If Christ the Mediater Only For the Annoited

by lighthouse19something 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • lighthouse19something

    If Jeseus is only the mediater for the 144,000, and wts now says the 'system' may outlast the remenent, then the earth would be without a mediater between man and God?

  • sspo

    You got it right

  • Stealth453


  • choosing life
    choosing life

    If Jesus can be a mediator feom heaven, then why can't the 144,00? Not that I believe they are mediators. I just think they could easily spin it this way.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    To answer the question in your topic subject, "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son......" The world IMO would include all living humans on earth. Even the criminal hanging beside Jesus was included in the promise, "You will be with me in paradise."


  • Honesty
    If Jesus can be a mediator feom heaven, then why can't the 144,00? Not that I believe they are mediators. I just think they could easily spin it this way.

    They got off to a good start on this "NEW LIGHT" in paragraph 11 of last week's Wacktower Study.

  • Q. Bert
    Q. Bert

    1 Timothy 2:5 TNIV [http://www.ibs.org/niv/passagesearch.php?passage_request=1timothy+2%3A5&tniv=yes]
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    < 1 Timothy 1View this Chapter1 Timothy 3 >

    5 For there is one God and one mediator between God and human beings, Christ Jesus, himself human,

    It seems straightforward enough to me.

  • zack

    Yes. The 144000 symbolic bride of the symbolic lamb standing upon the symbolic Mt. Zion along with the 24 symbolic elders from the symbolic vision of Jesus Christ

    given to John of Patmos. Yes. That's right.

  • greendawn

    Biblically there are no anointed and non anointed that's a crude doctrinal error produced by the FDS, all people are either christian and anointed or non christian and non anointed. Likewise there is only one mediator between men and God, that is Christ.

  • Q. Bert
    Q. Bert
    Biblically there are no anointed and non anointed that's a crude doctrinal error produced by the FDS, all people are either christian and anointed or non christian and non anointed. Likewise there is only one mediator between men and God, that is Christ.

    I read in my Bible every day. I read of Kings and Priests being anointed, and others too. The others in the Bible must not have been. I've been a Christian all my life. Nobody anointed me with holy water, or fire of holy spirit. How do you figure that I'm anointed anyway? Also, if I were a woman or boy or girl, I'd not be a man. In that case, who would my mediator be, according to you?

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