by badboy 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • BFD


  • BFD

    Me, I go to the catholic church every now and again only for the reason that that is where I was baptised the first time. I like the way it smells there.


  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate

    information regarding elfers and their religion:

    Elune is the major deity worshipped by the night elves. She is associated with the larger of Azeroth's two moons, the White Lady, and is the biological mother of Cenarius. In Tauren mythology, She is known as Mu'sha, and is the left eye of the Earthmother.

    Formal worship of Elune dates back about 14,000 years, before the rise of Azshara and the Highborne, though She was certainly worshipped long before that, probably by the most primitive of Kaldorei. Her original cult center was near Zin-Azshari, but the Sisters of Elune moved the temple to Suramar when it was clear Azshara cared more for the luxury of herself and the Highborne than anyone else. After Suramar fell, Elune was the main source of hope for the millions of refugees fleeing the Burning Legion. Elune's worship was essentially universal (no cult centers) for the Night Elves in the ten thousand years between the War of the Ancients and the Third War (the Long Vigil). The center of her worship is now the Temple of the Moon in Darnassus. Tyrande Whisperwind is her High Priestess, but many Priestesses, and for the first time, male priests, are found throughout the world, ready to heal war-weary Azeroth with her light.



    BA- Who knew?

  • nvrgnbk

    Bro. A,

    You kill me!


    P.S.-I'm an ex-elder and I've "defected" to the Church of Reality(check out the website, it's a riot)

  • moomanchu

    Me, I go to the catholic church every now and again only for the reason that that is where I was baptised the first time. I like the way it smells there.

    Alright I'll bite.

    What does it smell like?

  • Confession
    I was an Elder and subsequently left and started going to other churches.

    Ah yes. Little Toe would be an example.

    Certainly didn't feel like I was being judgmental, LT. Wouldn't you agree though that most JW elders (and JWs in general) do not soon begin attending other churches? I understand you did, and congratulations for that.

  • agapa37

    I was an Elder and subsequently left and started going to other churches. Does that make me a "defector" any more than someone who left and didn't go??

    Yes little toe it does. According to dictionary definition. Defector- "a person who defects from a cause, country, alliance, a person who abandons their duty " You as well as anyone else has the right (FREE WILL) to do as they please. Jehovah doesn't FORCE anyone to love him!

  • Confession
    Yes little toe it does. According to dictionary definition. Defector- "a person who defects from a cause, country, alliance, a person who abandons their duty " You as well as anyone else has the right (FREE WILL) to do as they please. Jehovah doesn't FORCE anyone to love him!

    Yes, I suppose you're right, Agapa. In one sense Little Toe did defect. From false Christian human worship to actual Christianity.

    But, having read a number of his posts over the years, in another sense there was no defection. He has, even from his JW days, had a deep love for God. So in his moving his association from one human group to another, this did not mean he defected from one God to another. I'm sure that it did however improve his relationship with God.

    How would you put it, LT?

  • agapa37


    I must disagree with your statement: So in his moving his association from one human group to another, this did not mean he defected from one God to another.

    It is a fact that most Religions worship Jesus as God. The JWS do not. So most likely the Church he defected to does not worship Jehovah as God like he once did.

  • nvrgnbk

    Hello agapa,

    Please don't misunderstand me for in the not too distant past, should I have chosen to disobediently post comments on a clearly apostate site in an attempt to save them I may have made a comment like this one as well:


    I must disagree with your statement: So in his moving his association from one human group to another, this did not mean he defected from one God to another.

    It is a fact that most Religions worship Jesus as God. The JWS do not. So most likely the Church he defected to does not worship Jehovah as God like he once did.

    But now that I enjoy the freedom to express myself freely, thus avoiding continued psychological damage, I would like to direct your attention to a point that you perhaps already are aware of. As much as you have grown to love the name Jehovah, due to the power of suggestion, all scholarship(including that of the WTBTS) admits that it is a hybrid fabrication. To question the validity of a personal relationship with God that another individual claims to enjoy on the basis of that is the height of arrogance.

    Respectfully submitted,


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