Is your computer displaying the correct time?

by JH 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Finally-Free

    Synchronizing with an internet time server won't change the daylight savings time setting in your operating system. You need the patch to do that.

    If that doesn't help, get a legitimate copy of Windows.


  • JH
    To apply daylight saving time changes to your computer, you must install Windows XP Service Pack 2. This will require a restart of your computer.

    I already tried that a few times and it won't do it...... because I probably don't have a legitimate copy of windows...OK, I'll advance it and back it up manually from now on.

    I'm sure that they changed the time in March just to piss me off.......

  • Finally-Free
    I'm sure that they changed the time in March just to piss me off.......

    Blame Bush.

    I guess another solution would be to get a pirated copy of Windows Vista.


  • JH

    When this version,that I have now, will be totally inoperable, I'll get a authentic version of Vista or the next generation windows after that.....

    Did you say pirated Vista version....

  • Undecided

    My computer changed correctly.

    Ken P.

  • carla

    Mine is correct and nobody has used this one in days & days so I don't think anybody here did any updating.

  • Bstndance

    All you poor people with Windows machines!! HAHAHAHA (evil laugh)
    My Mac has the right time. It took hours before my cell phone (t-mobile) decided to catch up. Tomorrow at work there are a million things to change (phone system, time clock, auto door locks) I'm not going to be a happy man tomorrow.

  • jaguarbass

    It's 4:39 here in Florida and that's what my computer say with Windows xp. It seems like every month windows automatically updates my computer and apparently they updatted the time change a while back. I've known about it for at least a month and so have they, apparently.

  • SirNose586

    I'm running on a pirated XP version. I had to set my comp to Arizona time, same with my phone.

  • misanthropic

    I have mine set to UK time, on purpose.

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