Global Warming Hysteria

by metatron 262 Replies latest jw friends

  • Abaddon

    Wow... I have to say I'd more or less given up on this thread, but given recent posts that would be unfair.

    To be frank Frank, I wish some of your first posts had been the quality of your last few. I hope you can see the difference yourself and take this as a compliment, not a go at you. You must see that the latest posts, unlike the one I reacted too, show you're not just reguritating what were some very dodgy factoids (although we may still differ there). I think we'd of had a very different discussion starting like this. Sorry to have chewed yout out.

    However, I am having a pleasent evening with my daughter (fiance at hen-night) and have just cooked dinner and intend to kick-back. I will give the reply your posts deserve soon.

  • Frank75

    Sorry, here is the 3,000,000 year graph.


    Oh and I have just about had it with the f%$&'ing ERROR message each and every time I post, which has lost me many a rant to the cyber void.

    No longer use Word since you're suggestions early on, I just edit inside the window and still find I need to post with Firefox and then edit with IE7 until it sits right or for some unknown reason it won't let me edit anymore.


  • SixofNine

    Frank, try a FireFox extension called Xinha Here!

    It will open with a right click as an editing window for discussion board and other reply forms.

  • 5go
  • Frank75

    $200,000 research grant produces Irrefutable evidence of global warming!


    I just had a chance to read your post you made after being encouraged to look at the IPCC report yourself

    You show by reasoning on the language used in the report that we are dealing with an essentially political document designed to meet the protocols of diplomacy but presented as a scientific brief. As the point you extracted about the "reduction of damage caused by climate change" and rightly point out as asinine.

    I think that we as a society will continue to stumble forward and make mistakes along the way as we have throughout our history regardless of what happens to the climate. Hopefully our collective consciences and influence on our political structure will minimize the mistakes, The truth is that we really have no map for the future but only a past with which to draw our lessons from. Even with that knowledge our societies power structure in the hands of politicians and policy makers is no match for the power of nature. Science which is in its infancy compared to politics, is supposed to have a different protocol. Taken from my name sake, that protocol should always be frankness/pragmatism in addition to questioning, challenging, progressiveness and exploration into the unknown. Our history would show that this is the opposite of what politics is and does.

    My hope is that as science advances and grows that it stays true to the process above and those by which science has been defined as, but that it never matures into what politics has become.

    Some scientists who are just people after all have allowed fear to enter into the process, at least in this instance to expedite some of their concerns.

    If the IPCC report represents the future of science and politics in some marriage of convenience then there will be a tragic end to what has distinguished the scientific community, namely objective research and a search for the truth.

    Winston Churchill once said, "I have always felt that a politician is to be judged by the animosities he excites among his opponents."

    I would say that the debate before us has resembled the ugly head of politics in almost every respect. "If it quacks like a duck...."

    The present challenge may not be GW at all but to pure science and the pursuit of truth as science lowers itself to the protocols of politics.


  • hillary_step


    I would say that the debate before us has resembled the ugly head of politics in almost every respect. "If it quacks like a duck...."

    I think that statement is a tad dramatic. This thread has actually been quite well served given the passions on both sides of the camp. I think that perhaps people who argue politics and disputed science should grow thicker skins or perhaps stay away from such threads.

    What turned this thread on its head for a little while was a string of unprovoked ad hominem attacks toward Gyles by one particular poster, and frankly those on both sides of the camp quickly reached consensus that this particular poster is an opportunistic intellectual scavenger, feeding on the researched crumbs dropped by his betters, and the thread survived.

    Gyles and I, are a product of the European education system, especially the University system, which injects healthy doses of cynicism in its products and which unlike the US system has little respect or time for larger than life characters. Where others see political heroes and Yankee soundbytes, we just see plastic teeth and pin-striped hemorrhoids. This may account for our thicker skins and more pointed style, even when we challenge each other.


  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate

    I'd have to say that the lack of evidence for the cause of Global Warming being caused by humans, any other than a small fraction, as proved by this thread, is indisputable.

    Time will prove

    beyond the shadow of any doubt that the likes of gyles and her cheerleader hilary are shamelessly adopting "the sky is falling" beliefs of the sound bite swallowing crowd, while those rational minds still amongst us actually research this topic, and see how many are lead astray.

    Please note that this is a thread that will be brought back up (by myself and many others) to the shame of the morons who think humans are causing the majority of Global Warming.

    BA- No hope for morons.

    PS- Having a blast, expect it. No clues, OK?

  • hillary_step


    BA- No hope for morons.

    Please do not give up on yourself that easily. I am sure that given time, a little self-analysis and a lot of drugs you might get to work the shiny elevator buttons and make some contribution at least to the community that is sheltering you.

    I say this because even at this stage you have not been able to assess that Gyles and I are actually in the opposite camps on this issue, though you have moved from your original position of thinking that he and I are the same person.

    lol...what a phoney.


  • Frank75

    HS said

    I think that statement is a tad dramatic. This thread has actually been quite well served given the passions on both sides of the camp. I think that perhaps people who argue politics and disputed science should grow thicker skins or perhaps stay away from such threads.

    Perhaps you misunderstood the context of what I said as nowhere do I ever mention this thread. I was talking about the societal politics with regard to the scientific community as it related to Qcmbr's post about the IPCC report and this issue. What is going on in the debate (in general between the scientists not by us on this thread) or lack of it, over GW is why we are even having this discussion.

    Gyles and I, are a product of the European education system, especially the University system, which injects healthy doses of cynicism in its products and which unlike the US system has little respect or time for larger than life characters. Where others see political heroes and Yankee soundbytes, we just see plastic teeth and pin-striped hemorrhoids. This may account for our thicker skins and more pointed style, even when we challenge each other.

    People are people regardless of their education as we can see by the name calling and ad hominem attacks going on between the scientists on both sides of the pond. There is no doubt in my mind that as the political world invades every aspect of our society including our hallowed places of academia, the truth is becoming harder and harder to find. How can Scientists who derive their livelihood even if just through University professorship by the donations of wealthy citizens and corporations, tuition, and government funding for their research retain their objectivity?

    Like the gods of the ancients had an affect on the societies they touched, we tend to imitate or at least get swayed by their modern counterparts today. Larger than life characters exist in Europe too, and most of the time they do not know what they are talking about either. Just look at the McCartney's! What they are doing to one another is far more cruel than anything that could be done to a seal with a club!


  • 5go

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