BASIC thinking....a TEST of how rational we are.

by Terry 72 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • SPAZnik

    proplog -
    that post was a powerful gift.
    thank you.

  • Terry

    Terry, I would say you are a Justice/Wisdom/Power/Feeling person.

    I am a Wisdom/Love/Justice/Power person

    What do YOU think YOU are?


  • Terry

    Have I learned anything in the last 7 or 8 years from such Topic flame wars as this one? Yes!

    Going back and reading this entire set of interactions I discovered some important things!

    First: The hardest thing for me do is NOT sound like a preachy know-it-all when discussing philosophical, scientific or data-specific subjects.

    People DO bristle. People WILL argue.

    Second: As more and more people join a thread to add their disapproval to controversy, it becomes overwhelming WORK to reply!

    Three: The tedious nature of philisophical arguments is due to the use of WORDS to describe things on several levels of existence/non-existence.

    Four: You can't win these arguments, but you can lose them without doing much more than replying.

    If I had to it all over again, I would completely simplify my opening paragraph. I'd stick with one point per discussion. Too many points lead to

    too many arguments.

    Incidentally, how did we send spacecraft to Mars and turn lose a little rover robot if there is no distinction to be made in the human mind

    between concepts, labels and imagination?

    I still think people will argue the silliest nonsense just to be contrary!

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