Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses??? huh?

by cultswatter 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • diamondblue1974

    Its just another example of the so called charity behaving like a global conglomerate; they section off operating divisions into subsidiary companies in order to minimise risk and manage different cost centres - wish they would just be honest about it instead of flowering it up like its some great divine organisation. Its taking care of business, nothing more!


  • tongue100


    Its just another example of the so called charity behaving like a global conglomerate; they section off operating divisions into subsidiary companies in order to minimise risk and manage different cost centres - wish they would just be honest about it instead of flowering it up like its some great divine organisation. Its taking care of business, nothing more!


    So sad. Just goes to show how wrapped up all the JWs are in this stuff. Victims if you ask me.

    Blindly free will or independant thinking. Makes me so sad.

  • willyloman

    What mary said.

  • zack

    I've had this conversaiton with my friends and with my wife and they all consider themselves Christians. What they

    fail to see is that their rulers don't see them that way. When I ask them how they could be Christians and not want

    to be with Christ, their answer invariably is: I don't want to go to heaven!!! No, they don't. They want the fantasy of the WTS which

    is anti-Christ and only puts the Christian in their latest corporation for the reasons stated by Mary and others. They are incapable of

    telling even one truth.

  • greendawn

    I am with what undercover argued, the non anointed JWs can not be Christians because they do not participate in the New Covenent and can not receive the Spirit of adoption. The question then is "what are they if not Christian?" and that only god knows. They are a no status lot suspended in mid air, that is the predictment of virtually all JWs.

    As for the anointed being Christian that is also very debatable since they refuse to aknowledge Jesus as Lord of the entire world and instead regress to the jehovah centred world of the Jews. The fact that God gave him the earth and everything in it as an inheritance has completely gone over their head.

    If you want to know what the jws really are at heart then just add an "e" to their name.

  • nvrgnbk

    Yes, as Mary stated, Teodoro Jaracz is behind it. He quite possibly (JW lingo for I have no facts to support this but just want to throw it out there) owns 51% of the stock.

  • cultswatter

    This raises a serious question. Which corporation did Jehover choose?? Was it the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses or the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society?. Many Watchtower articles most definitely state that the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society is the only channel of communication between God and men. If this is so then the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses is not chosen by Jehover so it must be an imposter corporation

    ( Why would God choose a fricken corporation anyway?)

  • nvrgnbk


    Maybe he's got multiple personalities?

  • ithinkisee

    All the JW-owned Convention Sites are now called "Christian Convention Centers".

    It works the same way with Mormons. They want people to believe they are Christian so they call themselves:

    Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter Day Saints.

    It's all in the marketing.


  • Jeffro

    None of the statements in the article quoted preclude non-anointed members from being regarded as Christians.

    • The Christian congregation of anointed ones is sacred in Jehovah's eyes.
    • This means that only the anointed are 'sacred', not that only the anointed are Christians.
    • Paul further wrote to anointed Christians
    • This statement would be redundant if only the 'anointed' are regarded as Christians.
    • anointed members of the Christian congregation and their companions
    • This indicates that the companions are not 'anointed', not that they are not Christians.
    See also Watchtower 1 March, 2005, page 18:
    *** w05 3/1 p. 18 par. 9 Wise Guidance for Married Couples ***

    Whether of the anointed or of the other sheep, all Christians serve Jehovah together as “one flock” under “one shepherd.”

    There are many other instances where this explicitly stated.

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