by badboy 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • mcsemike


    He described fornication?? I wonder why the man/woman got different punishments. Did she make more noise? I have met hundreds of elders and maybe out of all that amount, about 50 DON'T need therapy. The rest need 1,000 years of psychological help. Wait, maybe that fits. I've heard that number before.......

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    He described fornication?? I wonder why the man/woman got different punishments. Did she make more noise? I have met hundreds of elders and maybe out of all that amount, about 50 DON'T need therapy. The rest need 1,000 years of psychological help. Wait, maybe that fits. I've heard that number before.......

    mcsemike, yes, but only extremely sarcastic and snide remarks about what it must have smelled, sounded and tasted like in the PO's opinion. I'm thinking the young bro was probably a MS and the good ol' boys preferred that he keep his position, because they could use him. Of course, they could use the sis, too......as a baaaaaad example. I'm truly sorry that the WTS brain-washing was still so deeply imbedded in my mind that I didn't get up in the middle of that talk and moon the SOB and hug that girl in front of the whole cong.


  • HockeyMullet

    There was an elder named morris in my old congo that in one night managed to state in his ms parts that in case any of the jovies has car issues and is stranded (cold northern mn) that you could drink the water/fluid in the radiator and/or windshield wiper fluid THEN proclaimed (in another part) that we wouldn't want to have out of marriage relationships because it would createbastards and god doesn't want bastards in his org. He also was always telling my buddies mom that since there's so many black brothers in other countries that when her worldly husband dies in the big A she'll have to marry one in the new system. He sure was a charmer. He was also the one that slowly drove by my mother with a shit eating grin after she was in a pretty bad car accident with my 6 month old niece after she DA'd.

  • restrangled

    Here are the ones I remember:

    One had a great sense of humor and the ability to give great talks, but he and his wife sold vitamins and herbs on the side....so kind of wacked out in that area, very young and full of himself.

    There was a real jerk who had a daughter at 10 years old that weighed in at well over 150 pounds, she was extremely obese and just got larger through the years. His wife was a like a mouse barely ever opening her mouth and always shaking.

    Then we had the newbie out of Bethal at 20...a real jerk, who got married and promptly had a red haired kid who screamed and misbehaved from the day he was born! (just desserts as far as I was concerned)

    There was another who was always blinking as if he could barely stay awake. Had three kids in my age group. Seemed to always be petting is oldest daughter after the meetings. My parents even remarked on it. Turns out he wound up having an affair with some woman studying across the street from him...hidden for many years.

    Theres more, but more than I want to recall at this point.


  • loosie
    Never mind a slap, Frannie...you should've given him the knee! 3 times for emphasis, too!
    I wonder what that would have smelled like!! LOLOL

    I think 3 knees to the groin would probably smell like burnt baloney..lol

  • loosie

    I knew one... who was a nice guy...or at least I never had any run ins with him.

    He was 30, his wife was late 60's and he would VACCUUMM the leaves from his front lawn and trim the grass with scissors. and they had way toomany cats fro normal people...liked 40 some odd cats.

    and he is on the hospital liasion comittee

  • Save My Soul
    Save My Soul

    Pac-Man had ghost so it was demonized. Dream girls had gross immorality. Jah's clean people would not do either. Many gods in some congregations are on power trips.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    I knew one... who was a nice guy...or at least I never had any run ins with him.

    He was 30, his wife was late 60's and he would VACCUUMM the leaves from his front lawn and trim the grass with scissors. and they had way toomany cats fro normal people...liked 40 some odd cats.

    and he is on the hospital liasion comittee

    Well, thank gawd he wasn't "Nurse Ratchett" when I was in the hospital. He sounds totally weird, Loosie! LOL!

  • mcsemike

    To HockeyMullet:

    I live in FL so we don't worry about antifreeze or wiper fluid like you do. But I'm sure antifreeze is deadly, my wife is an RN. That stuff will kill you slowly and painfully. I don't think wiper fluid is any bargain either. What an idiot. Just more great "medical" advice.

    Bastards in God's organization?? Well, now, let's see. We have the entire GB, most elders at Bethel, the entire legal department is a bunch of weasels, and most elders in the world are bastards or almost qualify. (There are exceptions, but they won't last long. The WT doesn't like Christians to become elders. It ruins their agenda.)

    As for marriage, the WT hasn't a clue as to who will marry who or when or what race. What a jerkoff. Maybe this clown will be killed and no one will have to suffer being married to HIM.

    Oh, and the final thing about the accident. I've never seen a religion with people (I hate using that word, they barely qualify) that are so happy when "the enemy" (former members, etc.) suffer ill fortune. If a DF'd or DA'd person dies, gets sick, has a child die, loses their job, whatever, there they are just smiling away as if to say, "See, Jehovah took care of them good. We STILL have the truth."

    I have news for all you JW's. You do NOT have the truth. You never did. Most of you might mean well, but you are, as a group, mentally ill. They should ship all of you to an island and see how well you do. You have no Christian love for anyone or anything. If a DF'd person's DOG got hit by a car, I'm sure you would rejoice over its pain and suffering. You make Adolph Hitler look like Mother Theresa. You should all be ashamed of yourselves. An ANIMAL has more compassion than you do.

    You think it's cute to smirk when others suffer?? Did Jesus teach that? What about "love your enemies"? Ex-JW's are NOT your enemies, nor should they be. They are decent people who saw through the lies of the WT and are trying to help you not waste your lives. The Good Samaritan did NOT believe the Mosaic Law, only the first five books. Technically, they were "apostates" to the Jews. Yet Jesus spoke well of that person because they helped someone in need. He didn't laugh at the victim (probably a Jew) but helped him. That's like an "apostate" stopping to help a JW who has a flat tire after other JW's drove past him because it was raining. Talk about hypocrisy.

    You JW's all have "goat gloat". Everyone who doesn't get baptized the second they hear your message is a "goat". You gloat over their coming deaths. What would happen if God killed all JW's for "lack of mercy"?

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    You JW's all have "goat gloat". Everyone who doesn't get baptized the second they hear your message is a "goat". You gloat over their coming deaths. What would happen if God killed all JW's for "lack of mercy"?

    Coooooooeeeeeeeee, mcsemike! You da' MAN, chere! Every one of your "bombs" hit da nail on da head, but I just copied the last one to save on Simon's bandwidth.


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