My husbands observation...

by megsmomma 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • megsmomma

    We were just discussing the whole thing about how ONLY those JW's that live through the big A will be able to still be sexual beings and pro-create.

    He said that the society is useing our most natural desires to scare everyone into staying in the org and hoping, above all else to live through the big "A".

    And I was saying to him that if I still believed what they taught, I would kill him and my baby to save them. And....I wouldn't have to be jealous of him getting re-married or having sex!! Haha!

    Do the JW's concider what they are taught AT ALL??? (I know I didn't when I was in it)

    Edited to Add: He was like..."Yea, thanks alot babe....So I get to clean up all that crap.....Reeeaaallllly nice...."

  • found-my-way

    And I was saying to him that if I still believed what they taught, I would kill him and my baby to save them. And....I wouldn't have to be jealous of him getting re-married or having sex!! Haha!

    Do the JW's concider what they are taught AT ALL???


    the saddest thing is that some have thought those exact thoughts, and actually killed their family so that they could be ressurected

    thank god that the wacko psycho JW's....are few.

  • Zico

    This isn't such a bad rule. If you died before Armageddon, would you really want your clone to come back and be able to enjoy your husband for all eternity?

  • BFD

    This is freaky. The other night I was talking with my sister about the letter I am sending to our mom who shuns us to try and get through to her. My sister said something to the effect that she does not want mom back in her life because she would be afraid for her children. I asked, how so? And she relpied that she would not put it past her (mom) to kill the kids so she could get them back at the resurrection.

    I told her that murderers wouldn't survive the big A so the point is moot. But I could be wrong because I used logic.

    Whats up with that?


  • megsmomma

    As much as it seems kind of humorous to us who know better.....I wouldn't put it past many of the JW's to kill the people they love....especially as they feel more and more desperate. I would NEVER leave my baby alone with my mother (Which there is no chance of anyhow...she won't ever talk to me....GOOD)

  • megsmomma

    Sounds like a real paradise to me.....huh Buddy?

    The craziest thing about being a witless is that YOU don't even realize what you are taught untill you get out and see it for what it is....get those crazy glasses off you!

  • under_believer

    >the saddest thing is that some have thought those exact thoughts, and actually killed their family so that they could be ressurected

    Like who?

  • done4good

    thank god that the wacko psycho JW's....are few.

    You sure about that???

  • lonelysheep
    He said that the society is useing our most natural desires to scare everyone into staying in the org and hoping, above all else to live through the big "A".

    Yeah, it is a shame.

  • megsmomma

    For under_believer...

    Look at and look on the bottom right side of topics...Look at the "in the news" area to see some stories of murder and suicide.

    There are other stories I have seen....but that is where I knew to find some.

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