to a résumé in our system and they know it. The few exceptions are those with marketable skills -- attorneys, doctors, nurses, carpenters, etc.

    If they've indeed lost faith in where they are and what they're doing they know the only way out is the same path that Ray took -- and they may not get the $10,000 stipend to boot as he did. No -- they've got a place to rest their head, plenty to eat, medical care.

    They'd better keep dictating the hard line (it's no sweat off their back) and they know what's good for them if they don't.


  • SPAZnik

    So, Jesus' yoke was kindly and his load was light, but not so the WTS.
    Mush brothers, mush. *whip crack*

    This contradiction was a big part of my reasons for leaving.

  • under_believer

    > So, Jesus' yoke was kindly and his load was light, but not so the WTS.

    The funny (sad) part is that the WTS uses that very scripture to try and convince the rank and file that what is being asked of them really isn't that big a deal, that it CAN'T be, because Jesus' load is light, right? So if you don't think it's light, there is something wrong with you. Maybe you're not praying, studying, and answering at meetings enough. Maybe you don't trust Jehovah enough.

  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate
    > So, Jesus' yoke was kindly and his load was light, but not so the WTS.

    The funny (sad) part is that the WTS uses that very scripture to try and convince the rank and file that what is being asked of them really isn't that big a deal, that it CAN'T be, because Jesus' load is light, right? So if you don't think it's light, there is something wrong with you. Maybe you're not praying, studying, and answering at meetings enough. Maybe you don't trust Jehovah enough.

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