Internet warning

by mouthy 36 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • greendawn

    No doubt the information age is not favourable to crooks like the GB of the JWs because it exposes all the lies they use to keep their victims enslaved. That's why they manipulate their members away from it.

  • riverofdeceit

    This one popped out at me

    6. Would you invite a stranger into your home without first finding out who he is? What if there was no way to find out? Would you allow such a stranger to be alone with your children? Like certain JW's for instance? They will allow confessed pedophiles to knock on your door. Thankfully, the internet can help you avoid such a pitfall.

    OK, I added the stuff in italics.

  • Gerard

    I CAN"T BELIEVE they wrote this!!!!:

    "When wisdom enters into your heart and knowledge itself becomes pleasant to your very soul, thinking ability itself will keep guard over you, discernment itself will safeguard you from what?
  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    I found that to be quite interesting. Especially this one

    Our official site ( presents accurate information for any who want it"

    go to their site and see what their veiws on propaganda are.

  • Gill

    Even back in 1997, the WTBTS knew that the Internet would sound its death knell.

    Perhaps the present generation of 40 - 50 year old JWs with little education and the older ones will never use the Internet if they can help it, BUT, the younger ones will and one day......they ALL stumble across sites that reveal the WTBTS to be what it is.

    Twenty years and the WTBTS will be just a shadow of itself with only the older members and the misfits and malcontents, who want to believe that every one else is bad and only they themselves are good.....for woshipping a book publishing company that claims to be God's only mounth piece on earth.

    Murder of the WTBTS by the Internet? No! Justifiable Homicide!

  • Jeffro

    It annoys me that sites like that, rather than simply expose the facts, seek to make things seem as bad as possible, with false statements such as the following:

    "# Witnesses forbidden to surf the Internet at any website unless Headquarters specifically endorses it!"

    That piece of drivel isn't actually true. They are told not to look at 'immoral' stuff like porn, or 'apostate' stuff, however there is no rule at all about them not being allowed to look at any website that they to not specifically endorse. As bad as it is that the JW leadership discourages sincere investigation of their beliefs, it is unnecessary and counter-productive to make allegations that JWs are not allowed to use the Internet in a general way.

  • Stealth453

    The internet is the thing that will destroy them.

    Thank doG for the internet.

  • AuldSoul
    When we go to the Kingdom Hall, there is no question that we are with our brothers. We know them. No one requires authentication of this because the brotherly love manifested make it obvious. We are not personally required to provide credentials to prove that we are one of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Um ... so there are no Publisher's Record Cards held by the congregation elders that state the date of baptism? When we move to a new location all we have to do is show up at the local Kingdom Hall, we don't have to make sure our credentials of proof move with us?

    News to me. This is an outright lie; deceitful at the same time. The writer of this article knew damned well that there are credentials of proof.

    In fact, the monthly Field Service Report is another credential. If it isn't turned in regularly one becomes a different class of JW. If it isn't turned in for 6 months, one becomes yet another class of JW.

    There are certainly credentials of proof. Without them anyone claiming to be a JW in good standing will be regarded suspiciously.


  • Gill

    'I do not Surf the Net, except if I really Have to!' is a badge of honour worn by many a JW.

    I have heard this spouted by relatives many a time.

    To me it sounds like ' I never read a book or go to the Library unless I really have to"!

    Though to them, in their own company it sounds like a boast, in fact it is just a sign of weak minded stupidity and slavery!

  • Handsome Dan
    Handsome Dan

    The inter-net with all the information of the WTS. exposes them as a lying corrupt organization that it is, I'm hoping it chops these power sluts right at the knees,

    maybe it might even bring down their powerful kingdom after all but I doubt it.

    To show how corrupt a group of people they are back in the late eighties they denounced and cautioned the use of computers, they actually quoted a scripture saying that he thats creates a

    tower for himself does so without gods approval. Then after a few years guess who has their own web site up selling and marketing their publications, obvious hypocrisy is it not.

    That had to be the most stupid and ignorant thing I've ever read in a Awake magazine to date, and I was born and raised a jw.

    Old ignorant uneducated men with the power of God in their hands is never a good thing for humanity and never will be.

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