
by KCM 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • DJK

    I went thru a period with no freinds and I picked up a tip from someone else. Wear a smile. It made a big difference. Welcome to the board

  • gypsytart

    Hi KCM, sorry you're going through a tough time. It is daunting when you first leave the JWs, I was in the same situation with having to start again with friendships when I left.You will make new friends over time though, and they will be people who don't judge you on the number of meetings you attend or hours you do in the ministry!

    I live in Kent too in the Medway Towns area. Are you anywhere near there?

  • dobbie

    KCM - i live in Taunton, Somerset but don't ask me how far away that is to Weymouth cos i haven't a clue lol!I'm hopeless with geography! Your'e not being a cow at all after what you put up with, i read your other thread, and i'm glad you've found someone so get out there and enjoy yourself! If you need to feel free to pm me whenever ok?

    DJK thats really good advice, i know when i'm nervous i tend to do this sort of half smile half grimace sort of thing, and thenn i wonder why people don't smile back lol!They must be looking at me thinking i'm in some sort of pain or something!Scares them off straight away!

  • nvrgnbk

    Hello KCM,


    A little known fact: the elders are directed as per a letter from CCJWs to never tell a publisher if they have grounds or not for a divorce. This is somewhat recent and for legal reasons. Apparently some elders told the wife of an abusive husband that she did not have grounds for a divorce and in the end she was murdered by him.

  • purplesofa
    ...I had wire pulled from my leg and iodine applied because we didn't use the doctor unless it was considered life or death. People held off going to the doctor as long as they could and in a lot of cases,

    seems they only have NEW LIGHT when it involves something legal.


    Welcome to the board.


  • KCM

    OMG nvrgnbk, that's awful - I'm glad I got divorced. Who knows what's around the next corner, rather out now then when i'm six feet under! Thanks for that posting, made me feel better about my decision.

    Dobbie - Hmmm, Yaunon, I'll find out how far that is. I don't have a car right now, but if it's not that far, we could meet half way or something!

    I like that - wear a smile!! It's good advice, i think i look miserable most of the time so will make more of an effort to change that!! :o)

  • dobbie

    How often do you come down this way or is this your first visit? Would be good to meet up if it can be arranged - as long as you don't mind two young kids in tow!

  • KCM

    I come down every three weeks roughly. Course I don't mind the kids in tow.....a lolly pop should sort them out??!!! ;o)

    In the summer we could take them to the beach...I'm a big kid and would love any excuse to build x

  • dobbie

    i could go for a paddle!I haven't done that for years - our nearest beach is Watchet, you have to be REALLY brave to paddle in that water!lol

    Let me know if you want my email address if you want it ok?I'm still trying to set up MSN so far not good! Debbiex

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear KCM,

    WELCOME to the forum!! I am sorry you are going through such a rough time. Stick around here and I promise you will make hundreds of new friends!!


    Lady Liberty

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